Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Late Night Love

Hi, my Darling,

Happy Super Late Night. Sorry I didn't post earlier, but I didn't see you on FB, so I just figured you were busy, maybe taking photos or hanging with friends. My day today wasn't all that much different from yesterday : another Mummy Movie ("The Mummy's Curse"), which I don't even have to review because you know I loved it! :)

Went for a full length hike up at Aliso Canyon, 3.5 miles total. Saw another bunny, who wound up on FB. One thing I am noticing about bunnies, having photographed several by now, is that they don't vary much in their choice of poses, haha. They seem to go for the sideways look, sitting down, ears up, one eye visible, very intent on something. That's the Singular Bunny Pose, from what I can tell. But I always enjoy seeing them and taking their picture, whenever we cross paths on the trail.

This eve, just reading, then going for another 3.5 on my usual CSUN loop. 7 miles total for the day. Feels good. I hope you had a good day, too. Hope to see you in the morning!

I Love You. Sweet Dreams until then.  :):)

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