Sunday, November 29, 2015

Saturday Night Love (powwow + gruesome + lights + choir)

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I am back at Pearl's. All is quiet here. Super chilly outside, about 36, which as you know qualifies as L.A. Cold. :) I hope you had a nice day. Maybe still doing birthday stuff? Or maybe holiday weekend family stuff. I can't see any posts because of the doggone FB, so I hope you had a good day (and I'm sure you did).  :)

Today was the CSUN Powwow, as indicated by my FB post. I always go because I love Indian culture as you also know, and I especially like to see what they call The Grand Entry, which is a dance of members of all the different tribes as they come into the staging area. The dancers are in full garb, and the music is provided by men in a drum circle who also sing and chant. I actually looked up some powwow music on Amazon, cause I wanna get a cd of those chants. They're very hypnotic, and spiritual. So I made a couple trips over to see what was going on at the Powwow. It lasted all day, from 10am till 7:30pm.

I saw the first Christmas lights up tonight as I drove over here. I always love to see the houses lit up, and it goes with the cold, clear air. All the haze disappears at this time of year and the night sky is well defined, dark and sparkling with at least a few handfuls of stars and tonight a brilliant round Moon. Perfect for the colors of the Christmas lights.

I may have mentioned it yesterday, but I began Season Five of "The Walking Dead". I think it has reached the Pinnacle Of Gruesomeness by now. After seeing the first two episodes of this season, I can't see it getting worse from that standpoint......(my goodness, I guess "not for the squeamish" doesn't apply anymore, as this show is so popular).

Well, that was my day. Tomorrow will be church and a little bit extra at choir practice as we will be rehearsing again with the director from the SFV Master Chorale. I'll be around in the morning and then back at around 1:30pm.

Sweet Dreams, Sweet Baby! I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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