Good Evening, my Darling Baby!,
I just wanted to say hi before I left to go to The Huntington. I got a pretty good sleep-in, so I feel rested. It should be fun, and I'll feel like I'm in Italy with you because it's a place of art and culture. :):)
So here I go. I will write when I get back, though it will probably be late, around 5pm perhaps.
Enjoy the rest of your evening. I Love You, Elizabeth! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
5:30pm : Hi, my Darling. I know it's super late, but I'm just getting home so I wanted to check in. We had a really nice time at The Huntington. They had a photographic exhibit featuring the black and white pictures of two photographers, Bruce Davidson, who photographed London in the 1960s, and a guy named Paul Caponigro, who I'd never heard of before. He took a lot of pictures of natural landscapes in Scotland and Ireland, mostly in the 1970s, and some of his shots were really fantastic. I am gonna do some Googling on both of those guys, and especially Caponigro. I wanna see what kind of camera and film he was using. The grey scales he got were fantastic.
We had lunch at the Huntington Tea Room, and we also saw his residence, a fantastic mansion that also doubles now as a gallery for his art collection, which includes the famous portraits of "Blue Boy" and "Pinky". All in all, a great day. Next time I go, you will have to go with me. :):)
I am gonna post now so you will know I'm home, and then I'll write more later, at the usual time. Probably watch a movie in between, and read, and go for my walk. And I'll be watching over you the whole time. :)
Sweet Dreams, my Angel. I Love You, Elizabeth!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:30am : Good Morning, Awesome Lady. I just posted a few pics of The Huntington, so you get an idea of what it looks like inside. Outside is all rose gardens, botanical gardens and green lawns. I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, and we were actually in the Tea Room, having lunch, from 12:30 to 2pm, so a lot of time was spent just eating. The place is pretty special, though, purchased and created in the age when great fortunes were amassed, before income tax. When you go there, you think : "Thanks, Mr. Huntington". That's called Noblesse Obilge, the honorable duty of the wealthy to the masses, to share, and in that era it was largely honored. Hence, you also have places like O'Melveney Park, huge tracts of beautiful parkland or wilderness area that were once privately owned but were bequeathed to the public in the will of the owner.
The Huntington has a feel and a landscape that I think might be similar to places in Italy, like the central park in which you took your recent photo.
At any rate, it was a good day, and I hope yours was too. I am up a little later because of days off, and tomorrow I will sleep in again, with no special plans, so I will start the day slow. I'll be up for a little while and then I'll see you in the morning.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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