Good Evening, my Darling,
I am at home, just finished listening to the new Pink Floyd album. It's almost all instrumental, very mellow, and very beautiful. The overall sound is reminiscent of "The Division Bell", my all-time favorite album, so I am very happy.
I hope your week is off to a good start. I saw your post this morning, and the title of the Good Morning V song is "Bliss", so I figure that's got to be a good sign. You are probably busy with projects, too, or maybe visiting places with your school. :)
Tonight is of course the Judas Priest concert, so it's a day of music. I will check in again, before I head down to the concert. Gonna take the subway, as usual. Right now, I'll be home, probably til about 3pm, then I'm gonna make a couple stops before going to Pearl's.
I hope you are having a nice evening!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
4:35pm : Hi, Sweet Baby, Happy Late Night! I am at Pearl's, and having just drummed The Kobedog, now I will give him his dinner. That was a very heartfelt post by your friend Justin. I take it he is coming to Los Angeles for either his music or some other craft (he mentions acting, too)? Best wishes and best of luck to him. There are so many opportunities here and he seems like a guy who is determined to make it. Once you get your foot in the door, anything can happen. So, it's not only a great post for him, but for anything else you wish it to signify! :):)
The great thing about L.A., or one of the great things, is that, as big a place as it is, it's really not an intimidating place. I know that's easy for me to say, cause I've lived here all my life, but I think it really is the city of "Have A Nice Day", and everybody - even if they are a movie star - is just an everyday Joe. I've said it before, we're all just a bunch of Angelenos. Some are living in Beverly Hills mansions, some are living in Tiny Apartments (now who could that be?), but we're all just L.A. Joes.
Well, I will drive to North Hollywood when I am done here, at 6:30, and I will meet Grimsley atthe subway station. Then we will head down to the Nokia Theater, which is next to Staples Center in Downtown L.A. And, we will see Judas Priest. I am excited, of course, and I will let you know how it went when I get back, which might be sorta late, because this time there is an opening act, and JP don't go on til 9:30. I am figuring they'll play til about 11 or 11:15. I'll be back to the Downtown subway by apprx. 11:30 - 11:45, then back to the North Hollywood station by apprx. 12:15. So I should be home by 1am, or a little before.
Sweet Dreams for now, my Angel, and I will see you in the Italian morning!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
1:15am: Good Morning, my Darling, I am back from the show. What can I say about Judas Priest? They really are the definitive metal band, and so great live. Rob Halford still hitting those high notes at age 63 is amazing, to say nothing of 67 year old Glenn Tipton still performing with the same precision and power he always has. They have a new guitar player, Richie Faulkner, who is half Tipton's age, and who wasn't even born when I first saw the band at the Starwood club in March 1979. I think I either need a lobotomy, or I got one tonight by accident, from his guitar solos.......
There is just nothing like Judas Priest live, and next time they play, you are going with me! :):)
A great day, all in all, with the new Pink Floyd and tonight's concert. I am gonna eat something and then go to bed. I might be a little toasted tomorrow, so I don't know if I'll try for a hike, but being me, I probably will.
I hope your day is off to a good start. I will be awake for another 45 minutes or so, and I will see you tomorrow morning, too.
I Love You, Elizabeth! Many great times are ahead. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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