Good Evening, Sweet Baby,
I am at home, just dropped Pearl off after her Women's Club meeting. While she was there I went out to El Scorpion Park. I finally met my match when I tried to hike up a steep trail in search of a route to Castle Peak, a mountaintop rock formation that fits it's description. In trying to find an overall route up to the Peak, I began on the only visible trail, which as noted was very steep. I thought, "well, I did Chumash Trail last Summer, this can't be much steeper". Plus, I had my new hiking boots with lots of tread.
I made it about 4/5ths of the way up, and then I saw the last 200 feet, which were even steeper.
"Um, forget it", I said.
And it was the only time I've had to slowly turn around, careful to keep a foothold, and then sit down, because what is steep going up is even steeper going down. :)
So I sat on my butt and scooched down the trail, crab-like, for about halfway. Got nice and dirty in the process. Then, the steepness levelled out just enough to allow me to go the rest of the way standing up.
Well, it was worth a try. At least I know it's probably not the route to Castle Peak, because there wouldn't be so many reviews of that hike posted, if it were that hard.
I still had plenty of time, so I went back to the main trail and hiked the half mile to the Cave Of Munits, my fourth trip there now. This time, I had my new boots, and they've made a big difference in grip. I don't feel like I'm about to slide all the time (except on the super steep trail), and so I was finally able to hike the last, moderately steep portion of the Munits trail and go all the way up to the mouth of the cave. I didn't go inside, because that requires some moderate rock climbing, so I will need a bag or something to carry my camera around my neck. Also, there are tons of bees up there (oh no!). But it was awesome to be right there, at the opening of this huge cave.
So, that was my morning. I hope your day has been good. I am still trying to get the hang of the Nothing More meme. I see they are touring with Periphery, so maybe you are a fan of their's as well. I didn't know, because until recently, you had never posted them before, which was why I thought posts with Nothing More in them were message posts. Now, I am not 100% sure if you are posting because you are a fan (just a regular FB "like" in other words) or if "Nothing More" indeed means a message, such as "I can't post anything more at the moment, because I am in the woods with my class".
So I will wait, and that way I will be able to figure it out. :)
The main thing is that I hope you are having a blast, and you know I love you.
Since this is a late post right now, I will wait until later this eve to post again.
I Love You, my Darling, and I send you Sweet Dreams! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:15am : Good Morning, my Angel. I guess I figured out that "Nothing More" means what it says, no posts at the current time, so you must be on a road trip again. Out at the camp with your class, or maybe somewhere else. That is awesome that you guys get to go on so many field trips. :)
I was tired this eve, so I didn't finish my mileage, just stayed in and read my book and watched an X-File. Now I am listening to Bach Partita #3. Tomorrow morn will be busy and back-and-forth, taking both Pearl and The Kobedog to their respective hairdressers, but I'll be around anyway, at Pearl's or here. Post when you can. Hope you are getting lots of good pictures!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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