Good Morning, my Darling,
I am just waking up and checking FB, and I see the one post by you, via the Dalai Lama. That one doesn't sound very good. Is everything okay? I have thought you were busy the last couple of days, perhaps on an outing, but if you are upset about something, please let me know.
I hope things are alright at home. At any rate, you obviously wanted me to see that post, and it's upsetting, so please clarify if you get the chance. I'll be here for the next couple hours at least.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
9:50pm : Hi Elizabeth. I just wanted to check in a little earlier than usual. I hope you've been having a nice Friday evening. I've just been hanging out, enjoying my last day off. I was wondering about this morning's post, as I said earlier, and then a while ago, earlier in the evening I saw you post via your friend Tristan. I know you are a Star Wars fan, so maybe it's just an ordinary "like" post, but if not, I don't understand it. One line concerned me at the very end : "I hate you". That is something I don't even wanna type, and I am sure is has nothing to do with whatever message you were trying to convey (if there was a message), but I suppose I only even noticed it in this context because of your earlier post this morning about feeling anger.
I guess I am pretty confused at this point. First, you didn't post for a couple of days, and I thought you were on a short trip or vacation. Then, you finally did post, but it was about feeling anger. Then when I asked for clarification (if you read this same blog earlier this morning), you posted something mentioning Star Wars, but with that one line at the end which relates to feeling angry.
I say again that I hope everything is alright, and if it's not, please tell me.
I am gonna finish the rest of my walk in a few minutes, but will be around after 11pm, and then I will be up until 2 or 2:30 because I have one final sleep in tomorrow morning.
So if you feel like posting, I'll be here. I Love You and I'm thinking about you.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:35am : Hi Elizabeth. I am just trying again, even though you are probably asleep. I guess you are upset about something; unfortunately, I have no way of knowing what it is. We've been down this road before, so you know that communication is the key. I am trying to communicate, several times today, but if you don't want to communicate in return, then there's no way I can know what the problem is.
Tonight is my last night off, so I'll be up for a little while, on the off chance that you are awake and feel like responding. I know, though, that it's not always possible to instantly find a post that matches what you are trying to convey. Tomorrow I will be awake at about the usual sleep-in time, 10 to 10:30am. Then I will be around most of the day at home til 4:15. Then I go back to work, and tomorrow night I will again be at the Rush concert and won't be back to Pearl's til about 1am, and then Sunday morning I am right back at church and the return of choir practice and all of that.
Anyway, for now I will be awake til about 2 or 2:30. Just trying to communicate, as always in these situations.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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