Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Sunday Night

Hi Elizabeth,

I hope you had a nice day. I only saw the one post on FB, for the upcoming Versus Me video, so I guess you weren't around much this weekend. I'm excited about the video and I know you are too. Next week will be awesome.  :)

Today at choir practice, we found out that we are gonna be singing with a larger group, The San Fernando Valley Master Chorale, on December 13 as part of a Christmas concert they are giving at the church that afternoon. In addition to our regular practice today, we also rehearsed a bit with the assistant director of the Chorale. It was really fun and encouraging, because they will be a fairly accomplished group of singers, and it will be a chance to see if we can hang in there with 'em. Their director seems to think so, and we will rehearse again next week with him.

I've just been hanging around since I got home, watching an episode of a WW2 miniseries called "The Pacific" which came out a few years ago. Later this eve, I also watched a classic early horror film from 1932, "Island Of Lost Souls" with Charles Laughton. Super weird and creepy! I remember seeing it on TV when I was about 10, and it left an impression that I never forgot. Seeing it all these years later, it has the same effect.

That's all for tonight. Hope to see you around tomorrow. I Love You.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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