Hey, my Girl,
Happy Late Night. I hope all is well, even if you think I'm a right wing jerk, lol. I'm definitely not right wing, and I hope I'm not a jerk, but my views are my views and I try to look at situations straight on, and not let anything influence me, either from the right or the left. Anyhow, I hope all is well and that you had a good day, despite what is going on. I saw your post about your friend's painting, which I guess is a self portrait. Your comment on that post, coming as it did just a few minutes after I posted my Ferguson blog, was at first confusing to me. You said something like, "At first, I thought you were joking", and, at first, I did not know if you were referring to me and my Ferguson blog. But then I thought, "she can't be referring to me, because it's obvious I am not joking". So then your friend commented back, and I see that your comment was meant in regards to his painting in some way. So all is well, I assume.
Anyhow, I am just chilling. That blog took me an hour and a half to write, and now you can see why I don't "do" politics or the news anymore, haha. I just have to stay away from it.
So, I will segue back into my usual pursuits, and get back into the frame of mind that suits me best, and for now I will wish you Sweet Dreams and restful sleep, and I will see you when you wake up. I'll be back at the usual time, later tonight. For now I'll be hanging out, just in case you are still up, and I'll be here til about 5:30 or so. Then I am gonna go for part of my walk. :)
I Love You, Elizabeth! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
1am : Good Morning, my Darling. I am up late, not much happening, just spent the evening reading and listening to music. I hope you have a great day - the day before a birthday is always part of the fun, the anticipation and all. I will be awake til about 2am, then up about 9:30 or 10pm. See you in the morning.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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