Friday, July 10, 2015

I'm Back, Happy Friday (sweet dreams)

Good Afternoon, Sweet Baby,

I am home. Sorry I didn't write last night, but I had a difficult time getting situated. Pearl fell asleep on the couch, watching TV, and when that happens it is very difficult to get her to wake up and go into her bedroom to go back to sleep. Last night it took til 1am, and by then I was toast.

Anyway, I am here now. I'll be home for just a little while, and then I have to go back to Pearl's at 1:30 to take her to the eye doctor. After that it'll be normal schedule for the rest of the day, and hopefully a back-to-normal evening too, lol.

I saw yesterday your posts from the studio, and I see that you are working on an album cover for Good Morning V. Your first album cover! That's fantastic! I have gotta say, it sounds like you are booked solid, nonstop work coming your way, and I just can't repeat enough how amazing it is.  :)

I hope you are having a good day today and enjoying your afternoon. I will be around all day, on and off, usual schedule etc.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight : Happy Late Night, my Darling. All is quiet tonight, so that is good. I am relaxing with KUSC on the radio. I hope you had a good start to your weekend, maybe you were at the studio again today. Anyhow, I will wish you sweet dreams and see you in the morning.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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