Friday, November 6, 2015

My News Ticker Is Gone At FB (sigh + Sweet Dreams)

Hi, my Darling,

I'm still getting settled in here at Pearl's, but I wanted to check in to let you know that I don't have any news ticker at FB, so anything you've posted since about 2pm today I haven't been able to see. Doggone FB again. It seems every few months they do something to make it worse than it was before. You know what I mean by the news ticker, right? It's the column on the right hand side that also has the chat bar, which shows you who is online, and the news ticker is located just on top of that in the same right side column. The ticker shows you who just posted what. It's current.

It's also the only way I can find most of your posts, ever since they ruined the Close Friends feature by limiting it to profile updates. Since then, I've found your posts by scrolling the news ticker, and that way, even if you posted something a few hours earlier, I can still find it. But now - just this afternoon - they've taken my news ticker away, too. There is a little icon on the bottom of the right side column that looks like a wheel or a star, and when you hover on it, it says "options". And when you click it, one of the options has always been to "show ticker" or "hide ticker". It used to be that my news ticker was always shown, right when I logged on to my computer. Then in the last few months, maybe since the beginning of Summer, it has always been hidden when I logged on, and I would go to that "wheel" icon (options) and click "show ticker". And then it would show up. But now the news ticker is gone, and so is the "show"/"hide" option to put it up.

So now I can't put the ticker up, period. This really sucks, and I notified FB about it. Hopefully they are just doing maintenance or something, but I don't trust 'em because of what they've done in the past with "Close Friends", limiting it to updates only. "Close Friends" used to show every post you made, "likes" included. Then FB shut that down and now a post by you only shows up there if it's a personal update. This is not good. I hope the ticker comes back, because it's the only way I have to see what you are posting and respond.

Anyway, fingers crossed that it's only a maintenance glitch. Hopefully it'll be back up asap, or we'll have to come up with something new. FB drives me crazy sometimes............sigh.

Anyway, I am gonna finish getting settled here, and I'll be back in just a little bit, half an hour or so.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:50am : Everything is still all messed up at FB. When I click my Friends list, they are all stacked up in alphabetical order instead of most popular (i.e. you and Ono and my bro and Bill Nelson, Joe Farrell are always at the top, and a few others. Now, it's A through Z.

FB screws things up again. For the life of me, I don't understand why they don't leave that site alone. Here you've got one of the biggest companies in world history, and you've gotta keep fucking with it (excuse my language but I'm upset). Do you see Coca Cola messing with their formula? Well, okay - you do. They have made mistakes in the past as well, and McDonald's too, the biggest companies in the world. But their screwups are occasional. FB messes with their site all the freaking time.

You never see Google mess with their site.

I think it's because Zuckerberg is ADD, which was indicated in "The Social Network". The guy is a coo-coo bird.

I had better sign off for the evening, cause I'm too mad to say anything constructive. Freakin' Facebook.

I hope you had a good day, though, of course. And I hope when I turn my computer on tomorrow morn, it will be back to what it was. The whole thing makes me long for the days of talking, by land line telephones.


Sweet Dreams, Elizabeth. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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