Hi Elizabeth,
I am sorry to hear such horrible news. It seems we are enured to gun violence these days, especially in America, but it always makes me so mad, even though I don't comment much about it. In the case of these terrorists, I just hate these people. Maybe hate is the wrong word - though not too strong a word, because my feelings about these people are very strong - but the word "hate" implies active, constant bitterness against them, and I don't have that because I have not been directly affected by their actions. That's an honest assessment, I hope. However, I do abhor them in a vehement way. Isis, and all of these groups, should be pursued by every means possible, rooted out, and wiped off the map. That's my feeling. I have feelings about all the gun violence in America, too, as you know, but those acts are generally perpetrated by people who have a screw loose. The difference with terrorists is that they act out of ideology (idiot-ology in their case), which includes a belief system in which you cannot even satirize their prophet.
I am talking about radical Islam only. Screw 'em.
I could say a lot more, but I won't. I will say one last thing, and that is that Europe, and America too, needs to rethink it's immigration policies. Not to exclude anyone just because they are Muslim. But perhaps find more stringent methods for screening people, or allowing them into the country for any reason.
I am just glad you were not in Paris when this happened. I know it's a huge city and the victims were specifically targeted, but it still would have been a bad situation. So I am glad you are here instead of there.
Anyhow, I am home til 4:15, except for half my walk, which I will do in a while.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:50pm : Happy Late Night, my Darling. All is quiet here at Pearl's. That's a witty post by your friend Justin. He seems like an amusing person, though I know it wasn't always rosy in his band. I hope he is liking Los Angeles (and hey - it's impossible not to, if I do say so myself!).
Yeah, we were just talking about Tesla, and I am pretty sure I had never heard of him until that band came out with their first record. That's how completely eliminated from the history books he has been, which is what happens when you invent things that can change the world. A lot of people don't want the world changed, because then, they won't run the show anymore.
Just always remember that "the show" (i.e. politics, the news cycle, jobs, etc.) is not what your life is. That's why we are always able to see The World for what it is, which is The Most Amazing Place.
The World is so amazing, every day, and Life is humongous, every second. And that's because we not only see the Bigger Picture (one that dwarfs "the show"), but we also live in it.
Small minds, miniscule minds, kill people over a cartoon. That is horrible, but it is not life. It is The "News", and The News happens every day, brought to you by The People Who Don't Want The World Changed. There is not a lot you can do about those people, because they wield tremendous power and control tremendous wealth. And they induce and incite various players to keep their "show" going every day, which is why we have a 24/7 "news" cycle. Because of the manipulation of miniscule minds.
But what you can do - what you do every day - is to simply Live Your Life.
Your Life, which is enormous, and which dwarfs "the show". This does not mean you are apart from the world, or unfeeling, uncaring. It just means that you are flying so high above it, that you can see it for what it is. You can see the bigger picture.
And in seeing it, you can influence it in subtle but powerful ways, each and every day. Every day that you live your life to the fullest (and by that I mean "at your most receptive level", receptive to every last incredible detail of each day), you are spiritually defeating the bad guys, by making God stronger.
That's how you do it, just by living your life, which is infinitely incredible in so many ways, and sharing the feedback of gratitude and blessing with God, and in this way, you have all the power in The World.
Sweet Dreams, Elizabeth. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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