Monday, November 2, 2015

Late Sunday Night Love

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I hope you had a nice Sunday. Mine was usual, with church and choir, lots of singing. We really belted it out today. :) Kinda tired from being up late last night and then getting up early today. If it wasn't for turning the clocks back, I'd be toast right now, haha. 'Twas another Summer day, about 90 this afternoon on November 1st......

Gotta say again that you looked great for Halloween, and I hope you had fun last night.

I always miss October when it's over, and this year it was simply a great, great month, but I love November and December too, the Holiday months, and I will anticipate many wonderful experiences to come next in the days ahead.

See you in the morning, sweet dreams. I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxoxoxoxo :):)

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