Hi, my Darling,
I am just settling in at Pearl's, having returned a little while ago. I just saw your post of the forest photo. Very beautiful! Those are some major league trees in that picture. I posted - and you probably saw - one of my tree pics from last year, in response to my brother's request for a photo challenge of some type, and I would have nominated you for the next one, except I am guessing it might not have been a good idea, similar to why I generally only hit the "like" button on your photos and posts, rather than commenting. But at any rate, I can nominate you right here, haha. So, I do nominate you to take a photo of anything you like, at any time in the future. It's an ongoing, permanent nomination! And, I already know the results will be excellent. :)
Not much to report today, just usual stuff, but I will be back in just a short while, at the usual time of 11:30 (or so), after I get things situated here.
I hope you had a nice day. I Love You!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:50pm : All is quiet, except for the sound of KUSC, which plays softly in the background. I have also been Youtubing "Peace In The Valley", an old gospel tune, because it is one we just started learning in choir, and it's hard because it has so many half-step (sharps & flats) changes. I am listening to the Elvis version, of course. I have a two CD album of all his gospel stuff, and it's incredible.
'Twas an ordinary day, but I did finish "Babylon's Banksters", and then began a new book called (get ready), "The Most Dangerous Book In The World : 9/11 As Mass Ritual". This book has been popping up on my Amazon recommendations for a while, because of all the Joe Farrell books I order, so I finally ordered it too, and just from starting to read it this afternoon, it is very far out.
I am indoctrinated in all of this information, which the average person would almost certainly dismiss as crazy, but then I am not the average person. I read what I read to gain perspective on life in general, and on my life specifically. I am just starting the 9/11 book, so I won't go too far into it, except to say that it deals with symbolism and goes beyond the typical conspiracy theory of that event, of which there are many.
I may get back to writing more about my thoughts on all of this stuff, as I used to do in the Myspace days, because I am absorbing information, especially with Dr. Farrell's books, that not only corresponds to the things I am fascinated with, but which goes further (because Joe is a genius) and has advanced my thinking, getting me past dead-end barriers that had resulted in a stagnancy in subjects I'd been working on when I used to write for long hours, back in the Oviatt Library days.
In the Myspace days, I wrote for several years about an event I call "What Happened In Northridge", and in my writing I went all the way, held nothing back because I needed to report a story that had happened to me, and that was mind boggling. The thing was, that it wasn't a typical alien abduction story, or any type of dime-a-dozen government conspiracy story. It was (and is) a story that is very specific, and unlike any other of what one might call, for want of a better term, "paranormal" story.
It was so unlike any other story, that a person needed a whole new perspective to try and wrap his brain around it. So, thank God I discovered Dr. Farrell's books, and other literature such as the different books on 9/11 that I've read over the years.
I will say that it's been tough, in a sense, because what happened to me (and other people, too), has not only never been told, but it has never even been mentioned. What happened in September 1989 has never been acknowledged, so far as I am aware, by anyone but me.
And I understand why, because it is too weird, and too scary for most folks who may have a slight, and very foggy memory of it. My memories are more developed, because it has been much of my life's work since 1994. And though it is a humongous and mindblowing story, and therefor troubling because it causes folks to question notions of memory, and time, and trust in institutions like the government, it is nevertheless a story that needs to be explored.
Back in the Myspace days, I was so filled with the story - because I'd been living with it for over a decade - that I had to let it out, and it came out in a flood, over a two or three year period. The end result was a book called "What Happened In Northridge", and that book has remained unfinished since I stopped working on it in 2008.
I am not setting out to finish it currently, because it would be more of an undertaking than I have time for right now, and also - I don't know the ending. Because no one has ever acknowledged nor talked about it, I still don't know exactly what happened in Northridge in 1989.
And that part is okay. I used to have a great urgency, a need, to know What Happened. Back then I needed to know immediately, if not sooner.
But in the years since, I have followed along, and great blessings have been placed in my path, such as Dr. Farrell's books, and I am gaining a great understanding of how the world really works, and who the people are who perpetrate events like 9/11 or What Happened In Northridge. Indeed, it would be shocking if I said that one event led to the other, but in truth I believe it to be so. You would really have had to have lived with it and researched it for as long as I have to understand that attestment, but I will stand by it. I believe that what happened here in 1989 led, ultimately, to 9/11.
Because it's the same folks running both shows.
At any rate, what I want to do is to start writing again, not necessarily about 1989 specifically, or any other topic including 9/11. In other words, I will not relentlessly focus on one thing. But I do think I wanna open things up, and start to write in the way I did in the Myspace days, if only so that I can muse on all the mind-expanding info I am gaining from reading Dr. Joe's books, and the works of a few others.
Something has got to be done with all this information. :) I don't have a lot of regrets in my life, but I would have one gigantic regret if, at 119 years of age, I looked back and thought I hadn't done all I could do to research and write about this situation.
So, it won't come all at once. There might even be days or weeks when I don't write about all the Weird Stuff I have alluded to. Writing about Weird Stuff depends entirely on inspiration. When the subject was new, back in 2006, inspiration was aplenty, I was full of inspiration. The story was my fuel.
Now, the fuel comes from other sources, such as the books I am reading, but the inspirational fire burns as a more moderate flame. That can be a good thing, because moderation suggests patience. I used to want answers right now. Now, though I'd still love some answers, I am content with questions. Any new question is nowdays an inspiration for me, because I realise the size of this situation, this incredible story. New questions are enough to keep me working on the puzzle, and it is a puzzle I am not in a hurry to finish.
Just as long as I keep working on it. And so I will, here and there, like in the Myspace days.
I'll still write everything I always do, too, everyday. Meaning regular stuff. Many days, that's all I will write, due to work, energy limits, etc. But when I can, and as often as I can, I am gonna write about the Weird Stuff.
Because in this day and age, it's the only way to make sense of What's Happening.
And in the meantime, continue to live above the world, as always.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxo :):)
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