Sunday, November 22, 2015

Happy Late Night

Hi Elizabeth,

Happy Late Night. I am writing from home, as I now have a full week off. I didn't see you around today, on FB, so maybe you are busy with a video or maybe just enjoying your Saturday. I was just shopping with my sister Vickie, then was home most of the afternoon & evening, except for my walk. Reading & watching a movie, "House Of Dark Shadows", which was made in 1970 and based on the original TV series. It was a great vampire movie, for sure. Directed by a guy named Dan Curtis, who worked mostly in television but really knew how to work up an atmosphere. He created a series called "Kolchak: The Night Stalker", which ran in the mid-70s and was one of the scariest shows ever on the air.

Tomorrow is church & choir. We will be singing "Canticle Of Thanksgiving" by Dale Wood. I'll be back home after choir practice, at about 1:30pm.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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