Friday, July 31, 2015

Wondering (confused) (hi)

Good Morning, my Darling,

I am just waking up and checking FB, and I see the one post by you, via the Dalai Lama. That one doesn't sound very good. Is everything okay? I have thought you were busy the last couple of days, perhaps on an outing, but if you are upset about something, please let me know.

I hope things are alright at home. At any rate, you obviously wanted me to see that post, and it's upsetting, so please clarify if you get the chance. I'll be here for the next couple hours at least.

I Love You.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

9:50pm : Hi Elizabeth. I just wanted to check in a little earlier than usual. I hope you've been having a nice Friday evening. I've just been hanging out, enjoying my last day off. I was wondering about this morning's post, as I said earlier, and then a while ago, earlier in the evening I saw you post via your friend Tristan. I know you are a Star Wars fan, so maybe it's just an ordinary "like" post, but if not, I don't understand it. One line concerned me at the very end : "I hate you". That is something I don't even wanna type, and I am sure is has nothing to do with whatever message you were trying to convey (if there was a message), but I suppose I only even noticed it in this context because of your earlier post this morning about feeling anger.

I guess I am pretty confused at this point. First, you didn't post for a couple of days, and I thought you were on a short trip or vacation. Then, you finally did post, but it was about feeling anger. Then when I asked for clarification (if you read this same blog earlier this morning), you posted something mentioning Star Wars, but with that one line at the end which relates to feeling angry.

I say again that I hope everything is alright, and if it's not, please tell me.

I am gonna finish the rest of my walk in a few minutes, but will be around after 11pm, and then I will be up until 2 or 2:30 because I have one final sleep in tomorrow morning.

So if you feel like posting, I'll be here. I Love You and I'm thinking about you.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:35am : Hi Elizabeth. I am just trying again, even though you are probably asleep. I guess you are upset about something; unfortunately, I have no way of knowing what it is. We've been down this road before, so you know that communication is the key. I am trying to communicate, several times today, but if you don't want to communicate in return, then there's no way I can know what the problem is.

Tonight is my last night off, so I'll be up for a little while, on the off chance that you are awake and feel like responding. I know, though, that it's not always possible to instantly find a post that matches what you are trying to convey. Tomorrow I will be awake at about the usual sleep-in time, 10 to 10:30am. Then I will be around most of the day at home til 4:15. Then I go back to work, and tomorrow night I will again be at the Rush concert and won't be back to Pearl's til about 1am, and then Sunday morning I am right back at church and the return of choir practice and all of that.

Anyway, for now I will be awake til about 2 or 2:30. Just trying to communicate, as always in these situations.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Back From The Rush Concert (music as anti-aging time warp)

Hi, Sweet Baby,

I am back from the Rush concert. I know you are asleep but I wanted to check in anyway, since I've been gone all day long. I wanna get situated here, because I literally just walked in the door, so I just wanna have a little something to eat real quick and then I will write more, in about 10 or 15 minutes. The concert was incredible, but I am reasonably sure I will never go down to Irvine again for a show. Grimsley and I left at 3:30 sharp. And do you know what time we got parked in the Irvine Meadows parking lot? 7:10pm.

Yep. That's 3 hours and 40 minutes for a 65 mile trip. Not sure of the exact math, but I think you are looking at an average speed of 17mph. The traffic was horrendous on the 405 freeway, pretty much bumper-to-bumper the whole way there, with a few short breaks.

So, fantastic show/no more trips to Irvine. Back in a few minutes with more. Hope you had a great day!

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

1:45am : I am back. Anyway, the concert itself was incredible. The show was exactly 3 hours long, with a 15 minute intermission, so 2:45 of straight music, and it was pretty mindboggling to see three guys in their 60s pull off something of this magnitude. Rush has been doing 3 hour shows (with no opening act) for a while now, the last 10 or 15 years, but this time - perhaps because is it said to be their last major tour - they pulled out a lot of the early adventurous stuff that they hadn't played in years.

Just one great song after another. I was remarking to Grimsley on the drive home that we are witnessing some of our favorite bands near the Finish LIne. With Rush, it's such a mindblower, because in my case, they've been not just part of my life, but a major part (because music is so important to me) since 1976. That is the year I found out about Rush, two years after their first album came out. I first saw them live in 1978, as I said yesterday. So it's a trip to see them, almost two generations later, and they are still putting on a concert at a mind-boggling level, with all that music and all those songs.

It's also a trip to watch a band, over a great many years, and to listen to them on record and to see them live over that time period, and to notice the difference.

Rush on record has gone through some stylistic changes, but live, they have always been a hard, hard rock band. It's like they are in their own world up there on stage, for all these years. No matter how many years go by, or how the world changes (or doesn't), a band like Rush has just stayed in their world, touring and making records for 41 years, but onstage they might as well be in their 20s, such is their energy and attitude.

It's like time stops, in a way, for bands that continued to record and tour for all these years.

They are the same 21 year olds, on the inside, who formed the band in the first place, and you can see it now, as they near the finish line in their 60s.

It's really weird, and neat!, for the fans, because it's like when you are at a Rush concert, it is it's own world. And you the fan become part of that world, and so time stops for you, too.

The whole rock and roll thing is weird, because it was built by youth, with a focus on youth, and yet some of it's most famous practitioners are in their 60s and 70s. These bands, like Rush, say they won't be doing it much longer.

But that's something none of us fans have ever considered before, or have even had to consider.

Won't be doing it anymore? Won't be touring? What about making records?

None of it makes any sense.

Because it's like a new frontier has been crossed. When you see a show like we saw tonight, 2 hours and 45 minutes of music it would be hard pressed of anybody to pull off, let alone a group of 62 year olds, you've gotta wonder what the potential is, for human beings in the future, for things like longevity, creativity, and just the aging process in general.

Now, the guys in Rush look their age. The force of gravity is hard to defeat.

But in every other way it's like being in a Time Warp, and as we have seen, time is a very strange thing.

Well, Sweet Baby, that's all I know for tonight. I have two more sleep-ins coming, so I will use one of them tomorrow morn, and will see you about 10:30am, or so.

You are already long asleep, and so I send you Sweet Dreams in progress......  :)

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Night Person

Hi, my Darling,

Happy Super Late Night once again. I saw your post this morning, of a person way up high on a rock cliff in Norway, and because you have been away for the last couple days (except for that one post), I am gonna guess that you yourself are perhaps on an outing of some sort. Maybe to a state park? Road trip with Mom and Bro, as in Summers past? A trip with friends?

Gotta be something like that.  :)

I hope you are doing something fun, anyway. For me, Day 3 of my six days off was pretty similar to the other two, and most of all to yesterday. I woke up late, at 10:30 yet again. I am finding that I really am a night person. I mean, I'm totally a day person, of course. Obviously I love the daytime because......well, I don't need to list all the reasons. It's enough to say I love the outdoors and the sunshine. Besides, a true Night Person is like a Vampire. Those types avoid the sun and generally stay indoors until late afternoon or evening. But I am a night person in that I love the quiet and the serenity of the night, and I find myself staying up later than usual, til 2:30 or 3am sometimes. Only when I have days off, though, so that I can sleep in. So, I guess Adam Hours have modified a bit in the last few years, and if I were left up to my own devices, my hours would be apprx. 10:30 am til 2:30 or 3am.

Where was I? Oh yeah. So I woke up at 10:30, watched yet another Mummy Movie at noon - this time "The Mummy's Tomb" - and then a while later I headed out to Santa Su for a major hike, all the way to the top of The Slide, and then over to the Lilac Lane trail on the Spahn Ranch side, and just a little ways down that. Then back, 4 miles in all. With my walk tonight, I did 7 miles total for the second day in a row.

I feel really good now, all evened-out, dopamine-balanced, sleep recharged.

I'm getting a lot of reading done, too. Taking photos......

Tomorrow is Rush. My goodness, I have been listening to them since 1976, and the first time I saw them in concert was November 1978. 37 years. I think I've seen them 32 times, or maybe these two upcoming concerts will make 32. It's a mindblower any way I look at it. I will be riding down to Irvine with Grimsley. He's driving, just like the first time we saw them in '78. Back then he was the only one with a car, haha.

Irvine is a long drive, so we will be leaving at 3:30, to ensure we don't miss a note. I will be around before that, probably til about 2:45pm. Rush usually plays for 3 hours, so the concert will end at 11pm. Irvine is a hassle to get out of the parking lot, but if we can get out of there before midnight (no joke, it's that bad), I should be home by 1:30am. Even though you will be sound asleep, I will write anyway, just to say hi and let you know how it was and wish you sweet dreams.

Which I will also do now. :)

I Love You, Elizabeth. See you in the morning!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Late Night Love

Hi, my Darling,

Happy Super Late Night. Sorry I didn't post earlier, but I didn't see you on FB, so I just figured you were busy, maybe taking photos or hanging with friends. My day today wasn't all that much different from yesterday : another Mummy Movie ("The Mummy's Curse"), which I don't even have to review because you know I loved it! :)

Went for a full length hike up at Aliso Canyon, 3.5 miles total. Saw another bunny, who wound up on FB. One thing I am noticing about bunnies, having photographed several by now, is that they don't vary much in their choice of poses, haha. They seem to go for the sideways look, sitting down, ears up, one eye visible, very intent on something. That's the Singular Bunny Pose, from what I can tell. But I always enjoy seeing them and taking their picture, whenever we cross paths on the trail.

This eve, just reading, then going for another 3.5 on my usual CSUN loop. 7 miles total for the day. Feels good. I hope you had a good day, too. Hope to see you in the morning!

I Love You. Sweet Dreams until then.  :):)

Monday, July 27, 2015

13 or 14 (red light, green light + sweet dreams)

Good Afternoon, Sweet Baby,

I have to check in a little early to say that it's fun to remember back to when you were 13 or 14, and I see you are doing it too! :) What's funny is that, for me, 2006 seems like not too long ago, while for you it's almost half your life. Now, you know I mean that in a funny way, but it's also kind of neat, because when you are younger, time seems longer because of your reference point. Think about when you were 10. Five years seems like a really long time, because it was half your lifetime to that point.

So it's a trip how that works. :)

But it's just plain fun to have music memories. I don't know if you meant The Chili Peppers specifically, but they had a bunch of great songs, and I loved 90s music in general, and of course I can remember when MTV first came on the air, way back in 1982 I think it was. Bands were doing music videos before that, as you can see by the old '60s pop songs I post, but when MTV came along, videos became almost mandatory.

And now you are making videos yourself! :)

Well, that's all for the moment. I'm just hanging around the pad, but will venture out in a few minutes to do part of my walk, or maybe go to the store. I already watched a classic Mummy : "The Mummy's Ghost".

Loved it!

I'll probably be back in the 4:30-5pm range. Enjoy your day!

I Love You!!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:55am : Happy Super Duper Late Night, my Darling, only this time it's because my computer has been acting goofy for the last half hour or so. I was ready to check in a little while ago, and then I noticed the red light was blinking on my modem. That has only happened maybe once or twice in the two years I've had Internet service here, and because I know nothing about computers, I was freaking out. :)

Well, not quite freaking, perhaps, but I certainly wasn't happy with the situation. I wanted to write to my Baby! All I knew to do was to hit the reset button on the back of the modem, and fortunately it worked. Took about 10 minutes, geez. I must pause here for a bit of Primal Scream Therapy and a small complaint...

Good Lordy Moses do I ever hate technical problems! I just really don't like 'em, I tell ya.

It's not that I'm a dummy and can't figure stuff out. It's simply that I do not have the patience for things that don't work. That is all.  :)

It's actually been a very nice day, relaxing and evenly paced. I didn't do anything special, but I got a lot done, if that makes any sense. What I wanna do, and may do this week is to dig out some more of my old photos from high school photo class, just to sort through for potential scanning and posting. More stuff for FB, in other words. The only problem is that a lot of my photo stuff is packed away at the back of a closet (yeah, real smart place to put it, Ad) and to get to it, I'll have to move a ton of other stuff. But I may do it anyway, we'll see. It would be fun to poke through and see what I've got.

One day, too, I've gotta get all my Northridge Meadows tapes out of the same closet and have 'em digitized. That's all of my 40 hours of footage from the earthquake building I've told you about, the tapes I tried to make a documentary from, back in the mid-90s. Definitely gotta get them restored, sharpened, color corrected, all of that stuff that is done on a computer program.

I want 'em to look hi-def, and I know they can do that these days.

I hope you had a nice day, and once again I bet you did. If I'd been in Vegas, I'd have put down some bucks on it....  :)

Tomorrow, another sleep-in, then perhaps a hike. Not sure on that score, either, but for sure a hike either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Sleep well, and have Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ticket To Ride at Warner Park (months)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am back at home. I was here earlier, during the afternoon, but then Grimsley texted me at 6pm to let me know that Ticket To Ride (our popular Beatles tribute band) was gonna be playing at Warner Park over in Woodland Hills, which is yet another Valley town. I've been to that park every Summer since about 2009 to see TTR, and I'm sure you recall me mentioning them (and maybe the park, too) several times.

Anyway, I got there at 7pm, so I got to see the last hour of the set. They are always good, and play The Beatles music really well. Funnily enough, Grimsley wasn't there. He called me to come down, then wasn't in the park when I got there. There were about 10k people there, so it's possible I didn't see him, but I doubt it. He is Grimsley, after all. If there is one thing he's good at, it's standing out in a crowd. :)

I did run into a friend I hadn't seen in ages, however. John B., who is also an FB friend. Man, I've been reconnecting with a lot of old friends lately. Weird, wild stuff. I was walking around the park, and a voice said "Hey Adam", and it was John B. I've known him and his brother (who is my brother's best friend) since the late 1970s, and all through the 80s and early 90s, we used to play football or baseball every weekend, depending on the season. John and I were two of the most gung-ho players, and we never missed a week. The last time we played football was on January 16th, 1994. The very next day was the Northridge Earthquake, which changed everyone's life for a while, and our gang never played football again. We were all headed into our mid-30s anyway, but we'd always had a lot of fun playing.

I did not see John much after that, and had not seen him at all since he came to visit my Mom in the hospital in 2005. But there he was at the Ticket To Ride concert. And it was just in the last couple weeks that I reconnected with David B. and his sister Debbie, both of whom I've known since 1970, but who moved to Northern California in 1976. Weird, wild stuff, I tell ya!

Anyhow, we made plans to get John over for an Orange Grove walk. I told him that other members of the old gang come over regularly for walks, so he will come along soon.

Speaking of walks, Sweet Baby, I am gonna go finish the rest of my miles right now. Then I will be back later - from home - at the usual time. I hope you had a nice day!

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

12:50am : Happy Super Duper Late Night, my Darling. Instant reversion to standard nighttime Adam Hours, which really aren't too different from my hours at Pearl's, just a little bit later. I hope your night was good. I completed my walk, then fell asleep reading after I got back home. I've got the new Stephen King book on hold at Northridge Library, so I've gotta finish up my Dr. Farrell book, which I will do during my days off.

I hope you are enjoying your Summer! I love July, one of the best months of them all, I think. How about you? In fact, how would you rank The Months, from 1-12, if you had to put 'em in order? What is your favorite month? That's a tough one. For me, my favorite month would be between......hmmmm, that really is a tough question.........probably July.......October would certainly be in the running.......and maybe December, because of Christmastime.

But then there's June, that period of late Spring/early Summer. April, pure Spring (and my birth month), although the weather can be kind of sketchy in April. You never know what you're gonna get, at least here in SoCal. November is awesome because of the heart of Autumn and the Thanksgiving holiday, so special.

There are feelings and sensations that come with each month that can't be put into words. Part of it has to do with the name of the month. A lot has to do with the quality of light, the placement of the Sun in the sky, the leaves on the trees (green, colored, bare).

July may be my favorite month, maybe because I love heat and Sun so much. Long days, slowly developing purple nights. I also love the 4th of July. July is the height of Summer.

But I don't think I can pick a favorite month. I mean, call me when October rolls around, and I'll probably name it as my favorite.

January and February aren't near the top of the list, for me, but at least there's football.

Yeah......sports, I know.

The best sports months are October - cause you've got the World Series, you've got football in full swing (college, too), and you've got the start of basketball at the end of the month, and you've got hockey, which we care about in L.A. only because we recently started having championship hockey teams.

The other best sports month is June, because you've got baseball in full swing, and you've got the hockey playoffs and the NBA playoffs. But that can be tricky, because if LeBron James wins a championship, then your whole Summer is ruined, and even July is no fun.

Thank goodness that doesn't happen very often! July Rules, then.

I can't really put 'em in order, but I sure do love Summer.

I hope you are having a blast, Sweet Baby, and remember - a blast can be felt in the small things as well as the big. I know you already know that.  :)

That's all for now. Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning (after a slight sleep-in).

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday At The Lake + Love (sweet dreams & love)

Good Evening, Sweet Baby,

I am home. We had a nice late afternoon at Lake Balboa with Pearl & The 'Ster. Spent about an hour watching the ducks and other assorted birds. There weren't too many people walking doggies this time, maybe because of the heat. Summer is back, temps are up, clouds are gone, yippee! :) I didn't bring my camera this time, but next time I will for sure.

Sweet Baby : I triple-loved your post a little while ago via your friend Morgin. If her words apply to you - and I know they do - then I can't tell you how happy that makes me! It is wonderful to know you feel that way about your life and your experiences thus far. I've said that it's a joy to watch, and that's so true, but to know it makes you happy is twice the joy.  :):)

I loved your morning posts, too, one of a couple with the Earth as backdrop, and the other about making art, featuring an ink drawing of a dragon. Maybe you are working on a drawing too. I know you are doing something artistic! That particular post also said something (I believe) about the girl making the drawing for her Mom, or something to that effect, and I must remark that it also makes me super happy to see that your Mom is supporting your efforts. At least, it sure looks that way, on FB at least, and that again is wonderful. If there is one thing I am a huge promoter of, it's family love and harmony, so it all looks great from what I can tell. :)

I drove out to Burbank to take Sophie shopping this morn, and we had a nice time. Vickie ended up not coming over because something else came up for her, but that gave me some time to watch a movie, so I did! No, still not The Mummy series. That will be watched during my upcoming days off. Today I watched "Corridors Of Blood", a film I'd never before heard of but which I discovered in a Criterion search and then found at the Library. It stars Boris Karloff as a surgeon in 1840s England who is trying to create a method of painless surgery. I guess it was about the actual doctor who discovered anesthesia, but anyway, it was done in a Gothic Victorian kind of style, all Charles Dickens with grimy streets and disease-ridden people. It was not quite a horror film, though it had elements of horror. In that respect, it was similar to a film I saw about a year ago : "The Flesh And The Fiends". At that time, when surgery was new, doctors and hospitals in England (and likely elsewhere, too) would pay for bodies to work on, to learn the new craft, study the anatomy, etc. This of course led to some unscrupulous practices, which included.....well.......

I won't tell you what it included! You'll have to watch either "Corridors Of Blood" or "The Flesh And The Fiends" to find out. Let's just say that it included the use of shovels.

Oy! Enough already, Ad. Why cantcha just watch something nice for a change?

I'll try. Maybe a Miyazaki is in order. Or Mary Poppins. You know I love those movies, too. But I had to tell ya about today's fare. And it really was a pretty good film.  :)

Well, I'd better get ready and go on my walk. Today has been a good day, I think. I will write more at Usual Time, back at Pearl's. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:20am : Happy Late Night, my Darling. All is quiet here at Pearl's. I am listening to KUSC, now playing 3rd Rach. Not much else to report for tonight. Tomorrow at church will be out last Sunday of choir break, and then next week we will return to singing. Oh boy! I am gonna be all out of tune and singing out of my throat, I just know it. :)

I don't like to take a break, lol.

I will be up for church in the morn, and then back home - till next Saturday - at about 1pm. I hope you had a great Saturday. Sweet Dreams for now, and I will see you in the morning.

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday Night Love :):) (rule)

Happy Late Friday Night, my Darling,

Not much to report today, just a trip out to Chatsworth to take The Kobester to Le Groomer. Still didn't get a chance to start my Mummy movies, but after Sunday morning I will have almost a full week off, until the following Saturday afternoon. So I will have plenty of time to catch up on movies. Next week will also feature the two Rush concerts here in the L.A. area. One is waaay down in Irvine, which is about 80 miles from here. It's good that I have the day off for that one, because the freeway that goes down there is a real traffic jammer. I know that driving long distances is common for people in other parts of the country, which makes me sound like a wimp, lol, but if you drove in the "L.A. area", which extends far beyond L.A. and goes about 75 miles in any direction, you'd see why I usually wouldn't drive 80 miles to see anybody.......

........except for Rush on their (supposedly) last tour. I say, "yeah, right". Everybody says it's their last tour, and then it never is. They always keep going. The second Rush concert will be at The Forum, much closer in Inglewood, not too far from Santa Monica. Piece of cake, getting to that one.  :)

I hope you had a nice day and a good start to your weekend. Hope your video is coming along well, too, and any other projects you may be working on.  :)

Tomorrow morn I am gonna drive out to Burbank to take my sister Sophie shopping. That will be at 11am. Then I'm gonna high-tail it back here by 1:30 to meet Vickie, who is finally coming out for a Saturday shopping trip. But I will be around earlier in the morn, and after about 3pm it'll be Usual Schedule all the way.

Sweet Dreams, Sweet Baby. I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

P.S. : You are awesome and you rule.  :):)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday Evening Love (late night love)

Good Evening, Sweet Baby,

I am home and just chilling out, wanted to check in and say hi. Maybe you are at the studio, or doing something fun. I liked your post this morn, of the colored bird. We sure don't have anything that that guy around here, but he was right in line with my own bird posts, from yesterday, so I liked that too!

I got some dvds from Northridge Library, including the first three episodes from the final season of Breaking Bad, and also another Legacy Collection, this time it's Mummy movies. I'll tell ya, so far I've watched The Wolfman and Frankenstein, but neither of them is as scary as The Mummy. He's relentess! He moves ultra-slow, but he just keeps coming at ya. No matter how long it takes him, he's gonna get you. One determined dude is The Mummy. There are four sequels in this Legacy Collection, too, so I am happy about that.  :)

I guess I will go on my walk now and then watch something when I come back. I hope you are enjoying your evening, and I know you are!

I Love You and will be back with more, later tonight at Pearl's.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:30am : Happy Super Late Night, my Darling. I just realised I titled this blog Friday Night Love, so I must have time traveled into the future when I wrote it, haha. Dunno why I would have thought it was Friday. It couldn't be a TGIF thing because I work 7 days a week. Anyway, I have the correct day in the title now, lol. I am listening to Dr. Farrell on a show called "The Other Side Of Midnight", which comes on after Art Bell, and is hosted by the legendary Richard Hoagland, he of the Face On Mars fame.

They are talking about a device called The Bell, which was a Time Machine invented by the Germans at the end of WW2.

That's probably how I inserted the wrong day into the title of this blog, I must have been inside The Bell. :)

I hope you had a nice evening. Tomorrow morning I will take The Kobester to Le Groomer, after that I will be around all day, usual schedule.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

My Guess / Hope I Got It Right (Santa Su & Lake Balboa) (late night love)

Good Morning, my Darling,

I am home from Pearl's and I wanted to check in right away, because earlier this morn I saw your post, via a guy with an Indian (India, not Native American) name. I couldn't find it just now, but anyway, I thought, first of all, "Elizabeth doesn't usually post this early", so then I thought that maybe it was in response to my blog from yesterday. I looked at the post, and at first couldn't make heads or tails of it. The guy didn't appear to be an FB friend of yours, and most of all I saw that his post was initially made back in 2014. It was not from the newsfeed, in other words, so I thought, "Well, this is something Elizabeth had to actively look for", and so then I thought, "It's gotta be a response to my blog". But I looked at the photo and the comments, and I still couldn't figure it out. The comments, in particular, were mostly about the suit the guy was wearing. So I looked at the photo again, and then I just went about my morning routine at Pearl's.

Then, you know how sometimes a phrase or answer will just come to me, almost like an audible thought inside my head? That was what happened, and the phrase was "working together".

In the photo, there is a guy (the FB guy from India) and there is a girl. There might be others in the photo, but those two are the main focus. He appears to be a teacher (science teacher, perhaps) and the girl is his student.

Now, with you and Kyle, I already knew you guys had worked together on the Ultrea video, because you mentioned him as your PA. So, if you meant, by the FB photo, that you guys are still just "working together", then my phrase was correct and I interpreted it right. You could have also meant "teaching", I suppose, but in the photo, the guy is the teacher, and I guess that with you and Kyle, you - as the director/videographer were showing him how to make a video. You were the teacher.

Of course, I could have it all wrong, and maybe the post was just an ordinary FB '"like" by you. But I don't think so, especially given the year-old date of the original post, and the fact that you would have likely had to seek it out, as in seeking a response to my blog.

So, those are my guesses to what you meant : either "working together" or "teaching". That's what I had assumed, after the first time I asked about the status of you and Kyle. It was just that because of the way you phrased your comment to Jenni yesterday that had me wondering, that's all.

Please try to let me know if I am correct, it doesn't have to be immediately but just sometime today. And please keep in mind what I said yesterday, that I wasn't upset, just wondering. It is your life, of course, and it goes without saying that you are free to live it anyway you choose. It's mainly because of the nature of our communication - indirect as it is - that I sometimes wonder about things, and how things are going in your life. The status of things.

Anyway, I also see your Nothing More post just now, and that looks happy enough, so I guess all is well. I am gonna try to do a hike in a little while, maybe from 2 to about 3:30pm. The weather here remains crummy; overcast (seemingly most of the Summer thus far), and humid and gloomy. And only about 80 degrees. Hardy SoCal Summerlike! If it continues, I am gonna ask for my money back, haha.

I want a Real, Hot & Sunny Summer!  :)

But I will try for a hike anway. I will be around here until then. Usual schedule this afternoon and evening.

I Love You, Elizabeth. Have a great day!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

7:20pm : Good Evening, my Darling. I am home from Pearl's. We had a nice time at Lake Balboa, and I got a couple good pics there, one of which I just posted on FB. It's a manmade lake, not a real one like you guys have, lol, but it's in a beautiful green park, and it's nice to go there in the late afternoon, so we did, now that the sun finally came out (yippee!). Before that, I did go on a medium-sized hike, just out to Santa Susana. I stayed local, but you know how much I love that place. You just get such an amazing and peaceful feeling there, and I attribute it to the place being the home of the Indians for thousands of years. You can really feel the vibe.

So, that was my afternoon : Santa Su and then Lake Balboa with Pearl and The Kobester.

I hope your day was good, too. I saw your post before I left : "music >people". I am guessing it was meant as an explanation, as in "music is everything", re: your life, you and Kyle are working on music, music videos, etc. It's all about the music, is what you are saying. That's my guess.

I certainly don't think you were saying "music is greater than people" as in "people suck", because I know you are the opposite of that, generally speaking. You are very social and have many friends, which is awesome. So I think you meant it in the "it's all about the music" sense.

Anyhow, all is well. Remember I was only just asking, and now I've got my answer, and I won't ask again. :)

I am gonna look at some more of my pics from this afternoon, then go on my walk in a little while. I'll check Art Bell at 9pm to see who his guest is gonna be. Usual schedule, then back to Pearl's, and I'll write more at the usual time. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:30am : Happy Super Late Night, my Darling. I'm just getting settled in here, and everything is quiet. Not much else to report from this evening, just reading my Dr. Farrell book. Today was a good day, and I hope it was for you, too. See you in the morning, sweet dreams until then.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Grain Of Salt

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am home from Pearl's, kind of a long day today, with the usual Golden Agers meeting and then a late afternoon appointment with Pearl's eye doctor for a laser procedure that's supposed to reduce pressure in her eye. But we got it all done.

I saw your photo earlier today, and I like your choice of reading material! I don't know if your comment - "my type of reading" - was meant as a comparison against my own rather weird listing of books, but even so, you can be sure I've read my share of music books too, lol. :) In fact, if you include Kerrang magazine from the 80s, then you could say I've read quite a bit of Metal myself. That is an awesome looking book, though, and I think I saw it posted a while back by your friend from Metastazis.

I saw your more recent post, too, from about an hour or two ago, via your friend Jenni. Sweet Baby, please take this next question by me with good humor and a grain of salt, but I'm afraid I have to ask it again. Are you ready? Okay, here goes.......(picture good humor and grain of salt emoticons here) :

Are you sure Kyle isn't your boyfriend?

Yeah, I know, I know. I've asked that before. But.....I's just that, with your comment today (on Jenni's post), you phrase it as "Kyle and I", and he's got a bunch of photos from your outing at the state park, and it all causes me to go back a couple months when he initially posted them, and it was just the two of you on the outing, and one of his friends, a girl, remarked something like "so happy for you", which, as I remarked at the time is something that is common to say to a new couple.

I hope the good humor and grain of salt are working. I'm not mad, not at all, just wondering, is all. I know I mentioned a lot of the above stuff the first time I asked about this. The truth is that I'd forgotten about it, and hadn't really given it a second thought, not until today. And it's really just because of the way you phrased your comment, "Kyle and I".

So, I'm just askin'. :)

If he is your boyfriend, you can tell me. I won't be mad, and I'll still write if you want me to. It's just hard for me to have to guess. We are going on three years without having had any direct communication whatsoever, and I am not gonna make any guesses as to whether that is ever gonna happen. And it's okay, if that's the way you want it to be, or if that's the way it has to be. I wouldn't write every night if it bothered me.

All I've ever asked, and all I ask now, is just two things. 1) If you ever have a boyfriend, or even if things look like they are heading in that direction, please just tell me. I will understand, as I've said many times before. 2) The only other thing I have ever asked is to please just tell me if your heart isn't in it anymore. I mean, right now it seems like it is, but then sometimes days go by and you don't post much. Obviously, you have your own friends, and you live far away, and you have lots of stuff you like to do.

None of that is a problem. Only "boyfriend" and "losing interest" are problems, and even those aren't "bad" problems, or anything that I wouldn't understand. It's just that those are the only two I'd ask you to please not hesitate to tell me about.

Anyway, I hope the "good humor" and "grain of salt" worked, because if you were sitting right next to me, you'd see that I'm not upset, only just asking because of recent aforementioned posts and comments related to you & Kyle.

Anyhow, I am on Usual Schedule, as usual. It's still Super Muggy outside, humidity probably over 80%, so I will wait a little while to go on my walk. I hope you are having a nice evening.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday Evening Love (Art + Sweet Dreams)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am home from Pearl's and I just wanted to say hi. I saw your post earlier, via your friend Morgin, about wanting to have an "adventurous, passionate, weird life", and I would say that you're already having one! And if ya need any extra weirdness, I can certainly help you out in that department, haha. As I always say, though, just keep doing what you're doing - doing what you do . And your life will unfold exactly as it was meant to. :)

I see your other post, too, also via Morgin, and it looks like she is out taking pictures. The railroad tracks are always a great spot for shots, and when I had a band in the mid-80s with my two late friends Dave S. and Sean W., that was one of the first places we went to take band pix : The tracks. One of these days, I will have to go up to FedEx Kinkos and scan some of those pictures. We had some great ones, and as I may have told you before, my friend Sean basically invented the whole Marilyn Manson look before Marilyn Manson. Sean did it in 1986, and we took a whole lot of great photos with him. Man, I miss those guys, Sean and Mr. D.

Maybe you are taking some photos too, today? Or maybe recently? Even when you aren't shooting professionally, you can still take pix for fun.

(as if you didn't know that).  :)

Well, that's all for now. I am gonna take my walk a little early tonight so I can come back and listen to the debut of Art Bell's new radio show. We fans have been waiting a long time for Art to return to the airwaves, and he is finally back. That'll give me a much-needed infusion of weirdness!

So I am gonna walk, then listen, and I'll write more when I get back to Pearl's at the usual time. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:25am : Happy In-Between Regular Late Night And Super-Duper Late Night, Sweet Baby! I was listening to the first night of the new Art Bell show, called "Midnight In The Desert", and it was fantastic. He had a great guest, the researcher Graham Hancock, who has written some about ancient civilisations that sound pretty mindblowing. I have gotta start reading him. It's great to hear Art's voice again. If you recall, I was listening to him on Sirius XM two years ago when he had just begun another new show, but that show was aborted after just a couple weeks. We fans were disappointed, but now he is back, and hopefully for good this time. Back in the 90s, Art was huge, he had one of the biggest audiences on radio, and he has always been the Real Deal.

No watered down "for the masses" paranormal stuff from Art. He goes all the way. And, nobody can host a show the way he does. He's a One Of A Kind kind of guy, which is what we like  :)

Our big storm is on the way out now. The Sheriff gave it twenty four hours to get out of town, on behalf of Summer. I hope you are having nice weather, and have been enjoying a good Summer thus far. Not much else to report for today, but it seems like a lot is happening.

Sweet Dreams, my Darling. I will see you in the morning.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)


Hi, my Darling,

Happy Late Night once again. I saw your Cat Eyes post a couple hours ago, hence my song of choice for tonight's post, haha.  :)  I hope you had a nice day. It was still raining this morn, and we even missed church cause Pearl slept in. That's the first week I've missed since I started going last November. We'll be back next week, though, and we'll be singing again in two weeks.

We also had a tree fall over because of the rain! Luckily, it fell in the street and didn't hit the house or any cars, and the L.A. City street services were right on it. I am glad it's their job to get rid of it, and not mine, lol.

It's not raining now, and I was able to get my full walk in tonight, but boy is it humid and oppressive. You'd think you were in the subtropics! It's so humid that even gravity feels heavier......

I was also really excited when my friend Mike B. sent me that photo of Ritchie Blackmore and myself. I remembered that meeting well enough, but I had no idea there was a picture of it. I am 19 in that picture, so it was taken 36 years ago! But it seems like yesterday.

I have actually met Ritchie several times after concerts, and from 1975 to 1983 I probably saw Rainbow a dozen times, maybe fifteen. That was his best playing ever, in the Rainbow days.

That was really all today, no movie was watched, nothing else of note happened, except for I did have an FB chat with a friend I haven't seen since 1984, David B., who just became my Facebook friend a few days ago. So that was cool, too. Like Mike B., he also goes way back on the rock n' roll scene, and with the picture I posted recently of me and Suzi Quatro on the Sunset Strip, taken in 1975, David B. is the guy who took that photo.

Time flies, but stands still too. It does both at the same time, and it runs forward and backward.

Hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow. I hope you are having awesome Summer weather. Ours has yet to really get into gear, but it should do so as August and September roll around.

Sleep well, Sweet Baby. I Love You and will see you in the morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Rainy Day Love

Hi, my Darling,

Happy Late Night. Well, today was a weird day. We had a rainstorm that pretty much lasted all day long. It began around noon, with thunder and lightning. We get thunderstorms in Summer, every so often, but usually later, in August or September, and they usually are short-lived. It will storm for an hour or so, maybe some light rain for another hour, and then it's done. I cannot recall in my lifetime a day in July where it has rained all day long as if it were March. Really weird!

And, it's supposed to rain more tomorrow. They say we are gearing up for an El Nino this Winter, which will mean massive rain and probable flooding in some areas. I say, "let's just get it overwith already, so we can load up on water and then go back to the drought". :)

As for Summer, while we've had some warm weather, even over 90, it has yet to become Truly Blazing Hot like it was last year. But my fingers are crossed.......   :)

I just stayed inside while the thunder was crackin', and watched a classic Technicolor Western called "San Antonio", with Errol Flynn, one of my favorite movie stars. This Summer, I am hooked on Westerns and Monsters. Maybe I can find a Western with Frankenstein in it - and if not, I'll have to write one.

I hope your day was good. I saw your post just now of your friend's graduation picture, so I guess you might still be awake.

I hope you got your Alcest ticket, too.

That's all for tonight. I will see you tomorrow morning after church.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, July 18, 2015


Hi, my Darling,

Another Super Late one - I apologize. But, did you see the ":):)" song I posted on FB? If not, either give it a listen or Google the lyrics. It's too funny, it was tailor made for me and us, with the movies I've been watching and writing about lately. In the song, the guy's baby is walking down the street, when The Wolfman jumps out and grabs her and carries her away, so the guy gets on the phone and calls his buddy Frankenstein to go rescue her. :)

I mean, I know I'm a total goofball and all, but is that a riot or what? I mean, I've just been talking about those two Monsters, and now.........I find a song about them that involves me and my baby.

It's all too much, I tell you!

This afternoon I watched another one from the Legacy Collection : "Son Of Frankenstein" starring the great Basil Rathbone, best known for "Sherlock Holmes". This one had the usual great atmosphere, with a touch of German Expressionism in the sets, i.e. rooms set at cockeyed angles. shadows climbing the walls. It had a good plot, too, with Dr. Frankenstein's son returning to the familial village to inherit his father's castle. There, he meets the evil Ygor (Bela Lugosi), who shows him the hidden laboratory where the Monster lies in a coma. And of course, being a scientist and a Frankenstein, he just has to bring the Monster back to life.

I think I have now seen all the Universal Frankenstein movies (already having seen the original, and "Bride Of.."). I must say that they stand the test of time. There is nothing like them, and from an artistic standpoint they are all quite an achievement, considering that the first one was made 84 years ago.

Which goes to show that art direction, and set design, in movies, will always be more important than special effects. Atmosphere is the key word, and these filmmakers were doing it almost a century ago.

I hope you had a nice day, and I also hope that all your projects are still coming along smoothly, especially your video. I can't wait to see it!

Well, that's all I know for today. I will see you in the morning, my Baby.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sweet Dreams.......

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Loved It! (super duper late night love & other stuff)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am home from Pearl's. Typical Thursday, with a trip to the hair salon. I saw your post, earlier this afternoon, via your friend Hannah, and I thought it was just beautiful. I don't know if you meant it in any way for me, but if so, then it's doubly beautiful (or should I say triple-y?). In any case, it made my day and I just wanted you to know that. I have said it many times, but it's always worth saying again :

It has been amazing and wonderful to watch you in the process of becoming who you want to be and doing what you want to do with your life.  :)

It's been like magic, but then we both know that's what life is. You just have to believe in it, and you have!

I hope your day has been good and that you are enjoying your evening. I am gonna do the Usual Schedule. No movie tonight, although I do have a couple Frankensteins left, I've gotta watch 'em during the afternoon because they are standard-length features (apprx. 90 minutes) and that's too long for tonight cause I wanna do some reading, too, of my latest Joe Farrell book.

So enjoy the rest of your evening, and I'll do the same, and I'll see you when I get back to Pearl's, usual time.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:35am : Hi, Sweet Baby. Sorry for another Super Duper Late Night post, but it took a long time to get situated this evening. Anyway, all is quiet now, so Happy Super Duper Late Night, provided you are still awake. I didn't do much this eve, but Grimsley came over and went on part of my walk with me. He is gonna go with me to see Alcest, so it will be his first show for them. He's been to two Agalloch shows, and he loves those guys, so I'm sure he will like Neige & Co.

I will get a David Gilmour ticket as well tomorrow. I am so grateful to get to see all these shows.

That's me : I just have the things I like, and I stick with 'em. Music, movies, books, concerts, weird stuff, hikes, history, psychic stuff, thoughts, and all kinds of other stuff.

Sometimes sports. But not too much anymore.

Politics? Hardly ever, these days.

Though I will be voting for Hillary. I've gotta have my Clintons in the White House.

Disneyland? I'd go every month if I could. Disneyland is huge in my life. I just have no one to go with anymore. But I have to go, and therein lies the dilemma......

Because it's been scientifically proven that it's impossible to go to Disneyland by oneself.

And yet Grimsley, just tonight, says that he read an article in the entertainment section of the LA Times in which the author listed the positives of going there by yourself.

I think he's just messing with me. The author, that is, not Grimsley.

I Love You, Sweet Baby! Sweet Dreams (which you may already be having), and I will see you in the morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Nice Hike Today (Alcest + Sweet Dreams)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am home from Pearl's. I had a really nice, though strenuous, hike this afternoon, up a trail that I think I was only on once or twice before, the Canyon Loop trail at Towsley Canyon Park. Usually when I go there, I hike the main trail which goes way back to some rock formations called The Narrows, but this time I saw the other trail and I thought, "I'll try that". When I got a little ways in, I realised I'd been on it before, but I forgot all about the steep climb neationr the top, which takes you to the top of the Santa Susanas (the section in Santa Clarita, not Chatsworth). Anyhow, the climb is one of the steepest ones I've done, and it was nice to know I'm still in hiking shape. I went about 1.5 in, and then at the top it became a little too "ridgeline" for my comfort level. I think I've described that before - it's where you are high up with a big dropoff on one side, and all of a sudden the trail goes from wide to skinny. If it's wide, you can walk it hugging the mountainside, and not get that fear-of-heights vibe. But if it gets thinner, well, I just have a limit to what I am willing to do, especially hiking by myself and without any hiking poles (which I need to get).

But I had a blast, and it was nice and hot (yay!), and I saw that oil pit that I just posted on FB. Three miles total, so it was good on that score as well.

I saw your photo this morn before I left, the one from 2013 of Porcupine Mountain State Park. I remember when you went there! You say "take me back"!, and I hope you get to go. Are you guys gonna do a Summer road trip by any chance? I know your Mom has taken you on a couple of them, so maybe this year, too. I hope so! And, I sure would like to see it with you as well.  :)

I hope also that you had a nice day, and are enjoying your evening. I am gonna watch another of my Frankenstein movies from the Legacy Collection : "House Of Frankenstein". I'm glad I can visit his house in the movies instead of in real life.  :)

Usual schedule for the rest of the evening. I'll write more later at Pearl's.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

12:20am : Hey, Sweet Baby! Great news about Alcest, eh? They'll be coming right up before you know it, and for me it'll be another back-to-back one-two concert punch, because I'll have Alcest on October 7, followed by Van Halen on the 10th. Oh boy! You know, Neige is another guy, like Mikael Akerfeldt, who never stops touring, and it's a trip because he's played here every two years starting in 2011, and every time it's been in October. This time, it might even be the same date he played on in 2013. I wonder if his management plans it out a year or two in advance, like they do for classical musicians. He is tour, tour, tour, and for Neige it's to seemingly all continents, so I bet they do plan out big blocks of time.

This will be Alcest's first time headlining here. Last time it was co-headline with Anathema, and in 2011 they opened for Enslaved at a club called The Troubador. This time, they headline, and at one of our old, restored theaters Downtown called The Regent. It's one I haven't been to yet. The tickets are low price, too, only 21 bucks (probably 30 when you add service charges).

Super cool, all in all, and just like last time in 2013, you will be seeing them about a week or so before I will.

It sure is a trip how things have progressed since 2011. I'll bet Neige would agree!

I hope you had a good day. I really enjoyed my hike, and I did watch my movie this evening : "House Of Frankenstein". This one was super weird, and had Dracula, The Wolfman and Frankenstein all in the same movie. Incredible sets and atmosphere, and ultimate weirdness, one of the best of all the "second feature" (i.e. short length 71 minute) monster films I've seen from the Universal Legacy Collections.

That's all I know for tonight, my Darling. Sweet Dreams and I will see you in the morning.

I Love You, Elizabeth.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Super Late Night Love

Hi, my Darling,

Sorry for the Super Duper Late Night post. It took a little longer to get situated this eve. I didn't have a whole lot to report today, just yer basic Tuesday with Golden Agers, etc., though I did watch a really good Western this afternoon, called "Whispering Smith" with Alan Ladd as a railroad law enforcer. Made in 1948, with location shooting in the Sierras here in California.

I hope your video is coming along well. Are you guys all done with the recording? Maybe you are editing it. All just guessing on my part, of course.

I hope you are enjoying your Summer, too.

Tomorrow I will go on a hike, location still undecided.

See you in the morning. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Monday, July 13, 2015

Fun Day, Downtown L.A. (summer + sunsets + dreams)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am home from Pearl's. I had a lot of fun Downtown once again. This time, I visited the Avila Adobe on Olvera Street, which as I noted on FB is the oldest house in L.A., built by one of the early Mexican settlers, a man who became the Mayor. I walked all over the place again, visited two churches - the big Cathedral and the old Catholic Church from the 1800s. Walked down Broadway again, in search of old buildings.

I had fun. I was there from Noon till 3:30. Back at Pearl's, she had old family friends come to visit, so it was a busy day all in all.

I saw your photo of Good Morning V (Zach the drummer), so I am glad you went to the outdoor concert. Hope ya had a blast! :) I am gonna look over the rest of my photos, see if I got anything good, and then I may watch another Frankenstein movie from my Legacy Collection. I've gotta check the sky first, cause there were some clouds a little while ago in the West, and that could bode well for a sunset picture, haha.

Anyhow, usual schedule for me tonight, and I will write more later on, back at Pearl's.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight : Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby. Well, I did wind up getting some sunset pics this evening, and they turned out to be some of the best I've gotten yet. I was up on the roof of the CSUN parking structure for quite a while, about 45 minutes, and I wound up shooting about 60 photos of the sunset. "Good grief, Ad", I realise, but the shapes and colors kept changing, so I had to keep shooting. Thus, I did not get a chance to watch a movie, but I'll catch up tomorrow. 'Twas a busy day today.

I hope your day was good, and I bet it was. This is a great Summer so far, and we'll keep it going! Next up for me will be a Wednesday Hike-Of-The-Week. Not sure where yet, but it will certainly be on one of the approximately 25 trails I've discovered in the last year. I am thinking Newhall area again, but I'll know when I get there.

I Love You, Elizabeth. Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday Night Love

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

Something seems funny with the blog template and type size, so I hope this reads okay when I post. I hope you had a nice Sunday. Mine was usual, we went to church this morn, sat in the audience again. In three weeks we'll be singing again, and I am looking forward to it. Boy, this template is all messed up. The type is small, and it's all stretched out, super long sentences. Something must be wrong with Blogger, or else they pulled a Facebook and messed up something that was fine to begin with.

This afternoon I watched "Ghost Of Frankenstein", from another Legacy Collection dvd set, this time of Frankenstein movies. This one was really good; the idea was to replace Frankie's criminal brain with a good one, so that he will be accepted. But the plan is thwarted by the evil Igor (Bela Lugosi), who schemes to have his brain inserted instead. Great sets and atmosphere, I love the Universal horror films of the 30s and 40s. I have seen the full Legacy Collections of Wolf Man and Creature From The Black Lagoon. Now I am doing Frankenstein. That will leave me with Dracula and The Mummy to finish up with. Mummy may be the scariest of all - he moves ultra slow but he's relentless and never stops coming at ya........  :)

I hope your video is coming along well, your Youtube song. You don't post much anymore, so I sometimes wonder if I should take a break or just go on back burner for a while. You can always let me know.  :)

Tomorrow I am gonna try to use up my other train ticket. They gave out two for the promotion, and the ticket expires on the 14th, so I've gotta use it up. I will maybe try to do Chinatown and other parts of Downtown that I didn't get to last time. As usual, I will know when I get there, once I start walking. So, I will be back when I get to Pearl's for my afternoon shift at 4:30.

I Love You, Elizabeth.

Sweet Dreams.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

P.S. Now the template and text is back to normal, and hopefully will post normally.  :)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Saturday Evening Love (input & art)

Hi, Sweet Baby!,

Happy Late Night but a few minutes earlier. All is quiet here at Pearl's, so I am getting situated a few minutes earlier. I am just teasing with my song on Facebook. You don't have to phone me (but you could if you ever wanted to, lol). Anyhow, I hope you had a good day. You haven't posted much for the past couple days, so I am guessing you are working on projects, and it's all good. My day was pretty typical, just shopping (by myself, cause my sister doesn't come over much anymore). This evening, my friend Dave F. came over for a walk. Right now I will have a snack real quick and then come back in a few minutes to write more.

So I won't say Sweet Dreams just yet........

But I will say I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a few)

12:25 : I am back. I've been having fun looking up old clips of some of these progressive bands playing live on tv shows, back in the 70s, and I've been pleasantly surprised at all the stuff I've found. Same with my 1960s pop music tunes. Delving into it, song by song, reminds me of how central to my life music has been, as far back as I can remember.

I have always loved input of all kinds, be it music, or movies, tv shows, books. I have wanted to output, as well, but because my output is strange, my take on things strange due to my life experience, I may have a fate similar to Emily Dickinson, whom I've written about back in the Myspace days.

But I know that whatever I create or write will factor in, in some way, in the long run. Maybe even in the short run as well.

The Jackie Fox story really got me thinking about how traumas can fester, for decades even, and in her case we can see the problems they cause, and how those problems and conflicts are as fresh as the day they began. That is what happens when things go unresolved.

In my case, the story has many other elements, and it all goes back to something about my life of which I am not fully aware, perhaps dating back to childhood.......or even before.....? (too weird, I know).

For me, the art lies in trying to recreate it, that which is missing, to bring it back to life. Nothing can remain hidden forever, and the important thing is to look for what has been hidden, because in the hunt, you find out also who has hidden it, and why. It can sometimes take decades to discover these things, as we see, but truth is a basic human need, and in making it a quest, that too is Art. :)

That's all I know for tonight, my Darling. I love a mystery, as you know, but even more I love solving them. :)

And I Love You, too! Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday, July 10, 2015

I'm Back, Happy Friday (sweet dreams)

Good Afternoon, Sweet Baby,

I am home. Sorry I didn't write last night, but I had a difficult time getting situated. Pearl fell asleep on the couch, watching TV, and when that happens it is very difficult to get her to wake up and go into her bedroom to go back to sleep. Last night it took til 1am, and by then I was toast.

Anyway, I am here now. I'll be home for just a little while, and then I have to go back to Pearl's at 1:30 to take her to the eye doctor. After that it'll be normal schedule for the rest of the day, and hopefully a back-to-normal evening too, lol.

I saw yesterday your posts from the studio, and I see that you are working on an album cover for Good Morning V. Your first album cover! That's fantastic! I have gotta say, it sounds like you are booked solid, nonstop work coming your way, and I just can't repeat enough how amazing it is.  :)

I hope you are having a good day today and enjoying your afternoon. I will be around all day, on and off, usual schedule etc.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight : Happy Late Night, my Darling. All is quiet tonight, so that is good. I am relaxing with KUSC on the radio. I hope you had a good start to your weekend, maybe you were at the studio again today. Anyhow, I will wish you sweet dreams and see you in the morning.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Great Photo + Placerita (awesome + sweet dreams)

Good Evening, Sweet Baby,

I am just now home from Pearl's. This afternoon, I drove out to Placerita Canyon for a nice 4 mile hike. I went all the way to Walker Ranch and back, it's all on the same trail. I didn't take a ton of pictures, but may have got a good one or two. I will check 'em in just a little while.

I saw your photo when I got back to Pearl's at 4:30. You have got to be one of the best self-portraitists out there! I don't know how you do it, but you get a great one every time. The title/comment on your photo is "Remembrance". I wonder what you are remembering! I myself can remember something that happened three years ago, almost to the day, that involved three little words..........  :):)

But I won't guess that that's what you are remembering, because your look is somewhat pensive. A great photo, though, by any measure, and a beautiful lady too!

That's you. :)

Well, I am gonna check my Placerita photos real quick and then zip back out. We have heavy clouds in the sky again today, which could mean a colorful sunset. Oh no, more sunset pics! Don't tell my photo teacher.

I will be back later tonight at Pearl's, maybe a bit earlier like last night, if she is asleep, so I'll see you then.

I Love You! Enjoy the rest of your evening.  :):)

Midnight : Happy Late Night, my Darling. It did take me a while to get situated, hence the midnight writing. Kind of a busy day overall, though mostly with fun stuff like my trip to Placerita, but that was why I didn't post much on FB today (with the exception of the guy who posted that Manson nonsense a little while ago. That I had to respond to, because I have studied that case since I was a teenager. The Manson Family lived at Spahn Ranch, which is now part of the Santa Susana property. It was a big deal here when all of that happened, probably the most infamous crime in Los Angeles history).

Anyway, I try not to get into Internet arguments, but idiots bug me. The crazy thing is, that guy - Adam Parfrey - is the owner of a publishing company called Feral House, which publishes some of Dr. Farrell's books! Dr. Joe is a genius, but his publisher seems to be a dumbell, or perhaps just a provocateur, and not just for his Manson comments but other things he says as well.

At any rate.....forget all that stuff.

I saw your post this morning from berlin-aparatiste. Is that how you spell it? Well no matter, I was thrilled because it answered my question from yesterday. The post was about living your dream, having a dream come true step by step, as if it was predestined, and it was everything we've always talked about. One good thing about our age difference is that I am kind of "up on my perch" of years, and having observed things for all these years (and having paid very close attention!), I kind of have a feel for what is happening and what is gonna happen next.

It doesn't mean I can see the future, not hardly. It just means I have a feel. You do too.

And we have always been talking about The Magic Of Life from Day One, and we have always talked about Intent, and other things like quiet confidence, which is merely focused self awareness, and knowing who you are. We have also talked about simplifying life, so that you don't pay too much attention to what we have called the 24/7 of life, and all the things that 24/7 might apply to.

And so, the result has been really awesome to watch, and from my perch I can see that all you've gotta do is keep going, and doing what you do. Don't worry too much about money at this point. I don't know what your bills are at home, but from what I can see, your Mom supports you in everything you are doing, and that is awesome. So, one day at a time, as always. Every day can be awesome, I have discovered. It took me a long time to make that discovery, and it doesn't always happen that every day is awesome - some are just so-so - but the more I go on in life, the more awesome days I have, and the more I discover that every day can indeed be awesome, and that is simply because Life Is Magic. Don't ever let anybody tell you different.

Having said all of that, I will wish you Sweet Dreams. I wanted to post a photo from Placerita today, but didn't really get anything that was top notch. I wanna stick with my best stuff now. Didn't take any sunset pics, as nothing really materialised in the sky tonight.

But I am gonna stick with my plan of a hike per week, and I will get some good pics along the way.

A great Summer so far, I think.

I Love You, Elizabeth. I will see you in the morn.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday Night Love (left & right + sweet dreams)

Hi, my Darling,

I thought I'd check in before the usual Late Night time, just because I haven't posted yet today and also because I have a chance to - Pearl is already asleep and so is The Kobedog. I hope your day was good. I saw several of your posts. I hope you get the piano you are looking for! Something tells me that you will, and your video will proceed as planned. Your post of the tattoo guy, I don't know if you meant that as a commentary for your own situation, or if it was just a simple "like". He talks about the frustrations of losing work to other tattoo artists; I don't know if you mean that you've lost video work to other videographers, but if so - don't worry! Like I have been saying, from my vantage point it looks like things are proceeded very nicely indeed. Nothing happens all at once, the main thing is to just stick with it, and know that this is what you do.

Take the attitude that there is no turning back. You are a professional now, everything else follows from that.

Of course, I am only speculating that that's what you meant by that post. It could be that it was just a regular "like" of your friend's post, and that you are very pleased with how things are going. That's what I would guess, anyway. Especially since you just got done saying that you had a productive 4th of July weekend!

So all is probably good, I'd guess. I am gonna have a quick snack, and then I will be back at the usual Late Night time, in just a bit.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:05am : Now I can say Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby! Not much else to report, except that I finally saw "American Sniper" this afternoon while Pearl was at Golden Agers. I had a free code from Redbox, so I got it, and having seen it, I absolutely cannot imagine what all the political brouhaha was all about. It was your basic, modern, hi-tech war movie, similar in style to so many others, like "Black Hawk Down" or "Lone Survivor". It showed some atrocities, to be sure, and some very unfortunate situations, but when compared with a movie like "Platoon", which depicted out-and-out sadism and savagery, it was pretty tame. Actually, it struck me as a sad film, and I thought Bradley Cooper did a great job in the lead role.

I don't usually get political, but that's what bugs the heck out of me about reactionaries on the Left, is that they pick-and-choose what to demonise. An incredibly brutal film like "Platoon" was okay, in 1986, because it was directed by Oliver Stone, who is as Left as you can get. And it was a great movie. But "American Sniper", which shows the horrors of war in a much tamer fashion, is turned into a political football because the protaganist, and director Clint Eastwood, are supposedly heroes of the Right. What a total bunch of baloney.

It's the same with the Left's championing of Pat Tillman, an Army Ranger who had been a professional football player. They didn't give a hoot about him until they discovered he read Noam Chomsky (who I hate to say is a brilliant man but also a phony baloney leftist whose political stances don't add up).

Anyhow, sorry to go on a rant. You know I am not that political, because politics are just a surface-level depiction of what really goes on in the world, and the combination of politics and the reporting of politics in the media on a daily basis is what serves to keep people fixated and divided, but in some cases I find myself getting just as upset over the liberal reactionary faction as I used to get upset over the Right.

At any rate, a good movie. Sometimes I've gotta say what I think about stuff, lol.

The rest of my day was just reading, and thinking. Two of my favorite pastimes.  :)

Sweet Dreams, my Baby, and sleep well. I will see you in the morning.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Monday, July 6, 2015

Happy Monday Love (sweet dreams)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am home from Pearl's. I saw your post & photo, and it sounds like everything went well with your recording. That's great, and I am looking forward to the results! :) Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but there was nothing to report, and I figured you were probably busy anyway. There was no choir, and I didn't do much except shop, so that sums up yesterday. Today I was really glad to hear the news about Ritchie Blackmore, as you know my favorite musician. He is gonna do some shows next year with former bandmates in Deep Purple and Rainbow, and they will be playing those songs, so I am thrilled, even though it's just for a few shows and they probably won't be in Los Angeles.

But overall, everything is good on the music front!

I am gonna do my Usual Nightly Schedule, and go for my walk in just a bit. I will be back to write more later on at Pearl's. Enjoy your evening. :)

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

12:15am : Happy Late Night. All is quiet at Pearl's, and the melatonin seems to be working. She has slept through the entire night every night since I came back to work last Thursday. Pretty amazing, eh? Not much to report for me, though I did watch a good movie this afternoon : "The Most Dangerous Game" from 1932, starring Joel McCrea and Fay Wray of "King Kong" fame. McCrea is on a boat that is shipwrecked near a mysterious island, inhabited only by a strange Russian Count and his henchmen. There he meets Wray and her brother, who soon goes missing, and then...........

Back in the 30s and 40s, they used to make shorter movies that ran from a little over an hour to maybe 75 minutes. These were called "second features" and were meant to play as the last film on a double bill. In those days, an afternoon at the movies could last quite long, with two features and a newsreel and a cartoon. At any rate, in this Age Of The Dvd, a lot of those shorter second features have found their way to disc, and this one was on Criterion, beautifully restored, and very well made indeed, considering that the movie is 83 years old now. Though I'd never before seen "The Most Dangerous Game", I knew about it since perhaps the early 1970s, because an episode of "Gilligan's Island" is based on that movie, haha, and of course "Gilligan's" is my all-time favorite TV show.

So that was my Monday Movie. I also got a Joe Farrell book in the mail, "Nazi International", which is from 2008, but one I haven't read until now.

Gotta read, gotta watch movies............let's see - what else?........oh yeah! : gotta write, gotta listen to music, gotta hike......I'm gonna try to do One Per Week this Summer, since The Great Era Of Trail Discovery was more a thing of last year, and I pretty much discovered every trail within work-time driving distance, so now I will re-visit various trails at the rate of One Per Week (hopefully), all Summer long and into Fall.

I hope you had a great day, Elizabeth. I wish you Sweet Dreams and I will see you in the morning.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth, Have A Blast! (a fun day)

Hey my Darling,

I just wanted to check in to say hi, and wish you a Happy 4th. You are probably at the studio right now, I am guessing, or maybe doing some video work. Anyway, I am gonna be doing (mostly) The Usual, which is going up to Shepherd Of The Hills in Porter Ranch to watch the fireworks. I might mix things up a little bit, and maybe try taking Pearl and The Kobedog over to Lake Balboa at 4:30, if her energy level is good. That would be fun and it would get them both out of the house, so we'll see when I get back there at 4:30.

Also, for myself, I thought I might leave a little bit earlier than usual to go up to Porter Ranch. Limekiln Canyon is a short ways away from Shepherd Of The Hills, and I am thinking about maybe going for a short twilight hike before the fireworks begin at 9pm. If I got up there at 7pm or so, it would still be plently light outside, and I could hike till about 8:15 or so, and then make my way over to the church for the show. That would count for some of my daily miles, too. So, I am not 100% sure yet, but I might do it that way. Grimsley has been coming with me to the fireworks show for the last several years, but I haven't heard from him so I'll probably just go solo. The show ends at about 9:30, and then I'll be back at Pearl's for my usual nighttime schedule.

They are also doing something really cool at Santa Susana State Park - they have a twilight hike scheduled for 7pm tonight. I think it's led by park docents or volunteers. I dunno if they are gonna go up The Slide or what trail they are gonna take, but it would be fun to try. Except that I'd miss the fireworks if I went to that one, so I will stick with my original plan. I can do my own twilight hike at Santa Susana sometime.

Well, that's all for now. I hope you are having a blast, both with your song & video, and with your family and friends for the holiday itself. I will be back tonight at the usual time.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:10am : Happy Late Night, my Darling. I hope you had a fun day, and that everything went well for your song. I wound up doing all the things I planned on - took Pearl & Kobi to Lake Balboa. It was jammed with people, lots of pedal boaters on the lake, barbequers (which Kobi loved!), and folks just enjoying the park, as we were. The weather was perfect and the water shimmered in the late afternoon sunshine.

After Pearl's, I drove straight up to Limekiln Canyon and went on a full-length 3 1/4 mile hike before the fireworks began. It was a great way to get my walk in, and the canyon was just a tad mysterious at twilight, with frog sounds growing louder, and rustling in the bushes. I saw a bunny rabbit, too.

Then I walked down the road to the church (actually a megachurch as they are called), and there were the usual thousands of people. The fireworks show was spectacular as always, and I got back quickly because I know where to park to avoid traffic all was good in the hood. :)

I love the 4th. I am very nostalgic for Americana, for some reason. So now I am listening to Charles Ives, that most American of composers (and he was kinda weird, too, which is always good).

We will have no choir at church tomorrow, and for the whole month of July (cause many members are going on vacation), so on the one hand I get to sleep a little later. But on the other hand, I don't get to sing.

I love singing, so I'll be glad when all the vacations are over, lol. Meanwhile, I will sing in the car and everywhere else I go, sometimes louder, sometimes under my breath when people are near.

Hope I don't get 'em mixed up.  :)

So if you hear someone driving by, belting out a tune, it's probably me. I simply can't be stopped.

Sweet Dreams, Sweet Baby! I will see you in the morning. Best wishes for recording tomorrow.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Late Night Love

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

And Happy 4th of July, too, since it's officially the 4th now. Have you started working on your song yet? I say yes! If I am right, I hope you had good results today. Are you doing the video and music all at once, just over this weekend, or are you guys gonna do it over a period of time? I ask because I am excited to see it! :)

I am back in work mode, so today was just a usual schedule day for me, although I did watch an exceptionally good Western called "Rocky Mountain", starring Errol Flynn. Now that I ran out of werewolf movies, it's back to Westerns! With Flynn, you can't go wrong, whether he's playing Robin Hood, or a pirate, or a Confederate captain as in today's movie. He was a good actor and a true Movie Star.

Tomorrow will be fun. I always look forward to the fireworks show at Shepherd Of The Hills. I will check in sometime before I go, just to say hi and to see how things are going at the studio.

Have an amazing 4th, and a great weekend. I will see you in the morn.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Everything Is Good (werewolves & artists)

Good Evening, Sweet Baby,

I am home from Pearl's, and back at work today. This morning I saw several posts by you, including your own Sweet Baby picture post, and also one about writing a song and being super happy, and also posts having to do with Megatone, so I am thinking that everything is pretty good right about now.  :)

And that makes me Super Happy!  :):)

I hope you are getting ready for a great 4th Of July weekend, and I know you are. Your song is gonna turn out great! But don't forget to watch the fireworks, too (did I already mention that? I think I did....). Well, I've run out of sunset pictures for the moment. The sky is not cooperating tonight: no more clouds, the monsoon weather went away and all we've got is a clear blue sky. Great for sunny Summer weather, but lousy for sunsets. I'll be on sunset watch, however, and as soon as a good one comes up, I'll be right there to capture it.  :)

Well, for now I am gonna hang out a bit, and this time I'm gonna watch my last werewolf movie for sure, "Werewolf Of London", which was also the very first werewolf movie ever made. Are you scared? I sure am.....

Then after it's over, I'll go for my walk...........and hope I don't run into any werewolves.  :)

That's all for the moment, my Darling. I will write more later at the usual time, back at Pearl's. Have a great evening!

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight : Happy Late Night, my Darling. We are back to regular late night hours now that I am back at Pearl's. I was really turning into a Night Owl at home, haha. Maybe I am turning into a werewolf! :)

I watched the final film in the Legacy collection, "Werewolf Of London", and in some ways it was the best of the bunch. Very stylish and cinematic, considering it went all the way back to 1935, and it had a lot of great Mad Scientist stuff in it, too. Henry Hull is a botanist, searching in Tibet for a mysterious plant that only blooms by moonlight. Little does he know that it attracts The Wolf. In the movie, "Tibet" is actually Vasquez Rocks, instantly recognizable for the huge sandstone formations jutting out of the ground. The Rocks have been featured in many movies, and Star Trek too, and in fact I took some pics when I drove out there in 2013. Should be in my FB photos. But yes, all in all, a great werewolf flick, and now I'm depressed because I've watched 'em all and I need more! Not the modern ones, though. Gimme the old ones from Universal.

Hey! Maybe Hammer made some. I'm gonna check it out in just a minute......

I saw your post on "Why" are artists weird/poor/etc. And the answer is.......hmmmm, I'm not sure.

You can't really reverse it, because there are a lot of weird people and poor people who aren't artists.

Rick Wakeman had a great quote once on the theory of the Starving Artist. He said, "An Artist does not produce his greatest work while lying in the gutter; he does much better if he knows where his next meal is coming from". Now, I don't know if that answers the question of Why, but his statement is true enough on it's own.

I think an Artist does great and is motivated as long as he or she feels the twin excitements of curiousity and expectation. That's where the weirdness really comes in. And the happiness.

Connecting with a thought, being drawn in, and following that thought or idea or concept all the way to it's conclusion.

That's why Artists are weird/poor/etc., because they are tuned into those things. But you already knew that.

And Artists can get rich, too. Or at least make a living being Weird.  :)

Sweet Dreams, my Baby. I will see you in the morning.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Downtown (a fun day + sweet dreams)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

I am still home, didn't make it Downtown just yet because of a late start, but I am gonna go. I discovered that they do have an evening commuter train back to Northridge from Union Station that leaves at 6:40. There is also one that leaves at 5:55, depending on if I am done with my sightseeing/picture taking by then. I will take the 2:54 train to get down there, and it gets to Union Station at 3:40, so that will give me up to three hours to walk around. I will go to Olvera Street, which is right across from Union Station, and then after that, I'll just see what I can see. I know Downtown pretty well, though I haven't done a walking tour since 2006. Since then, I've just been down there for concerts at night, and in those cases I take the subway and walk to a specific location. But our Downtown really isn't that big, maybe two miles square. Basically, you just stay away from Skid Row and it's all good, lol.  :)

I saw your pictures of Tina, and as always they are excellent. You are a natural at portrait photography, and at photography in general! And at so many other things, too. You are just a natural Natural, I think!  :)

I will be around til about 2pm, then I will head over to the train station, which is a couple miles from my apartment. The evening train gets back to the station at about 7:15, so I should be home between 7:30 and 8pm - just in time to take more sunset pictures, haha. And to watch another werewolf movie!

Have a great afternoon, Sweet Baby. I'll see you when I get back.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:15am : Happy Late Night, my Darling. Well, my final day off and it was a busy one. I had fun Downtown, and I basically remembered where everything was. From Union Station I walked up to Our Lady Of The Angels cathedral, the main Catholic church in Los Angeles. The atmosphere is awesome inside there and I could sit there all day. When I would take Dad down there on the train, we'd go there and sometimes the organist would be practicing. They have a massive pipe organ there and we always loved hearing it. I walked all over after that, to Olvera Street, up and down Broadway (and old historic street with buildings from the 1880s). I walked down to The Los Angeles Athletic Club, where we used to go as kids when Dad was a member.

I did the full walking tour, and I took pictures, but the only problem was that when I had already taken about half of 'em, I noticed I had the picture size set on a smaller than usual setting, so some of the photos are smaller and square shaped. Aww, man.......c'mon Ad, pay attention to what you're doing.

But the thing is, I have no idea how it got set that way. Anyhow, I still got some good pics, but some of 'em are small. I'll post 'em anyway.

Then when I got home, at 7:30, I went straight over to CSUN for.........yep, you guessed it! -

More sunset pics! Yippee! :)

This time, I got the bright idea of going to the top of a nearby CSUN parking garage, which is why you can see the silhouette of the Santa Susana mountains in the background.

Didn't have enough time to watch my last werewolf movie, but I'll do it tomorrow.

I hope you had a good day. I saw your post about rehearsal night at the studio, so maybe you went down there? I know you will probably be going this weekend, to record your tracks for the video. You can record and then watch fireworks.  :)

I always look forward to 4th of July, it's one of my favorite holidays. I have another round trip ticket for the train that I have to use up before it expires on July 14, so I'll go back before then and take more pics, and make 'em the right size this time. All in all, though, 'twas a fun day and a really good series of days off for me. I feel rejuvenated and ready to head back to work, and continue the fun Summer.

I get one last sleep in tomorrow morn, and then I head back to Pearl's at 11am to take her to the hair salon.

Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the late morning/early afternoon. I Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)