Thursday, November 26, 2015

Gobble Gobble (too funny!) (HBD24hr + Thanksgiving)

Good Morning, my Darling,

Okay.......:)........I just woke up, but I had to check in right away, because that is just too funny! :)!

I hope you don't wind up on the Thanksgiving dinner table. I will be back after my own Thanksgiving dinner to make sure....

Have a great day, Funny Lady. I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

12:40am : Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby, and because it is past midnight I can also wish you a Happy Birthday, too, so that you get the full 24 hour effect.

Happy Birthday, Elizabeth! I think the upcoming year is gonna be your best one yet! Just keep doing what you do, and have fun while doing it, and you can't go wrong.  :) Wow, this is the fourth birthday since I've known you. Pretty amazing, eh? And these are awesome years, your early 20s........  :)

I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving day as well, with your family. We had a nice dinner at Pearl's, with lots of good food, some wine, and several desserts (two pies and a cake). I put away quite a bit, and am full and happy as I write. The guys in our party watched a bit of football, too, cause it's traditional (and because we love football). The Kobester was pretty well behaved, considering how much food was being consumed around him. And he wound up getting a small bowl of turkey himself, just for being such a Good Boy.

Tomorrow perhaps another hike. We will see, after the sleep in. I hope you have an absolute blast on your birthday, and I will of course be back to wish you an HBD again tomorrow morn.

(but I had to start tonight because you've gotta get your 24 hours worth)

Sweet Dreams, my Baby. Today was a great day, and your picture was a classic. I will see you in the morning.........

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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