Saturday, January 31, 2015

Late Night Love (Sweet Dreams)

Hey, my Darling,

Sorry I'm checking in so late. I am at Pearl's, of course. I did a lot of shopping today, by myself, but there was nothing really to report, just a typical Saturday. Right now I am doing laundry. I hope you had a nice day. Are you still working on your pictures from Europe?

Anyway, I am gonna post this now, just so you know I'm here, and then I will be back after my laundry is done, in just a little while.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(Black Kitty is inside the house with me - don't tell The Kobester!)

Midnight : Just to wish you Sweet Dreams. I am thinking about you.........

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

Friday, January 30, 2015

Connected! (Sweet Dreams)

Oh my goodness, Sweet Baby,

It was like pulling teeth, but I am finally back online at Pearl's. I was on the phone just now for a solid hour with ATT tech support, and the young lady ran though combination after combination of passwords and member IDs, she had me manually reconfigure the modem twice, and finally she had me reset the modem and keyed in - from her end - a temporary password to try to get me into the system. My brain, what's left of it, lol, is too fried to remember exactly what it was that worked - possibly the modem reset, but thank goodness something finally worked, and now I am connected once again.

The tech support girl said it was the most difficult one she's ever done.

I had a feeling there was gonna be some difficulty, when I tried every possible variation of the member ID/password combo that Helen gave me - and none of them worked. But, I had no idea it would be that tough.

Maybe I should do some Primal Scream therapy.......   :)

Had it still not worked, I probably would have, haha.

But it is working, and not only that, but she got me connected to wi-fi, too. There were some numbers on the side of the modem that I had to enter to do that. Anyhow, I am back online at Pearl's.

This afternoon I watched a particularly grim and gruesome WW2 film called "Fury", with Brad Pitt. It was really good, though extremely grim and gruesome (brutal, too), so I am in need of a bit of a breather after all the days events.  :)

I will go for my walk in a little while, or maybe just half of it. I hope your day has been good. Tonight I can check back in later on, so I will do that when I get back to Pearl's. Enjoy the rest of your evening. I'll be here til 9:45, minus half my walk.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

(back in a bit)

12:25am : Happy Super Late Night, my Darling. Pearl & Kobi were up late tonight, so it took longer for me to get situated. I was able to finish my book earlier this eve, the one I posted on FB a week or so ago : "The Hunt For Zero Point" by Nick Cook. It's considered a classic in the alternative science realm and it's really an amazing story that details the author's search for anti-gravity technology that may have entered the development phase back in WW2 with the Nazis. Hidden technology is a major fascination of mine ("no, really? You're kidding, right Ad"?)  :), and I have been interested in the UFO phenomenon since I was little. But the idea of Zero Point energy is a true mindblower - the theory that space is not a vacuum but is filled with frequencies - waves - that, if tapped into like a radio receiver, could power the Earth.

What makes the book such a heavyweight tome, besides the incredible story, is the fact that Cook is no lightweight, and no mere dillitante conspiracy theorist, but is a staff writer for Jane's magazine, the top publication of the British Aerospace industry.

I'm on a technology quest myself, and so I seek out such books, and by now, I've read a great many, and have gotten quite an education in the process, into what is called the Black World of the defense industry.

I am against national secret keeping, though I understand there are circumstances which require secrecy. But, if the American people knew - and comprehended (big difference from just knowing) - the extent to which Nazis were involved in all of the futuristic postwar technology, much of which we have come to take for granted, and if they understood the collusion that took place between the US and Nazi Germany at the end of the war, it would make people's heads spin. America has a lot of secrets.

But it's also the greatest country on Earth, because it has a lot of people who believe in freedom and truth, as well.

That's all I know for tonight, Sweet Baby. Sweet Dreams, if you are not already dreaming them.

I Love You and will see you in the morn.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Great Picture! (MIlan?) (Silent Ozu Movie + Sweet Dreams & Love)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

Wow, what a shot! I take it, then, that you are working on a video? I say that because you mention editing. So that's a still from the video? Wow again! Just great all around, from the color combinations, to the pose, to the model's overall look. What band is it for? Man, now I'm super curious!

It's gonna look totally pro!  :)

There is no doubt you are off and running now.  :)

I am home after dropping Pearl off at the hair salon, so I am gonna jump in the shower real quick. The UPS guy dropped off the new modem this morning, so I will hook it up later this afternoon. Our late night connection will be back!

Man, that's a great shot, straight out of a fashion magazine! Post what band it's for, if you wanna.....

I Love You, my Super Talented Sweet Baby!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

2:30pm : Okay, I am back, and I think I may have got it wrong. While driving, it hit me - "wait a minute, Elizabeth went to that fashion show in Milan". I was picturing your other photos from that event, which you posted last Fall. I initially thought "music video" because I had already guessed, in a previous blog, that that was what you were working on, based on that Nothing More post from a few days ago. So, because I was already under that assumption, and because when I saw this latest picture and your comment mentions "editing", I thought - "hey, I was right! She is working on a music video".

But now I am revising my guess, just because the gal does look like a European fashion model and it makes sense that it's a pic from the Milan show. By editing, you mean cropping, touching up, etc.

In any case, it's a great shot. It's the kind of shot you see in a big time fashion magazine. A great addition to your portfolio, Elizabeth, and I am sure you have many more great photos from Italy (and Europe) of all kinds, fashion and otherwise. I can't wait to see more of them!

Well, I am here til 4:15, minus my walk. I will hook up the new modem when I get back to Pearl's. Tonight is movie night at CSUN. The new semester of the Cinematheque actually began last week, but I missed it because of the fumigation. So, tonight will be my first week. We are doing the films of Yasahiro Ozu, one of the most influential of all the Japanese directors. Not sure of tonight's film, but I will look it up.

That's all for the moment. I'm here for a while, then I'll check in as soon as I've got the Internet reconnected at Pearl's. I hope you are enjoying your day and that your photos are coming along to your satisfaction.  :)

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

9:35pm : Hi, my Darling. I'm writing from home, just got out of the movie. We saw a silent film by Ozu called "I Was Born, But........". It was made in 1932, the earliest film we've seen in all the time of the Cinematheque. The story of two young brothers and the schoolboy mischief they get into, it was really good and very funny, a word you don't usually associate with Ozu's films, especially his later ones. It was a great start to the retrospective (a "start" for me because I missed the first film last week).

Earlier at Pearl's, I set up the new modem and got to the registration phase, which you have to do because it's a new high-speed connection and therefore a new account, but I couldn't get it going because the passwords I was given did not work. I will try again when I get back to Pearl's, but if I still have no luck, I will have to wait til tomorrow and call Pearl's daughter. The account is in her name, so it won't do me any good to call AT&T. So, if you don't see me online in about 45 minutes or so, that's why. But I should have it running by tomorrow, no matter what.

I hope you had a good day and that your pictures all came out to your satisfaction. I think they look great! The Giant's Causeway looks like a mindblowing location. I am gonna Google it to see what all those pillars are - how they formed, etc.

Well, I'd better get going to Pearl's. Sweet Dreams, Sweet Baby! See you either in a few minutes or tomorrow morn.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Quick Trip To Santa Sue + Love (Greenery) (Sweet Dreams)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

I'm home. I had to stay at Pearl's this morn until about 12:30 because there was a Terminex follow-up procedure, a guy came out to drill holes all around the house to inject a chemical into the ground to kill the subterranian termites. Now that it's done, it should be the end of the entire termite ordeal, thank goodness. And, by tomorrow night we should have the Internet back at Pearl's, too.

Not much else happening. Kind of a dreary day, grey and cloudy, but I thought I might drive out to Chatsworth to go to the Santa Susana trail for the first time since October. Also my first trail of the new year. I don't think I'll take my camera because the light is really crummy today, but just to go and at least begin to get my hiking legs back in shape is enough of a reason. Just a quickie trip down the main trail, no climbing up the hill or anything. And, it'll count for half my walk. (oh boy!)  :)

I saw your post. Maybe it's just a regular FB "like" and doesn't pertain to me, or maybe it just means, from the look of the picture, that you are in "contemplative mode" at present. If so, it's all good. Nobody has to be doing things all the time; Lord knows I don't, lol. Sometimes it's good just to take a break and think about things. :)

What I find, and this is always true, is that there is a rhythm to things. Not much can be going on, and then all of a sudden you can feel the action starting to pick up, and before you know it, life is in full swing once again. Looking back on last year, I can remember this happening. I had only just discovered Corriganville in Fall 2013, and maybe a couple of other parks as well. But then the holidays rolled around, and they kind of cancel out everything else at that time of year, plus it's Winter, not really conducive to outdoor stuff.

Then it became 2014, and I wanted to get back out there again, but it just didn't feel like the right time in January, or February. But - because of experience - I knew the time would eventually be right, and in March, last year, I started with a simple visit to Orcutt Ranch. Not even a hike, just a visit to take a few pictures.

And that one visit got the ball rolling, and it turned into The Year Of The Hike, in which I discovered and visited over 25 different parks and trails. Who knew, right?

So that's what I mean when I say that you can kinda sense when the time is right for stuff. There's always downtime, and that's good too, just for thinking about things.

I could have it all wrong, of course: you might be super-busy and the post is just because you liked the girl's picture. But it's all good either way. :)

Well, I guess I will drive out there real quick, just for something to do. I am gonna go straight to Pearl's from Chatsworth, so I will see you when I get back home at 6:45pm.

I Love You, Sweet Baby! Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

7:15pm : Hi, my Darling, I am home. I see your post about Gov. Walker, and I guess you are giving me an example of what a complete jerk he is, and I was pretty certain of that already, just from what I hear in the news. He makes your other nationally famous guy, Paul Ryan, look like a moderate. Yeah, what a jerk - cutting the University budget. That's the kind of thing we used to get all the time here in California, when Arnold Schwarzanegger was Governor. He was the biggest jerk in the history of our state, and we've had some pretty big ones, lol. And, he nearly bankrupted us, but thank God we got Jerry Brown back for eight years (four of which he has already served). Brown has us in the black once again, and the good ship California has been righted and is sailing smoothly.

I did go out to Santa Susana and I'm glad I did. It felt good to go on my first hike in ten weeks, even if it was a simple one. Boy, has the look of the park changed! It's all greened up! The hills now are covered in bright green vegetation from the rains we've had. Gives the place an English feel. I know this will sound terrible, and I know we needed the rain (and need even more), but - as beautiful as the green color is, and the renewal from the rain - I have to admit that I like the barren, dry look better! :)

Yeah, I know I'm an idiot.

But if you were ever there, you'd understand why. We basically live in a desert in SoCal, or at least generally a desert environment. The landscape is usually parched. The dryness gives it it's rugged, Old West look, which is a huge part of it's appeal, in my opinion. The "rolling green hills" English look is beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it sure changes the vibe. It's not as ghostly! I'm sure the ghosts are happy for the rain, though. And, I had a nice walk up and back on the trail, and that will help to jump-start the Hiking Year, even if it won't really be in high gear til Spring.

I love your other post, about the importance of being tender, and I couldn't agree more! That is how you enable yourself to feel things deeply in this world, by allowing yourself to be vulnerable to emotion, and at the same time you create more kindness in the world. It's quite awesome, I think.  :)

Well, Sweet Baby, I will be here, as usual, til 9:45pm, minus the other half of my walk. I will check in again before I head back to Pearl's. I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

9:40 : It's time for me to head back, so I will wish you Sweet Dreams (for later). I'll be thinking about you too, my Darling, and I will try to check in tomorrow morn before Pearl's hair appointment.

Enjoy the rest of your evening!

I Love You, Elizabeth.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday Night Love (Sweet Dreams)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am just home from Pearl's. A typical Tuesday, going to Golden Agers, etc., and then with some time spent in the garden as well, trying to get the plants revitalised after fumigation. I hope you've had a nice day. I will be here, of course, until 9:45, minus my walk. I should have the Internet back at Pearl's by Thursday night. AT&T is supposed to send us a new modem that afternoon, so that will be great.

I will check back in before I go to Pearl's. Enjoy your evening!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

9:35pm : Okay, Awesome Lady, I am gonna head back to Pearl's in a few minutes, so I wanted to wish you Sweet Dreams for later. I guess you were maybe working on a project today - maybe a video? Just a guess. Well, anyway, I hope it was a good day, and I will talk to you tomorrow.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Interstellar Guitar (Dropkick Murphys) (Sweet Dreams)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

Happy Monday. I am just home from Pearl's. Boy, was that ever an incredible show last night! The guitar playing and musicianship was so far out of left field that I've never seen anything like it, just over-the-top amazing. Mike Stern has a jazz background, and even though the music was closer to the energy of rock, his style and abilities pushed Eric Johnson, already a top guitarist, to new heights.

Just when I think I've seen it, all, a show like that comes along. I'm pretty sure, though, that this time, I have seen it all, as far as guitar playing goes. There will be no topping last night.

I see that today, I am the Sweet Baby, a position I love to be in! And, is the Nothing More post a reference to anything? Are you perhaps planning to direct your next music video? I do not know, but what I do know, is that such an opportunity is coming, whether it has already arrived or is still in the works. Your video for Good Morning V was so professional on every level, that you have already established yourself in that field. All it will take is just to get the ball rolling, and maybe it already is.  :)

I am gonna relax for a bit and just kind of see what's happening. I got back to Pearl's fairly early last night (11:45pm), so I'm not really tired. It feels overall like a great start to the week, like anything is possible.

I'll be around til 4:15, minus half my walk.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:30am : Hi, Sweet Baby, I had to check back in, because that it beyond funny about Dropkick Murphys and your governor. Now, I don't know much about Scott Walker or Wisconsin state politics, although I know he is a pretty conservative Republican, so it's probably safe to say you're not a big fan, lol, and I imagine I wouldn't be, either. But, as you can also imagine, I think it's a riot he is using that song, which as you know is one of my all-time most annoying tunes, haha.

Way beyond funny!

So, I don't know if I should root for Gov. Walker to keep using it, or if I should root for Dropkick Murphys to get him to stop.....

What side should I take?

It's a riot, because as much as I hate that song, I think that if somebody asked me to stop playing it, I'd probably play it even more!  :)

Yeah, I know I'm a Goofy Individual..........

(back in a bit)

9:10pm : Good Evening, my Darling. I'm just hanging out, getting ready to head back to Pearl's in about a half hour. We were watching CNN earlier; I sure am glad you aren't on the East Coast. That storm looks scary. I hope your Winter hasn't been too bad so far, especially after last year.

I finished my walk and was reading for a while, no real news to report. I hope you had a nice day, and I will sign off for the evening, but not before sending you Sweet Dreams for later on. Tomorrow morn, I will see you at the latest, just after 11am when I drop Pearl off at Golden Agers, but I will try to check in before that, if I can swing by my apt. for a few......  :)

I Love You, Elizabeth! Enjoy the rest of your evening.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Home Early (to the show I go)

Hey, Sweet Baby,

Happy Sunday Afternoon! I am home early. Our choir director wasn't there today, so no after-service practice. I was just inside Pearl's house for the first time since fumigation. There's a bit of tidying up to do, and outdoor stuff like putting all the plants back in place, but all-in-all everything looks pretty good. There is just a faint smell from the chemicals, but it's really nothing much.

The Black Kitty is back, too! I knew she'd be smart enough to stay away, and she was. :)

So, everything is back to normal now. Pearl's daughter said that Pearl had so much fun staying in the hotel that they are gonna do it again, maybe in April. Just go up the coast aways, maybe to Ojai, and stay a night or two. They will take the Kobester with them, too, cause he liked the hotel also.  :)

I will be around most of the afternoon, except for half my walk. Also, Grimsley is gonna come over at 3:30. He wants to show me pictures and video he took at the Uli Jon Roth show the other night. After that I will head back to Pearl's from 4:30 to 6:30. Then, tonight is the Eric Johnson concert at The Canyon Club, so I will be leaving here at about 7:30pm for that. The show is supposed to start at 9pm. It should be over no later than 11, I would imagine, so I will be back at Pearl's by Midnight. Unfortunately, I still have no Internet over there, but hopefully we will get it back in the next few days, now that fumigation is done. Yippee!

So, I will definitely check in before I leave for the concert. I hope you are enjoying your Sunday.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

7pm : Good Evening, my Darling. I just wanted to check in before I left for the show. I am gonna do the other half of my walk real quick and then head out to Agoura Hills, which is just a few miles to the southwest of the Valley. I am looking forward to the show, just to see what these two guys (EJ & Mike Stern) will sound like together. I am going by myself as usual, but no biggie. Gonna try and time it so I get there just a few minutes before the music starts.

I hope you've had a great day, and I see you are ready for a trip to Jupiter, too.  :) We'll add it to our list of destinations, along with Gobekli Tepe, Macchu Picchu, et al.

I can't wait til the Internet is back at Pearl's, but for now I will have to sign off for the evening, and then I will see you tomorrow morn, after 9:30am.

Sweet Dreams for later, Sweet Baby. I Love, Love, Triple Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Rocks (sky)

I am here, Sweet Baby, finally. Happy Saturday evening. I hope you are having a nice day. I was shopping this afternoon with my sister, then I met with Pearl's daughter to give her the bags of stuff that I was storing at my place during fumigation. For the last hour I've been doing dishes and battling ants at my place. It's dry and windy out, so they wanna come in. Sorry, ants. You know what happens when you try that......

Tonight, my last night at home for a while. Not gonna do much, maybe look for a movie at Redbox. The Santa Ana winds are howling, so not sure yet what time I'll go on my walk. I'll check, to see if it's gonna die down. So whatcha doin' tonight? Painting? Hanging with friends? I really liked the Christmas Tree Peace Sign made by Hannah's Dad. How cool is that?! I obviously didn't know the man, but having seen a couple pictures of him, and seeing the Peace Sign, I can tell he was a cool guy. As for the other picture, well, it's cool too, and it represents us as well. The message in the text is right on.  :):)

We are each other's Rock, my Darling. And it's a great thing to know, in life, that somebody loves you and is always there for you.

Plus, with me you get an added bonus, because I'm a Goofball, too, just like it says in the post. Pretty cool, eh?

I am gonna hang around a while, have some coffee and see if the wind is gonna stop, so I'll be here, and I will check back mid-evening like I did last night.

I Love You, Elizabeth.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit) 

Midnight : Sorry I'm late. I got caught up in my book, "The Hunt For Zero Point". For some reason, the building is super quiet tonight, better for reading than watching a movie, so that's what I did. It just seems like a low key evening, but good for thinking. The sky has been awesome the last few nights, and I like to look for Jupiter while it's still visible in it's current position. It blows me away that something half a billion miles away can be as visible as a sparkling diamond, but more than that, what really fascinates me is that I can see it immediately, just as if I were looking at a light source across the street, and so......

A person can see it from Earth, in the night sky, as immediately as if they were within, say, a million miles of it. From that distance it would appear huge, but it's still the same effect - instant visualisation - whether from 580 million miles away or simply a million.

Thinking of it that way gives a whole new perspective on the idea of distance in space, and also distance in relation to size.

It's a trip because it's in the sky, which people don't generally look at, and also because people generally judge or measure distance from positions on Earth, ground based positions that have a lot of other intermediate points of reference to relate to. But in space, there are no other reference points, no streets, buildings, mountains, oceans, continents, nothing. Just Jupiter and You, with the Sky in between.

And even though it is so far away, it's right there. A direct connection between the planet and your eye.

If you were travelling to it, you'd have to wait. But in just looking at it, you don't.

That's the part I find very interesting.

That's all I know for tonight, my Darling. Tomorrow is back to Pearl's, and church and choir in the morning, so I will be back at the usual time of 1:45pm or so.

I hope you had a great day. Sweet Dreams......

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Everything Is Shipshape (planets) (sweet dreams)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

I am at home. Just walked down to Northridge Library and back, and thus got half my walk done. This morning I helped with Pearl's eye doctor appointment, then came back here to clean the pad, which looked like a tornado had hit it. Boy was I ever tired last night, and I just went to sleep with stuff all over the place, so when I got up I said, "Holy Smokes, I've gotta do something about this". It's great how one single night of thorough sleep can restore all your energy and focus, so now The Tiny is all squared away, nice and neat and vacuumed, too.

I Love It, Sweet Baby!

So now I'm just chillin'. Later I will watch a movie, "La Bataille du Rail" by director Rene Clement, another story of the French Resistance in World War Two, this time involving railroad workers and train sabotage. Me and my WW2 flicks.......  :)

I hope you are having a nice day, and perhaps still painting/drawing, or maybe hanging out with friends. I see that the weather is not too freezing cold, 36 degrees, so maybe you are able to do stuff outside, too. Later on, when I do the other half of my walk, I will stop by the outdoor exercise area at CSUN, where they have those isometric machines. I haven't done any workouts since about Halloween, and it's time to start again. Gotta stay in shape! :)

Gotta do a hike next week, too. And take some new pictures.

Well, that's all the news for now. I will check back in at some point mid-evening, but I will be around for the entire rest of the day, minus my walk.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

9:10pm : Happy Evening, my Baby. I'm just getting back from a long CSUN walk with my friend Dave F. and his daughter. We had fun and went to the duck pond and also to the outdoor exercise machines as promised. Also, tonight is really cool for skywatching because you can see Jupiter in the east and Mars is very bright in the southwest. Neptune is visible too in the west, though not quite as bright. If you missed them tonight, be sure to look tomorrow cause they'll probably still be there.  :)

Well, I am gonna watch my movie now, so I'll be back at the usual late night time, 11:30 or so.
xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:21am : I am awake a bit later, as usual for a night off. The movie was interesting as a historical record, with some great stock footage of trains and the French saboteurs working against the Nazis. As a dramatic film, though, it was not great. This was the first film of director Rene Clement, who went on to make the classic "Forbidden Games", and with this one, he is clearly a beginner who is still learning how to put a story together. So : a passable one for WW2 completeists like me, but not highly recommended for others because of amateurish quality as a motion picture.

That's all for tonight, Sweet Baby. Sweet Dreams! I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Morning Love (patented) (Bartok)

Good Morning, Sweet Baby!,

I am at home with just enough time to do a quick check-in and say I Love You. I am gonna head back to Pearl's in just a minute, to wait for the fumigation team, and then we will either go to Lake Balboa with the Kobester, or somewhere else suitable to spend time, until we can go to the motel at 2pm. That's the earliest we can check in. I will try to get wi-fi there, but if I can't, I will be home as stated last night, at about 8 to 9pm. Just in time to go night skiing with you!

Have a great day. Things will be back to normal soon. (oh boy!)

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

8:45pm : Okay, girl - you know what I would choose. I mean.....I like dragons, I really do, but........

Gimme a Sweet Baby any day of the week.  :):)

Sweet Baby! I am home. It took a while, but we finally got things situated. Man oh man, right after I wrote to you this morn, I got a call from Pearl saying that the guys were already at the house. It was only 9:50am. When a workman gives you a general time window of, say 10 to Noon, you usually expect that he'll show up closer to Noon, don't you? Well, this time the guys actually showed up ten minutes early. So, I drove straight back to Pearl's, and they already had the tent pulled 3/4 of the way over the house. Fast & furious fumigators! Good Lordy Moses...

At any rate, I got Pearl & Kobi into the car and we drove to the Shady Park and took a walk to kill some time. Then at 11am I took Pearl to the hair salon, as usual for Thursday. While she was there I took the 'Ster up to Northridge Park, so he got a two-fer. By the time Pearl was done, it was almost time to check into the hotel (I'd thought it was a motel but it is actually a hotel, Extended Stay America). But when we got there at 2pm, the guy told me that we couldn't check in, because Pearl didn't have any ID and I was not listed as an occupant. So, we had to wait in the car for an hour while her daughter got on the phone from Northern California to try and straighten it out. Finally, they re-did the reservation in my name, and then I used my driver's licence and they let us in. Kobedoggie was pretty confused about his surroundings, lol.

There were lots of places to eat, and though I hardly ever eat hamburgers anymore, there was a Five Guys right across the street, and I hear people raving about it, so I had to try it.

I had a double cheeseburger with everything, and a big 'ol bag of fries, and I've gotta was really good! My once-in-a-great-while treat for being on the No Fun Diet all the time. I'm still full, too, five hours later.

Finally, at 7pm, Pearl's daughter Helen arrived at the bus terminal, so we all went to pick her up, and now here I am, finally back at home. I hope the Black Kitty is okay, and I will go check on her tomorrow.

I am kinda tired, and though I still need to do my walk, I may settle for half of it or skip it entirely just for this night. I feel like I've been going, going, going all day, and so maybe I will take the rest of the night off.

......or maybe not, lol. Only time will tell, and what I will do is relax for 30 minutes or so, then see how I feel. I hope you've had a nice day. I think I'm going to have to patent or trademark you as The Sweet Baby, just because Sweet Babyism seems to be catching on all of a sudden, so much so that you now see a contrarian take, as with the Dragon preferrer.....

Ahh yes, and at any rate, I will be back at the usual late evening time of 11:30pm, now that I am home with working late night Internet. So I won't wish you Sweet Dreams just yet, but will save them for later.

Love, though, I will send now at this very moment.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight : I am listening to "Bluebeard's Castle" by Bartok, a classic gothic opera. I did not end up going for my walk, almost fell asleep in fact, lol. It's weird; this is my first night in my apartment in a month, and it's interesting to note how vibes are different in different places and how a person adapts, and quickly sometimes, to the changes in such. At Pearl's, it feels like time passes by more quickly, maybe because I am working and have less time to really concentrate. I wanna get back into my late night classical music listening and posting. Here at home, in my cuccoon of a Tiny Apartment, I can do it. The vibe is all mine here. At Pearl's I certainly have my own space, and actually it's more space than in the tiny apartment, but I'm not as focused I suppose.

Aww hell, I don't know. :)

It's just a trip having my apartment, at night anyway, feel like a vacation pad, i.e. when I spend a night away, I go home.......

I am blessed and fortunate, however, to have a good job, and actually, I feel like I get a lot of stuff done. But tonight, it caught up with me. It's cool, though. An interesting New Year for both of us, one in which we both have encountered changes - you with finishing school, me with the changes in my work schedule, but one also in which those changes will help forge something new. It's all about paying very close attention to The Vibes, and listening to music like "Bluebeard's Castle".....

Tomorrow morn is a semi-sleep in. Pearl has an appointment with the eye doctor at 9:45, and I said I would go with her, so that her daughter can go shopping. We should be done by 11 or so, and then I have the rest of the day off, and Saturday, too.

I will now send you Sweet Dreams, even though you may already be having them.

I Love You, my Baby. See you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):) 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Busy Morn, plus Love (painting rules!) (Lynch) (home) (Sweet Dreams and Love)

Good Morning, my Darling,

I am at home for a couple hours. I decided not to try a hike today, because I've still got stuff to do at Pearl's to get ready for the Terminex crew tomorrow. I wanna be able to relax on a hike, not have to think about a lot,  and so I'll wait til the fumigation is overwith. Hike next week for sure! I see your post and that's us, the two doggies in the picture. They are doing a :):). I love it, of course, and after I take you to the beach, you can take me to the snow! We can do both, and go both places, because we have two beautiful states at our disposal.  :)

I hope your day is off to a good start. I will be here til about 2pm. Pearl did not go to crafts, so I have a little extra time. Then I will head back over and start sealing stuff up in those bags they gave us, and also move potted plants away from the house, etc. Just a lot of little stuff. I made a list so I won't forget anything. One good thing is that they won't be coming at the crack of dawn - the eta is between 11 and 2pm - so we will have some time tomorrow morning to get our bearings. We will go straight to the motel when Terminex comes to the house, and I will stay there with Pearl and Kobi until her daughter Helen arrives at the airport bus terminal, which is a few miles away in Van Nuys. Then we will all go pick her up, cause I can't leave those guys at the motel by themselves. Then we will drive back to Pearl's, and they will drop me off, and I will take my car and go home, and they will all go back to the motel until Saturday afternoon. Piece of cake. I will also bring Chromebook 2 to the motel, to see if I can get wi-fi there. I am gonna connect to wi-fi if it's the last thing I do, haha.

Well, that's all for the moment. I will check back in at some point a little later, and definitely no later than 6:45 this evening, when I am back home again. For now, I'm here til 2pm.

I Love You, Sweet Baby! Have an awesome afternoon.....

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:40pm : I am sensing a theme, Sweet Baby, because you had a similar post a few days ago, of two drawings, one made when the artist was a beginner and the other a current one. Same thing here, with the beginning and advanced paintings of the seal. So, I am guessing you are perhaps working on some drawings or paintings of your own. I hope so, and if so - that's awesome. :) I love to paint! Back in the Burton Street days in the mid-to-late 90s, we had a regular painting factory going at the late, great Dave Small's house. We were doing strictly abstract stuff, but we came up with some good ones if I do say so myself, and of course two of Dave's (and one of my own) hang on the walls of my apartment. I am looking at them now! :)

Yep, we all had a blast painting. Dad too. In fact, he got us started, with his Jackson Pollack and Willem deKooning books. We used to go to galleries all the time. Dad and Mr.D are both gone, so I need someone new to paint with (hint, hint). Will you paint with me, Sweet Baby?

You will? Thanks!  :):)

I wanna get my pastels out again and also get some new colored pencils, because I also love to draw. I have some pretty cool drawings of jets that I made in the early 2000s. My own designs......

Man, you've gotta set aside time slots for all these creative pursuits. Sometimes, you almost need to have two of yourself. But, I have found that whatever you are itching to do, do it. If you feel like drawing, draw. Same with painting. If it's too cold outside for photography, you can do something inside. The gal in your post, Olivia, says something that I always harp on, and that is that life is infinite, and it really is. Therefore, there is no rush. When you paint or draw, your photography and music will be waiting for you when you are done. And vice-versa. The whole point is to keep the creativity going, and that way it is your whole life. You are an Artist.

That's how you create your life, just by doing it, living it. That's what I have tried to do with my own life, to completely surround myself with my interests and become immersed in them. Sometimes it's creative output, like photography, and a lot of the time it's also creative input, with all the reading I like to do. And that leads to another form of creativity - creative thinking, which helps me to write.

So it all goes around and around. All creative endeavors go together.

I am glad you are painting and/or drawing, my Darling. Keep up the good work, and if you ever feel like posting one of your finished works, I'd love to see it!

I Love You and will check in again in a while.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

P.S. One last note before I head back to Pearl's - all the talk of painting and creativity reminded me of David Lynch, whose birthday was yesterday. He does it all, just like we are talking about. He paints, he draws, he writes music, he does photography, he sculpts (once in a while), and.......he makes movies.

So he does it all, and........he's weird, too!

Pretty cool.  :):)

7:20pm : I am home once again. I probably bagged a lot of stuff that didn't need bagging, but better safe than sorry, I think, where chemicals are concerned. Anyhow, I hope I did everything right. I will be here until 9:45pm, except for my walk, and I will check in once more before I leave. I like the picture of the Macaw. Boy, that kind of photography takes great timing and patience. I only have one bird picture, just the one shot of the woodpecker at Walker Ranch last Halloween. He wasn't even flying but it was tough enough just to wait for him to hold still, lol. But it would be awesome to take such a trip, into the rainforest or any such place, with all the right lenses and equipment, and see what you could capture......

(back in a bit)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

9:45pm : Well, my Darling, it is time for me to head back to Pearl's. Tomorrow will be a little hectic, but I will try to check in as soon as I can. After the Terminex guys get there, Pearl and I may have to just kill some time, because I don't think we can go to the motel until 3pm. Unless they allow for early check-in. I'll call 'em and see. But regardless, once we get there, I've gotta stay with her and Kobi until her daughter gets to the bus terminal, which might be as late as 7pm or so. By the time I finally get home, it could be 8 to 9 pm. So I will definitely check in here at some point before that. And then for the next three nights, including tomorrow night, I am here at home. So it's all good!

Sweet Dreams and I will see you asap. I Love, Love, Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

The Eagle looks like he's enjoying himself in that tub........   :) 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Sweet Baby! (Vikane, wi-fi & Oh Boy!) (home) (sweet dreams & love)

Good Morning, Sweet Baby!,

I love it, love it, love it! I love those posts! I Love You! You are my Sweet Baby. I am so happy to see that everything is good. :):) I am on a short break at home, I've got the 'Ster with me. He's waiting out in the car with his leash on, gonna take him on a quick CSUN walk before heading back to Pearl's to take her to Golden Agers, and then out to Glendale to take Sophie shopping. I will be back here at home in the 2:30 range.

It looks like Chriselle Lim is onto us. She knows about Sweet Babies.....  :):)

I Love You, Elizabeth! See you in a little while.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

3pm : I am back home. Now I am Googling info on Vikane gas, the fumigant used on houses by pest control companies. The guy dropped off a box full of nylon bags we are supposed to seal stuff up in, but as far as food goes, I am gonna take everything out of the house and bring it to my apartment. I don't care how sealed those bags are, I don't want the food anywhere near those chemicals. Now, it says that Vikane is a true gas and not a vapor, so there is supposed to be no residue on furniture, walls, etc. Nevertheless, Sweet Baby, you can be sure I'll be walking around with wet, soapy paper towels for many days afterwards, wiping down any surface before I touch it. I'll be glad when this whole fumigation deal is overwith.  :)

And it will be, by Saturday night. (supposedly)

Oh boy!

I also did some Googling last night on wi-fi, and it seems that with Chromebook, all that wireless router stuff is built-in. I found a Youtube on how to connect Chromebook to wi-fi, and it's easy, like everything else with Chromebook. What I did not understand, though, is that I couldn't connect right there in Pearl's house. I thought that because she has Internet service, that I could get wi-fi right there, even if the modem was broken.

But then it occured to me (because I'm not a total dummy) that wi-fi is a signal. I mean, it is a signal, is it not? So I'd have to crib it from a place that receives the signal, like McDonald's or Starbucks. I assume some folks have wi-fi in their homes, because I see room rentals posted at CSUN with that feature ("free wi-fi included"!). But I guess Pearl does not have the signal. I actually was able to connect with somebody's wi-fi last night, but I still couldn't access the Internet because it required a password. It said I was connected "as a guest", but I did not have a password.

So, while I know a little bit more about wi-fi than I did yesterday, it still doesn't look like I'll be able to make a connection at Pearl's that will allow me to access the Internet. Therefore, back to Plan A : A new modem is needed ASAP!

I will be Internet Late Night Toast, therefore, tonight and tomorrow night. But then Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, I will be at home. So that will be good. And then by Sunday, the fumigation will be over, I will be back at Pearl's, and her daughter will head back home, and I will let her know about the modem. So it might take a few more days after that, til everything is working again, but we'll just work around it til then.

Well, I am gonna relax for 10 minutes, then do half my walk, and then head back to Pearl's, and I will be back here at 6:45. Then I can chill out for a few hours! Oh boy again!

I Love You, my Baby! See you in a bit.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

6:50pm : I am home once again, my Darling. Besides my walk, I'll just be here relaxing, reading a bit, maybe watching a "Danger Man" episode. I hope you are having a nice evening. I will check back in before I head back to Pearl's. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

9:45pm : Okay, my Darling, I am gonna head back to Pearl's now, so I just wanted to wish you Sweet Dreams before I go. Tomorrow will be somewhat busy again. I will take Pearl to her Women's Club crafts meeting at 9:30, and then I will either attempt a hike or I will have to start packing stuff in those bags for the fumigation. It will depend on how much we have to pack up. Either way, I will pick Pearl up at 1pm and then be home at 1:30. Also, I will try to stop at home in the morning like I did today. That way I can check in and say hi.

Sleep well, my Baby. I Triple Love You !!!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Monday, January 19, 2015

New Modem Needed Cause Old One Is Toast (evening love from home) (more love)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

I am just home from Pearl's. Well, unfortunately, the modem is acting wacky again this morn. I called ATT and the lady said it is most likely toast. She said it's an older model (2wire), and that what it is doing, blinking lights, etc., is a sign that it needs to be replaced. Last night, because it was working again, I thought it was just an ATT problem, but now that we have to replace the modem, I might have little or no Internet after 10pm, and when I am at Pearl's during the day. The account is paid for by her daughter, and because we have this big fumigation thing happening this week, I don't wanna bring up the issue with the modem just yet. I'll mention it next week, and one way or another we'll get a new modem, whether she pays for it or I do. I don't think they cost all that much.

The ATT lady says I might get another hour or two out of the current modem, as it is continually trying to reset itself at the moment. Like last night, it successfully made a connection for a few hours. So maybe we will have some luck again tonight. At worst, I won't have any Internet at Pearl's for a week or so, but I am off starting Thursday night anyway, because of the Terminex deal. Pearl, her daughter, and Kobi will all be staying at a motel for the two days it takes to fumigate the house. And, I still have my home Internet, so I will write in the afternoons and evenings, cause I am here from 6:45 to 9:45 every night anyhow.

So all is still good, but I might have a limited or non-existent connection at Pearl's for a few days.

I hope you are having a nice day. I may try for The First Hike Of The Year on Wednesday, if all goes well.

Right now I will be here til about 3:30. Then half my walk and back to Pearl's. I Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

6:50pm : I am home once again, Just wanted to check in, say hi and see how you are doing. I will be here until 9:45, with the other half of the walk in between at about 8pm or so. Gotta figure out how wi-fi works, I think I need something called a wireless router (which you already know, of course), and I will do some Googling to see what they cost. Also, I need to find out if I can get wi-fi at Pearl's, even though the modem is broken. We will have a new modem soon, but I hate missing my late night connection with my Sweet Baby.

I'm here for a few hours now, though. I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

8:55pm : I am back from my walk. Dennis and Dave F. came along once again. I see your posts, and I am guessing that maybe you either went to see Paul's band or maybe went over to the studio to hang out. I hope you are getting to do some fun stuff, and it looks like the temps there are up a bit, so I am glad it isn't sub-zero. Your other post, with Michelle Obama, I do not know if it's meant for me. I am kinda hoping it's not, lol, because the text says "nobody can talk to me for a week". I'm still not altogether clear on whatever happened in the last week or so, but if all is well, then all is good. I hope it is, anyway.  :)

Tomorrow is gonna be a little hectic because while Pearl is at Golden Agers, from 11 to 2, I told my sister Sophie I would come out to take her shopping. But I will just work around it, and try to stop by home before I go, and then I will be home after picking Pearl up, by 2:30 or so. Tomorrow night will be good, too, and Wednesday should be easier. Gotta get that modem replaced asap!

Well, my Darling, I hope you are enjoying the late evening, and I hope everything is good. I will be here til 9:45, and then back as quick as I can tomorrow.

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Happy But Confused, Scientifically Proven, Etc. :) (crazy modem) (path)

Hi Elizabeth,

I am home from church, had fun singing, etc. I see your post, and since I don't know if it has anything to do with me or not, I just say, or ask, with all smiles and good feelings - and only cause I am super-confused at this point :) - is everything okay?

If so, then all is well, totally awesome and all kinds of other good things. But I'm confused, maybe because I've got a thick skull, I dunno. If you wanna let me know, I will be here or at Pearl's for the rest of the day and the usual schedule.

P.S. A small, hopefully temporary and/or fixable problem with the computer at Pearl's : the ethernet cord at her place doesn't fit snugly because the little plastic tab that secures it in the Chromebook plug is broken off. Usually, it's not a problem because I just push it in and it stays put. But today when we got back from choir practice, all my open tabs on the computer said, "sorry, not connected to the ethernet". I secured the yellow cord; still no luck. So maybe it was some other problem, perhaps with ATT or something. Anyhow, point being that I've gotta have my Chromebook when I'm over there, and especially now that I'm over there at night, cause I've gotta write, and post on FB, etc.

The Chromebook has wi-fi, which I don't know how to work because I've never used it, but I suppose I could figure it out. Hopefully, though, it was/is just a temporary connection problem not caused by the loose ethernet cord. But, if you don't see me listed as "online" on FB after 4:30, that's the reason. I will try to get it sorted out asap.

I Love You, Elizabeth. (it's actually a scientifically proven fact, believe it or not......)    :)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

6:55pm : I am back at home. The modem at Pearl's is going crazy - the lights go on, run through a sequence, some turn red, then green again, then go off.........and then it does the whole thing again. I tried all the phone connections and everything was plugged in, all phones on the hook. All cables seem to be okay, and even the one with the broken plastic tab always worked fine as long as it was plugged in all the way. So, I dunno. I will do some Googling now that I'm home, and I will also call ATT when I get back to Pearl's, provided they have a 24hr helpline, which I am guessing they must. I tried connecting to wi-fi while I was there, but me being low-tech, I did not know which password to use when it asked for one. Several different wi-fi connections were offered, I used my Chromebook's password but no-go on any of them.

I hope I can fix it or I won't have any Internet tonight. If it's not fixable, I will get ATT out there as fast as I can, but I will not have Internet at Pearl's until I can get it fixed, so it's gotta get fixed quickly, being as I am at Pearl's most of the time now. On top of all that, we've gotta start getting ready for the Terminex team that is coming on Thursday. They are finally gonna tent the house to get rid of the termites, so I have to transfer all the food to my own fridge, move all potted plants away from the house, just a lot of little stuff like that. By next Saturday afternoon, though, the whole thing should be done, so yippee!  :)

I've never been in a house right after it was tented and gassed. I hope it's safe. It's gotta be, right?

That's all I know for the moment. Keep your fingers crossed for a working modem when I get back to Pearl's. I saw your post for Nothing More just now when I got here, but I don't know if it's meant for me. I figure you're a fan of those guys, so maybe it's just a regular FB "like".

Anyhow, now I will Google and check ATT to try and fix the problem. Fingers crossed that I can fix it tonight!

I Love You, Elizabeth.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(hopefully back in a bit!)

11:55pm : Hi again, and Happy Late Night. Everything was good with the modem when I got back here at 10pm, no more blinking lights, so I guess it was an ATT problem.

Well, my Girl, it's been quite a hectic week, but maybe we can get a re-set starting tomorrow, if you want to, that is. We might as well, right? :) We're kind of in a new frontier here, y'know, what with school being overwith, and you being back from Italy after being immersed in the culture for many months, and then you went straight back into a cold winter, and so even though I know you were happy to be back home, it was all kind of shock to the system, a big decompression in other words. Things will pick up, though, and remember that intent is gigantic now. It's an inner thing, a continuous desire that your life will go in the direction you want it to. By continuous, I mean the feeling - the thought - never leaves you, even if it is below the surface while you sleep or go about daily life.

I say all of this to you because I was there once. I did not have a college degree, but I was headed toward a career that I could see would not have been right for me. It would have been stultifying.

I say this to you also because you once were headed toward being a linguistics major - a fine enough pursuit, but one that you did not feel your heart was in, and so you changed course, and - if I may say so - you have had wonderful results thus far. Call them "path" results. You changed your path a couple years ago, and already you've gotten results. So you know you made the right decision!

With me, I was playing everything "by ear" when I dropped out of the movie business. I could have stayed there for life, or at least a very long time, and had long-term job security, etc. We've talked about all of that before.

But the difference for me, what I relied on, was the intent that came from within.

If I had to pick a definition for "intent", as a spiritual motivation concept, I would call it "a knowledge of what is right for me, enough so to be a certainty". 

I didn't know exactly what was gonna happen, or what I wanted to be, but I knew that the Intent was very, very important, because it was my inner knowledge of myself. And, it's funny because it's almost like it was pulling me along, rather then the other way around. So it was (and is) an Outside Force as well. It's inside - meaning You know what's best for you, and it's also outside - God saying, "this is the way I made you, to do what you do".

So tonight, I just say, don't worry about stuff, and let things progress from the efforts you have been putting out for the last several years, in school and with your artistic and musical endeavors.

I tell you all of this because there are forces in the world that try to water you down, and pull you back in, make you part of the machine. That's okay for some, but not for you, so just remember to keep your intent; hold it with both hands in front of your heart, like an offering.

Intent is quiet but relentless, and it will direct you toward the next step in your journey.

And the next, and the next, and the next..........


xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

I Love You, Elizabeth.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday Night Love (sad)

Hi, Nice Lady,

I am at Pearl's, just getting settled in for the evening. Pretty much a typical Saturday. My sister didn't come over, but this eve my friends Dave F. and Dennis came over for a CSUN walk. I hope all is well. I am thinking about you and I'll be back in a little while.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight : At this point, I don't know what to say. I thought your post from yesterday meant everything was okay, but then today, you did not post once again.

So maybe I got it wrong yesterday, I dunno. Maybe I am toast after all.

Very sad, the whole thing.

A Short, Late Night Post (the psychic realm)

Midnight : Hi again, Sweet Baby. I add this second post because the first one was too long already. I kind of said everything I wanted to say in that one, at least for tonight. It's funny, but writing takes a lot of energy, because thought takes a lot of energy. Conscious, intelligent, participatory thought, that is. By participatory, I mean actually being aware and involved in your own thought processes, and I know you are. But there are many distractions in life to knock people out of a conscious awareness of their own thoughts. Developing your thoughts and ideas, by working them through, will help you develop insight in life.

You already have a ton of insight as a highly intelligent young person. That is your raw material, and it is abundant. But continue to refine it, to develop it. Every day, never stop.

Always remember that a large part of life takes place in the psychic realm, in the place where thoughts run constantly, in an uninterrupted stream, and are evaluated by all sorts of rapid-fire emotional fluctuations. Thought and emotion. How do they influence each other? They constantly interact. Are they perhaps related to Spirit and Soul?

I believe those are two very real and yet very separate entities. My Spirit may be the "lighter" version of the physical me, perhaps my thought process, my conciousness. I don't know, of course, but it's just a guess. My Spirit may be the Experience part of me, the part that sometimes jumps or flies in my dreams (which are rarely clearly remembered, they are more like a subliminal residue, existing vaguely during the day).

But your Soul is the Big Thing. Your emotions are extensions of your Soul, and emotions are Feel.

Touch. Tangibility, sensitivity. Love, the greatest emotion, and certainly the greatest part of God.

Your Soul houses all of these things. So your Soul is like a garage in which you park your Spirit.

Your Spirit exists within your human body, it is perhaps the electric part of you, your thoughts, your movement, your perceptions. It is the part that sometimes leaves you, during dreamtime. When that happens, it is on a tether, and then it comes back into your body when you awaken. That's when you know you had a really neat dream.

But your Soul is something else altogether. I am not at all clear on what it is, except for your seat, your anchor in the Universe. Your Soul is, of course, the Immortal You, where your Heart - which is Love - dwells.

Love, and remembrance, perhaps of lives past.

That's why you have notions of things, what we've talked about as glimpses. Those are things that are stored in your Soul, from time beyond, that you half-remember. Your Soul is your Permanent House, existing on The Other Side, where Love comes from.

In this human life, your Spirit visits your Soul all the time. And you, or should I say You, experience all of these connections and meetings in your neverending psychic process of interacting thoughts and feelings.

So, work with your Spirit and your Soul, and always continue to refine your awareness of this interaction.

Stay psychic, in other words. Think, feel, analyse and repeat.  :)

Sweet Dreams, my Darling.  I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Happy ('Splainin) :):)

Hi Elizabeth,

I am happy to see your post. I take it that it's gotta be a good message, right? It's got love in it, so it's gotta be good. And concrete, too, solid as a rock. So everything is good, then? I will guess yes, and so that's a relief. I just wanted to post this quick and then go for my walk, just to let you know I saw it, and then I will be back when I get to Pearl's. I'll try to start a little earlier, before 11:30.

I'm very glad to hear from you, and you know I Love You.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

10:15pm : I'm here at Pearl's. I just wanted to say, without dwelling on the issue, that I don't know why there was just a four day communication break, but my guess is that it had to do with the subject matter. If you want to tell me specifically what it was, you can, but of course I will not pressure you. It's the same with my desire to have direct communication like we had in 2012. We are obviously gonna need it, if we are gonna move forward at some point, but again I will not pressure you because I know you have issues from home that you've had to work around. My perspective on all of these things is the same as it's always been : we need direct contact, but I won't pressure you about it. I don't know what your situation is at home, but I still say (and will always say), get along with your Mom, because she loves you and wants the best for you. I have no idea if she knows about, or reads/has read any of these blogs (here or at Myspace), but if so, ces't la vie. My take is this : I am an honest person, I write about what I write about, I realise some of it is unusual, nobody's arm is being twisted to read, so, if anyone doesn't like what they read, don't read.

I don't mean you, of course. It's just that, over the years, I've had many people - even friends and relatives, say, "man, that is some crazy stuff you are talking about/reading/writing about". Then you try to explain why it's not crazy, but it goes right over their heads, and you realise you are wasting time defending yourself.

Here's the deal with unusual subjects (and especially highly unusual ones), in this day and age :

People have their belief systems, and their belief systems trump anything else. I don't just mean, or even necessarily mean religious beliefs, and I respect all religious beliefs (except negative ones like Satanism, obviously). By belief systems, I mean more what people believe is real, or possible. And in that respect, what you will find is that most folks have very conventional ideas of what is real, and what is possible. And so, just as an example, you could suggest that an element of the US military (or one of it's agencies) might already have anti-gravity technology, or UFOs, etc. And it doesn't matter how many books you've read on the subjects (pick any unusual subject, really), or how legitimate the authors of those books are, or how credible their evidence, if the person you are talking to is closed off to such a possibility - i.e. "there's no such thing as UFOs" - then you are wasting your time trying to convince them.

I don't do that anymore - try to convince folks. The stuff I read and write about goes way beyond simple UFO stories (and I find those fascinating, too!), but for instance, I am finishing a book which I already mentioned, called "The Most Dangerous Book In The World : 9/11 As Mass Ritual". I posted that book on FB last night, with a short comment by me. I might write a blog about it, or I might not, but I would never in a million years try to convince anyone that the information in that book is true, because my worldview and that of your average American are very different.

But the whole point I try to make is that my worldview is different because I had a unique experience.

I don't expect anyone to understand it, or believe it. But I have to talk about it, to write about it, at least sometimes. And I am inspired to write about it when I read books like "Most Dangerous Book" because that writer understands .

And so few people do. Dr. Farrell understands. And I understand.

The world, at least the behind-the-scenes part, is an exceedingly unusual and weird place. There is also a lot of unpleasant stuff that emanates from behind those curtains, corruption so vile that it would make people's heads spin. Watergate? That's nothing.

People should read the books I read last Summer, which detail how one President - LBJ - was clearly behind the assassination of another, John F. Kennedy.

It's clear, and yet you will never see it on "The News", so most folks would not believe it, because it doesn't have an "official stamp of approval". Most people, my Darling, need approval for their beliefs.

They worry what people will think if they venture forth an opinion or belief that will cause others (friends and neighbors, relatives) to look at them funny. So they stick to the conventional, even if they secretly believe that chemtrails are real. We all know that government lies to us, and we turn an ironic eye toward politicians and get on with our lives. But what would astound most people, if they were prepared to accept such truths and information, is the depth and depravity of goverment and elite deceptions.

In short, most folks have no idea what has gone on in this country, and in the world. They have no idea, because they have no interest in knowing. There is a limit to what folks will believe is real.

But my life is different, and I don't set limits. I just read information, books mostly, from intelligent and credible sources, on subjects that both interest me, and also figure into my life somehow.

It's all I can do.

It says right there on my FB "interests" : weird stuff.  :)

And so there you have it, my Darling. I don't know if the subject matter caused the communication cut off, but it is what it is - a part of my life. You know I generally keep things fun, and you also know I am a happy and optimistic person by nature. It'd be the same with Stephen King, lol. He writes about the most gruesome stuff imaginable, but in real life you can bet he's just a normal, intelligent, funny guy.

Anyhow, that's enough 'splainin' for now. As for an improvement in our communication, all I can do is leave that up to you. I will never, ever say : "If you don't talk to me directly I'll stop writing". I will never do that, it's not my style, it's not a kind thing to say or do. What I will say, is that if you ever want things to move forward, even just enough so that we can have regular conversations about any and all kinds of topics, where we can really get in depth about stuff, then direct conversation is the way to go.

But until you are able to do that (or want to do that), I'm still here, as always. And as always, I'll write, and respond. It's just that I wanted to expand my writing a bit, just like I used to do on Myspace. That's really all it is. :)

I Love You and will be back in a few minutes.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hi (me)

Hi Elizabeth,

I am here, of course, but I have no idea what's going on. There's no point in my speculating about it, because that doesn't do any good if you don't wanna tell me. I hope nothing bad has happened, and that you are okay, but other than that, I don't know what I can say. Whatever it is, I will be here if you feel like posting. I will be back in a little while at 11:30 to write more.


11:45pm : Hi again. I guess I will continue my theme, since nothing else is happening. I said last night that maybe the subject matter is the problem, but if so I cannot imagine why. Things like missing time and ufo stories are mainstream subjects now, seen on the History Channel on programs like "Ancient Aliens" and other shows. Heck, they even have mainstream shows and books that theorize about former civilizations on Mars and the Moon. So, again I don't know what the problem is. I have had to put up with a lot, including getting my Facebook hacked last Summer, and I didn't throw in the towel. I'm still here, and I will continue to be, because I Love You. If you don't feel the same about me anymore, you can tell me. But all the subterfuge, all the secrecy - it's just really hard for me to deal with anymore. But the bottom line is always that I Love You, so whatever is going on, it's okay, meaning : don't worry about it.

People are gonna have to get real about what goes on in the world. As you know, I generally don't even mention it, let alone dwell on it. I prefer to focus on the Good, which is everywhere. However, I have had, in my life, a monumental experience that needs to be explored, for evidence, for acknowledgement, and in a search for truth and for what is right.

Consequently, if there are people out there (and I don't mean you) who are spooked by such subjects, or don't believe in them, that is not my problem. All I can do is move forward, toward what I am seeking. As you know, I am mainly a guy who just wants to live my life and enjoy each day. I believe in spreading good energy around and being a positive person, but I have had one huge problem, and that is that nobody seems to want to really talk to me, or to be with me. Consequently, I am by myself most of the time when I am not working. I know why this is, too, and it is because of what happened to me in 1989.

Nobody cares, or to put a finer point on it, they all just wanted it to go away, because it was way to unusual, and therefore too scary, for them to deal with.

But I care, and because of that, nobody really wants to talk to me, unless it is about superficial stuff.

Again, Elizabeth, I do not mean you here. I am just talking about my own life, my own circle. And I love my friends, don't get me wrong, and I am also not complaining, because I am very blessed. However, it's still true that I have nobody to really talk to. About real stuff. And that's hard.

But, as an Aries, :) , I am extremely resilient. So what I have done for the past 20 years is to study. I study all kinds of weird stuff, so long as it comes from an intelligent, well-informed source, because I know better than to simply live an American life at face value. If people wanna do that, God Bless 'Em, but don't judge me, thanks. I mean nobody any harm.

I am just not into stupidity, superficiality, irony, idiot pop culture, duplicitous politics, manufactured news, or any other form of baloney in the modern age. You already know that about me, and you also know I don't dwell on all that negative stuff either. All anyone has to to is read what I generally write, to know what kind of person I am.

But because I have had no one to talk to, I decided I might as well re-direct my writing energy, or at least part of it, to what happened to me in 1989, because it is HUGE.

It is huge, and when I say that, you really have no idea. I could tell you, but then it would begin the cycle again, of the subject that no one wants to talk about or hear about. But for me, it's not right for me to let it go, but I would, if a person actually wanted to talk to me, and to be with me. But no one ever has wanted to.

Anyway, enough for now. I was gonna write about my own experience with missing time, but I will have to save it for another night. Tonight I am tired.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday Love (?) (missing time, part two : Betty & Barney)

Hi, my Darling,

I'm just getting home from picking Pearl up at her Women's Club meeting. Took Kobi to Reseda Park also. Just wanted to see how things are going, how you're doing. I'll be here til about 3:30, then I'm gonna leave a little early to stop at the store. Then back at all the usual times. :)

Thinking about you and sending warmth and love.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

10:35pm : Hey there, Nice Lady. I am guessing something is wrong, cause I haven't heard from you for two days. I thought maybe you didn't feel well, but then you'd probably still be on the computer, so all I can do is guess. Is it because of the subject matter? I haven't written about anything that weird. I mean, I've written weirder stuff in past blogs over the last couple years. All I've done here is to announce, in one blog, that I wanted to start incorporating weird stuff into my writing, and that was only because I wanted something to write about besides "I just walked the dog" and that kind of stuff every day. And the only other weird stuff I wrote was my beginning piece on missing time, from last night. Did your Mom read it or something? What's going on? 

Puh-leeze tell me, Sweet Baby! I'm not a mind reader, y'know. And I'm only trying to make conversation, something that hasn't been easy to do. Well, anyway, I hope all is well. It's not easy for me, when I don't know what's going on or what the problem is, if there is a problem. Anyway, I'll be back in a little while, to write more. Always remember, you can tell me anything, even if you're sick of me, think I'm boring, etc. :)

As for me, I can only be myself; that's the only Me I know how to be.

I Love You and I'll be back in a bit.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:45pm : Still no Sweet Baby.........sigh. Whatever it is, I'm trying to communicate here on my end. 560+ blogs attest to that, writing almost every day for going on two years soon. It's not easy having no one to talk to, which is why I end up talking to myself.....

So, a bit more on the subject of Missing Time. Perhaps the most famous example, because it's been publicized as being the first case attributed to a UFO encounter, is that of Betty and Barney Hill. Briefly stated, they were driving home one night in the early 1960s, long distance across the New Hampshire countryside. Read the book "The Interrupted Journey" by John G. Fuller for the details. At any rate, it was a long trip of several hours, but one they had made before. They therefore knew how long it took, and when they got home and looked at the time, it was about two hours later than what it should have been. They remembered stopping in a diner and noting the time there, but there was not much else they could recall about their drive home, except that something felt off. Well, you'd have to read the book to get the full story, and it's mind-boggling. It requires an interest in this kind of stuff, which not everyone has.

The point is, in comparison with last night's tale of a simple case of missing time, re: the typical "lampshade wearer" on New Year's Eve, the story of Betty and Barney Hill is much more complex. Here is why.

They left the diner, and all was well. But at some point, along the New Hampshire highway, in the mountains, they had an encounter. And when they had that encounter, they were well aware of what was happening. They were still living in real time.

This is all revealed through Barney's regressive hypnosis, which takes place about a year or so later.

So they leave the diner, and they know what is happening during their encounter......

But by the time they get home, all they know is that they have arrived two hours later than they should have. That, and they remember leaving the diner, a couple hundred miles back. That is their last memory. But - and it's really weird how it works - they were living their encounter in real time. There was no "loss of time", and therefore memory, during the encounter. It was only afterward, when they got home and looked at the clock, that they knew for a fact something was wrong. They'd had a feeling, at some point after the encounter (which they experienced in real time), that something was unusual. They felt this unease as they drove along, after their encounter.

And when they got home, they confirmed their unease, because it was two hours later than it should have been. It wasn't until Barney broke out in a very unusual rash within a day or two, that they knew something very bad had happened. Also, there were strange marks in the paint on their car.

There were many things that you'd have to read the book to discover.

The point is, that this example of missing time - an extreme one to be sure - indicates that there can be fluctuations within the phenomenon.

What we perceive as Time, normally experienced in linear fashion, can be altered. That perception can be stretched, rebounded upon itself, confused, and then erased altogether. This is different from the more common experience of the New Year's Eve lampshade man. In his case, there has been no outside influence on his perception of time (and it is important to remember that time is a perception, however normally it usually runs). With lampshade man, he has caused his own blackout (his own missing time), and he has had no overlap of remembrance and erasure. He wakes up the next morning, feels terrible, knows he acted goofy, and a friend fills him in on the details. End of story, his "missing time" is restored.

But in the case of Betty and Barney Hill, they do have an overlap. Because they lived their encounter in real time, sober and hyper-aware, because of fear.

You would therefore think that when the encounter was over, that they would drive away fully aware of what had just happened, and perhaps go straight to a police station.

If you substitute Betty and Barney's encounter with, say, a robbery, that is exactly what they would have done. And, they would still have experienced the robbery in real time, just like the "encounter". They would have had a similar degree of awareness, alertness and fear. The difference is that, with a robbery, they would have not experienced any missing time.

In their case, they not only did experience missing time, but it seemed to fluctuate, to overlap, to fold back on itself. 

In a robbery, there is generally no missing time. For the lampshade man, there is, but it is simple, and easily cleared up. But for Betty and Barney Hill, their experience of missing time was complex, because they could remember being at the diner........then they saw the clock as they got home.....and knew immediately that the unease they'd felt was justified because they were two hours late.

Their missing time had occured while they were awake, and sober. And, in the back of their minds, they knew what had just happened to them. They just were not able to access the memory of the event, even though it had happened only a couple of hours before.

In the case of the lampshade man, he cannot remember - though he knows something happened - however a friend clears it up for him.

With Betty and Barney, their drive home is "interrupted", and further down the highway, they are slightly aware that it has been interrupted. But only slightly. Their memory of leaving the diner, however, is crystal clear. And the sight of their clock at home confirms their suspicion that they just had a strange experience in real time. 

But for the life of them, they don't know what it is. And yet, they do .

Such is the nature of a complex case of Missing Time. In Betty and Barney's case, they had no "sympathetic friend", as had the New Year's Eve lampshade man, to tell them what happened. They only had each other, but both were missing the same amount of time. In their case, it took Barney's regressive hypnosis to bring out the truth of their experience.

Such is the nature of what we perceive as time. Without tampering, either self-inflicted from substances, etc., or from a malevolent "outside source", time tends to run along smoothly in a "forward" line.

Still, every day, we take time backwards and forwards in our minds, through memory (of the past) and speculation (of the future). So, it is clear that time, for us, is most definitely a perception, and not something tangible.

And perception can be tampered with, and changed, as any magician knows.

I will write more about missing time, perhaps tomorrow. Don't "miss" it!

Sweet Baby, you know I love you. I hope you are there......

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)  

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Love From Home On Tuesday Night (basic musings on the phenomenon of Missing Time)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I'm just getting home from Pearl's. A typical Tuesday, with Golden Agers, so driving back and forth, etc. I hope you had a nice day, though I know it's still really cold outside The ten day forecast says you will get a break from that, about Thursday or Friday. I don't know how long it will last, but I hope you've had, or will have, a chance to go outside, see your friends, and do stuff.  :)

I am excited because Steven Wilson of Porcupine Tree fame just posted the dates for his next solo tour, and he will be playing here in June. I don't know if you like any of his music or not, but he will also be playing a date in Madison. I saw his last two solo tours, and they were pretty incredible, and not just the music but the whole show. He presents a full theatrical experience.

Well, the usual schedule for the evening. Here til 9:45, then I head back to Pearl's. My walk somewhere in between. I will write more at the usual time.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:25am : Listening to Bach, the French Suites. This interpretation is spare, but the playing and tone are pristine. I had not heard of this pianist before, but he is very good. Tonight, I had wanted to get into the subject of missing time, which falls under the Weird Stuff category. This afternoon, my ideas for what I wanted to say were coming fast and furious, and in the Oviatt days, I'd have been situated at the keyboard and typing each idea word for word at the very moment it bloomed in my head. Now, because of my work schedule, and energy concerns thereof, what was extremely inspired at noon is much more an effort at this time of night. So, ideas will come in short bursts at times, especially late at night.

I do wanna explore the idea of missing time, because it looms large as a main reason why 1989 has never been acknowledged. Tonight I will just give a basic example of missing time.

The most basic example I can think of is the classic lampshade-on-the head on New Year's Eve. The lampshade wearer wakes up on New Year's Day with no memory of what he did, no idea that he performed a lampshade dance the night before. Likely in his case, he feels sick. He has had what can be termed an alcoholic "blackout", and thus he does not remember the events of the night before.

He has experienced a basic version of the phenomenon of missing time. The reason it is a basic version is because it is very common. People imbibe too much all the time, and cannot recall, very temporarily in most cases, what they did, and what happened overall, the night before. The other factor that makes this a basic case of missing time, is that it is usually very quickly resolved. The lampshade-wearer will recover from his hangover and then call a friend, or vice versa, and a conversation will ensue.

"I did what"?

"Dude, you don't know the half of it".

"Well tell me"!

And thus is the lampshade-wearer's missing time resolved. He awoke on New Year's Day with no memory of the night before. Memory is a mental and emotional (and other things) recording of events in a given period of time. If the lampshade-wearer's memory of New Year's Eve ends, say, at the time he arrived at the party, and if it resumed again when he awoke the next morning, we can say that he has experienced approximately 12 hours or so of missing time.

This is time he cannot account for, because he has no memory of the events that occurred within that time frame.

But his case of missing time is very common, and very basic, because it is so easily resolved. Almost always, a friend or acquaintance will fill him in on the details of the previous evening, and his memory (a very important word and concept, which will be delved into later) will be quickly restored, possibly to his chagrin.

It is important to note that, in the lampshade-wearer's case, his memory would likely have come back to him within a day or two of the events in question, even if he had not been informed of the previous night's events by a sympathetic friend. Because of his frustration at being unable to remember, and also his nagging embarassment at what he suspects might have happened, he will work his brain overtime to try and recall (another important word) what exactly happened at the New Year's Eve party, and what his role was.

All of this effort will come, if no one else has informed him, because of his gut feeling that something unusual had happened the night before, something that was off. 

Now, let us dispense with the lampshade-wearer, because he is a textbook, basic case. A dime-a-dozen. His example does indeed constitute a case of the phenomenon known as missing time, however, and there we have another phenomenon which has been set up before our very eyes.

Missing Time is merely missing memory. When one can recover the memory, one can account for the time.

And so we will continue with this set of ideas as we go along. This was only a very basic start.

We will also write every day about all the usual stuff too. I just needed to add another dimension so I wouldn't just be writing about "the daily doings" all the time.

Anyway, I hope you had a nice day, and I will see you in the morn.

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Trees (on writing about weird stuff)

Hi, my Darling,

I am just settling in at Pearl's, having returned a little while ago. I just saw your post of the forest photo. Very beautiful! Those are some major league trees in that picture. I posted - and you probably saw - one of my tree pics from last year, in response to my brother's request for a photo challenge of some type, and I would have nominated you for the next one, except I am guessing it might not have been a good idea, similar to why I generally only hit the "like" button on your photos and posts, rather than commenting. But at any rate, I can nominate you right here, haha. So, I do nominate you to take a photo of anything you like, at any time in the future. It's an ongoing, permanent nomination! And, I already know the results will be excellent. :)

Not much to report today, just usual stuff, but I will be back in just a short while, at the usual time of 11:30 (or so), after I get things situated here.

I hope you had a nice day. I Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:50pm : All is quiet, except for the sound of KUSC, which plays softly in the background. I have also been Youtubing "Peace In The Valley", an old gospel tune, because it is one we just started learning in choir, and it's hard because it has so many half-step (sharps & flats) changes. I am listening to the Elvis version, of course. I have a two CD album of all his gospel stuff, and it's incredible.

'Twas an ordinary day, but I did finish "Babylon's Banksters", and then began a new book called (get ready), "The Most Dangerous Book In The World : 9/11 As Mass Ritual". This book has been popping up on my Amazon recommendations for a while, because of all the Joe Farrell books I order, so I finally ordered it too, and just from starting to read it this afternoon, it is very far out.

I am indoctrinated in all of this information, which the average person would almost certainly dismiss as crazy, but then I am not the average person. I read what I read to gain perspective on life in general, and on my life specifically. I am just starting the 9/11 book, so I won't go too far into it, except to say that it deals with symbolism and goes beyond the typical conspiracy theory of that event, of which there are many.

I may get back to writing more about my thoughts on all of this stuff, as I used to do in the Myspace days, because I am absorbing information, especially with Dr. Farrell's books, that not only corresponds to the things I am fascinated with, but which goes further (because Joe is a genius) and has advanced my thinking, getting me past dead-end barriers that had resulted in a stagnancy in subjects I'd been working on when I used to write for long hours, back in the Oviatt Library days.

In the Myspace days, I wrote for several years about an event I call "What Happened In Northridge", and in my writing I went all the way, held nothing back because I needed to report a story that had happened to me, and that was mind boggling. The thing was, that it wasn't a typical alien abduction story, or any type of dime-a-dozen government conspiracy story. It was (and is) a story that is very specific, and unlike any other of what one might call, for want of a better term, "paranormal" story.

It was so unlike any other story, that a person needed a whole new perspective to try and wrap his brain around it. So, thank God I discovered Dr. Farrell's books, and other literature such as the different books on 9/11 that I've read over the years.

I will say that it's been tough, in a sense, because what happened to me (and other people, too), has not only never been told, but it has never even been mentioned. What happened in September 1989 has never been acknowledged, so far as I am aware, by anyone but me.

And I understand why, because it is too weird, and too scary for most folks who may have a slight, and very foggy memory of it. My memories are more developed, because it has been much of my life's work since 1994. And though it is a humongous and mindblowing story, and therefor troubling because it causes folks to question notions of memory, and time, and trust in institutions like the government, it is nevertheless a story that needs to be explored.

Back in the Myspace days, I was so filled with the story - because I'd been living with it for over a decade - that I had to let it out, and it came out in a flood, over a two or three year period. The end result was a book called "What Happened In Northridge", and that book has remained unfinished since I stopped working on it in 2008.

I am not setting out to finish it currently, because it would be more of an undertaking than I have time for right now, and also - I don't know the ending. Because no one has ever acknowledged nor talked about it, I still don't know exactly what happened in Northridge in 1989.

And that part is okay. I used to have a great urgency, a need, to know What Happened. Back then I needed to know immediately, if not sooner.

But in the years since, I have followed along, and great blessings have been placed in my path, such as Dr. Farrell's books, and I am gaining a great understanding of how the world really works, and who the people are who perpetrate events like 9/11 or What Happened In Northridge. Indeed, it would be shocking if I said that one event led to the other, but in truth I believe it to be so. You would really have had to have lived with it and researched it for as long as I have to understand that attestment, but I will stand by it. I believe that what happened here in 1989 led, ultimately, to 9/11.

Because it's the same folks running both shows.

At any rate, what I want to do is to start writing again, not necessarily about 1989 specifically, or any other topic including 9/11. In other words, I will not relentlessly focus on one thing. But I do think I wanna open things up, and start to write in the way I did in the Myspace days, if only so that I can muse on all the mind-expanding info I am gaining from reading Dr. Joe's books, and the works of a few others.

Something has got to be done with all this information. :) I don't have a lot of regrets in my life, but I would have one gigantic regret if, at 119 years of age, I looked back and thought I hadn't done all I could do to research and write about this situation.

So, it won't come all at once. There might even be days or weeks when I don't write about all the Weird Stuff I have alluded to. Writing about Weird Stuff depends entirely on inspiration. When the subject was new, back in 2006, inspiration was aplenty, I was full of inspiration. The story was my fuel.

Now, the fuel comes from other sources, such as the books I am reading, but the inspirational fire burns as a more moderate flame. That can be a good thing, because moderation suggests patience. I used to want answers right now. Now, though I'd still love some answers, I am content with questions. Any new question is nowdays an inspiration for me, because I realise the size of this situation, this incredible story. New questions are enough to keep me working on the puzzle, and it is a puzzle I am not in a hurry to finish.

Just as long as I keep working on it. And so I will, here and there, like in the Myspace days.

I'll still write everything I always do, too, everyday. Meaning regular stuff. Many days, that's all I will write, due to work, energy limits, etc. But when I can, and as often as I can, I am gonna write about the Weird Stuff.

Because in this day and age, it's the only way to make sense of What's Happening.

And in the meantime, continue to live above the world, as always.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxo  :):)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Great Photo! (Golden Globes) (ideas)

Good Afternoon, my Baby,

That is an awesome picture! It looks like something from "Lord Of The Rings", wow. Obviously, that is a flyover shot, but did you actually land in Greenland? I ask because you say you fell in love with the place. I only know about military bases there, and that's all I have ever heard they have there, but maybe they have civilian airports, too? I will do some Googling to find out more about the place. But - what a shot! :)

I am just home from Pearl's, and church. Lots of singing once again. I'm ready for anything at this point, but those countermelody lines can be really hard to remember, haha.

Lots of rain all last night and this morn, but it's stopped now, so I will try to get half my walk done before heading back to Pearl's.

I hope you are enjoying your day. I'll be around, here or at Pearl's, on my usual schedule.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

6:45pm : Hey. Sweet Baby! I am just getting home, sorry I am late posting. Things are kinda hectic on Sundays because of the new schedule with choir, so now we walk The Boy, on Sunday at least, when I get there at 4:30. We were also watching the Golden Globes. I haven't seen most of this year's films, so I have some catching up to do. I was hoping that "Interstellar" would win for best score, because it really helped add to the power of that film, but the award went to "The Theory Of Everything", which I haven't seen. My sister sees everything, literally almost every movie that comes out that's not kid stuff or dumb stuff. She just got to see "Interstellar" at a screening with the director, Christopher Nolan, at a theater called The Aero in Santa Monica, where she is a volunteer.

Anyhow, I am always late on my current movies, and it always takes me til about the following Summer to catch up. I am trying to get better about going to the theater to see films, in addition to watching tons of dvds. Of the current films I've seen, I hope Michael Keaton gets a best actor award for "Birdman". Either a Golden Globe or Oscar, or both. I thought he knocked that role out of the park. And I hope Jake Gyllenhaal at least gets nominated for "Night Crawler", because that was such an original character he created.

Anyway..............movies! You know I could talk about 'em all day. Right now, I am gonna go meet my friend Dave F. for a CSUN walk. Continue enjoying your evening, and I will be back at 11:30pm as always.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight + Five : Happy Late Night, Awesome Lady. I did some Googling on Greenland, and I see that there are only 59,000 people in the entire country, and that the largest town has but 16, 000, so I see that you did not stop over on your return. I didn't think so, because I had thought it was basically uninhabited. But, an amazing landscape to see from the air, for certain.

I would love to have conversations on all of these subjects, of course, and I can only go by whatever you are able to put forth, but maybe we can figure a way to make this happen, i.e. total communication. Things will really open up then. Conversation stimulates ideas.

Me, because I am by myself a lot, and because I don't really have anyone to converse with (though I'd love to), I get almost all of my input from reading. I am almost done with "Babylon's Banksters" by Dr. Farrell, and the things you learn in this book - and in all his books - take you directly into a new way of thinking. That's my whole deal, is that I am interested in A New Path, new history, science, new human potential. Conversation brings it all together.  :)

Well, anyway, I will keep writing in this direction, just cause it's part of what I do.

I Love You, Elizabeth.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxox  :):)