Good Evening, my Darling,
It's a repeat of yesterday, sort of. I am back from Rocky Peak Trail once again. I figured since it is a new trail for me, I might as well get to know it, and I also wanted to check out the Hummingbird Trail, which branches off from it. I hiked the Hummingbird one time, way back in June I think, but that time I started from the Simi Valley end of the trail, and I didn't get very far because I was a beginner at the time. I went about a half mile down this time, but I could see that it goes on for several miles, so I turned around and went back to Rocky Peak Trail. This time I went a little farther than yesterday, to a point where I could actually see Rocky Peak itself. I think it's about another mile to mile and a half from where I was. I've already done Mission Peak and Oat Mountain, so when I have time I'll go all the way to the top of Rocky Peak, too.
It's a nice hike. You really feel like you are back in Indian country.
So that was all for this morning. I saw your question this morn, and I agree with a couple of the girls who commented. Just keep it simple, a long explanation is not necessary. "I have to get paid because this is what I do". You know, I am not a professional creative person, but just commenting from a personal standpoint, I think a lot of it has to do with personality and how people perceive you. If you are seen as a kind person, compassionate, perhaps, you stand a greater chance of people trying to take advantage of your nature. I'm not saying that any or all of the people who asked you to shoot for free are trying to take advantage. Maybe some or many can't really afford to have the pictures taken, and so they ask "just for the heck of it". But then there will be others who can afford it, but just wanna get something done for free.
That's why a simple, concise explanation is called for. "I can't do it for free. This is what I do for a living. I won't be able to stay in business if I don't get paid".
It's true though, about people perceiving your nature. Can you imagine a snarky, aggressive personality type getting asked to do it for free? I'll bet it doesn't happen nearly as often. Now, you can't - and should never - try to adjust your personality to deal with clients, but just keep it simple and polite and you'll be fine. Stay firm, too.
One other thing, and it's just my opinion, so take it for what it's worth. You mentioned "trying to change people's minds" about the value of creative work, or something of that nature. This is just me, but speaking from experience, most people's minds cannot be changed about much of anything. Maybe if it's a very young person, like a middle teenager, who has been getting their music free all their life in the downloading era, but even then, people become set in a particular way of doing things, or in a particular way of seeing a situation or believing what they think is a right way of doing things; i.e. what is legitimate.
It's like politics. My sister asked me about a question that my nephew's class was asked by their art teacher : "Does a film have the power to change a person's political beliefs". My answer was unequivocally no. No film, no book, no song - no matter how great - has ever, in my opinion, been solely responsible for changing a person's vote. I won't go into a long explanation, except to say that in matters where the ego is involved, it is very, very hard for a person to change, because to do that is to admit to themselves that they had something figured out wrong. And it's very hard for people to say, "I was wrong" about such-and-such.
Unless they figure it out for themselves. If they figure it out for themselves, that they were wrong about something, then there is no ego damage inflicted. I'm sure you see what I am saying.
Anyway, just tell people you've got to be paid, and leave it at that. The only reason to do freebies is if it will lead directly to a big or permanent offer, like when a person works an apprenticeship in the entertainment industry. But as a self-employed artist, you have to get paid. End of speech. :)
Well, Sweet Baby, I am gonna post this and then read my Dr. Joe book until it's time to go back to Pearl's. I will check in when I get there.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
4:55pm : Happy Late Night, my Baby. Hey, I saw your post just now, and that's really cool about your friend Justin. I say "your friend", I know he wasn't always pleasant to you when you were in his band, but maybe it's all water under the bridge now. He seems like basically an alright guy. Anyway, that's exactly what I was saying a few days ago, referring to another post of his, that there are tons of opportunities in Los Angeles. And so he found one of them. That's great! Now, it's just one step of many, but if he just keeps doing it and believes in himself, he will keep making those steps. Way to go, Justin!
You, Sweet Baby, are gonna make all the right moves to get to where you want to be in your life. As we've said, you're already doing it, and your life is already on track. You are already on your journey. It's fun to be me, and to watch it happen. My own life has been a journey, that's for sure, and while at times it sure didn't feel like I was on the right track, when I look back, it could only have been the way it's been. And I wouldn't trade any of it for anything, any amount of money. Always stay on your journey!
Now I will do the list of things Kobedoggie is barking at me to do : feed him, give him his pill (in a piece of dog food), feed the Black Kitty (so he can have some cat food). Tonight I can take it easy again cause I hiked about 3 1/2 miles at Rocky Peak.
I send you Sweet Dreams and many hugs and kisses, and I will see you at 11:30 tonight.
I Love You, Elizabeth! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:55pm : Good Morning, my Darling. Hey, you know, speaking of your earlier question and referring to your Cinema Paradiso post at the same time, I was watching your "Summer Snow" video again, and it's really good. See, you already have enough portfolio material, and it's not about "portfolio" anyway. It's about projecting yourself. We all project ourselves in different ways. Some folks are ultra-professional, have all the details down, some are more intuitive and just go by feel, but it's all about projecting You. I have been projecting myself all my life, but have only been conscious of it in my adult life, meaning that I've developed the ability to analyse it. I see that I have been projecting myself in mostly a psychic way, a way of thought and concentration on my place in the world, or how I relate to the world. That's how I came to see myself as a creative person : how do I relate to this human life, what is my story, what is behind the scenes? It's all very complex, lol, but the point is that I have constantly been projecting myself, via concentrated thought, for years now, and after a while, this thought energy is the rudder that keeps you on your path, and in a professional sense, it attracts people to you. I am not an outgoing person, so I project from within. It's not something you force, but rather a force you tune into, and that force carries your will outward. It probably sounds like a lot of gibberish, but it isn't. It's similar to Intent. You can also call it Knowing Who You Are. Most people don't know Who They Are, but You Do. So that's projection, in the artistic sense.
Now, that's not helpful in a professional sense, I know, but it is these subtleties that set us apart, that makes a certain artist interesting while another may be less so. Take an "expert" guitarist, for example, a Grade A Shredder. Why are most of those guys boring?
Because there is no projection of self, just a lot of learned skills.
Whereas a far less technically talented musician can pull in an audience by projecting an interesting personality.
Now, you can't fake it. You have to have an interesting personality to project one. But you have one, and that has been apparent from the get go.
I have to say that the melody you wrote for "Summer Snow" is simply beautiful, and so full of feeling. And the images match the music exactly.
So always have quiet confidence in yourself. It's what has carried me through life, and it puts the focus on You, and what you want for yourself, rather than on other people, and what they may want from you, or how they think of you.
Quiet confidence, held inside, focused, and projected outward, in thought and in action. That's will serve you well.
I Love You, Elizabeth. See you in the morn. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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