Good Afternoon, Sweet Baby,
I have to check in a little early to say that it's fun to remember back to when you were 13 or 14, and I see you are doing it too! :) What's funny is that, for me, 2006 seems like not too long ago, while for you it's almost half your life. Now, you know I mean that in a funny way, but it's also kind of neat, because when you are younger, time seems longer because of your reference point. Think about when you were 10. Five years seems like a really long time, because it was half your lifetime to that point.
So it's a trip how that works. :)
But it's just plain fun to have music memories. I don't know if you meant The Chili Peppers specifically, but they had a bunch of great songs, and I loved 90s music in general, and of course I can remember when MTV first came on the air, way back in 1982 I think it was. Bands were doing music videos before that, as you can see by the old '60s pop songs I post, but when MTV came along, videos became almost mandatory.
And now you are making videos yourself! :)
Well, that's all for the moment. I'm just hanging around the pad, but will venture out in a few minutes to do part of my walk, or maybe go to the store. I already watched a classic Mummy : "The Mummy's Ghost".
Loved it!
I'll probably be back in the 4:30-5pm range. Enjoy your day!
I Love You!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:55am : Happy Super Duper Late Night, my Darling, only this time it's because my computer has been acting goofy for the last half hour or so. I was ready to check in a little while ago, and then I noticed the red light was blinking on my modem. That has only happened maybe once or twice in the two years I've had Internet service here, and because I know nothing about computers, I was freaking out. :)
Well, not quite freaking, perhaps, but I certainly wasn't happy with the situation. I wanted to write to my Baby! All I knew to do was to hit the reset button on the back of the modem, and fortunately it worked. Took about 10 minutes, geez. I must pause here for a bit of Primal Scream Therapy and a small complaint...
Good Lordy Moses do I ever hate technical problems! I just really don't like 'em, I tell ya.
It's not that I'm a dummy and can't figure stuff out. It's simply that I do not have the patience for things that don't work. That is all. :)
It's actually been a very nice day, relaxing and evenly paced. I didn't do anything special, but I got a lot done, if that makes any sense. What I wanna do, and may do this week is to dig out some more of my old photos from high school photo class, just to sort through for potential scanning and posting. More stuff for FB, in other words. The only problem is that a lot of my photo stuff is packed away at the back of a closet (yeah, real smart place to put it, Ad) and to get to it, I'll have to move a ton of other stuff. But I may do it anyway, we'll see. It would be fun to poke through and see what I've got.
One day, too, I've gotta get all my Northridge Meadows tapes out of the same closet and have 'em digitized. That's all of my 40 hours of footage from the earthquake building I've told you about, the tapes I tried to make a documentary from, back in the mid-90s. Definitely gotta get them restored, sharpened, color corrected, all of that stuff that is done on a computer program.
I want 'em to look hi-def, and I know they can do that these days.
I hope you had a nice day, and once again I bet you did. If I'd been in Vegas, I'd have put down some bucks on it.... :)
Tomorrow, another sleep-in, then perhaps a hike. Not sure on that score, either, but for sure a hike either tomorrow or Wednesday.
Sleep well, and have Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.
I Love You, Elizabeth! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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