Hi Elizabeth,
I am happy to see your post. I take it that it's gotta be a good message, right? It's got love in it, so it's gotta be good. And concrete, too, solid as a rock. So everything is good, then? I will guess yes, and so that's a relief. I just wanted to post this quick and then go for my walk, just to let you know I saw it, and then I will be back when I get to Pearl's. I'll try to start a little earlier, before 11:30.
I'm very glad to hear from you, and you know I Love You.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
10:15pm : I'm here at Pearl's. I just wanted to say, without dwelling on the issue, that I don't know why there was just a four day communication break, but my guess is that it had to do with the subject matter. If you want to tell me specifically what it was, you can, but of course I will not pressure you. It's the same with my desire to have direct communication like we had in 2012. We are obviously gonna need it, if we are gonna move forward at some point, but again I will not pressure you because I know you have issues from home that you've had to work around. My perspective on all of these things is the same as it's always been : we need direct contact, but I won't pressure you about it. I don't know what your situation is at home, but I still say (and will always say), get along with your Mom, because she loves you and wants the best for you. I have no idea if she knows about, or reads/has read any of these blogs (here or at Myspace), but if so, ces't la vie. My take is this : I am an honest person, I write about what I write about, I realise some of it is unusual, nobody's arm is being twisted to read, so, if anyone doesn't like what they read, don't read.
I don't mean you, of course. It's just that, over the years, I've had many people - even friends and relatives, say, "man, that is some crazy stuff you are talking about/reading/writing about". Then you try to explain why it's not crazy, but it goes right over their heads, and you realise you are wasting time defending yourself.
Here's the deal with unusual subjects (and especially highly unusual ones), in this day and age :
People have their belief systems, and their belief systems trump anything else. I don't just mean, or even necessarily mean religious beliefs, and I respect all religious beliefs (except negative ones like Satanism, obviously). By belief systems, I mean more what people believe is real, or possible. And in that respect, what you will find is that most folks have very conventional ideas of what is real, and what is possible. And so, just as an example, you could suggest that an element of the US military (or one of it's agencies) might already have anti-gravity technology, or UFOs, etc. And it doesn't matter how many books you've read on the subjects (pick any unusual subject, really), or how legitimate the authors of those books are, or how credible their evidence, if the person you are talking to is closed off to such a possibility - i.e. "there's no such thing as UFOs" - then you are wasting your time trying to convince them.
I don't do that anymore - try to convince folks. The stuff I read and write about goes way beyond simple UFO stories (and I find those fascinating, too!), but for instance, I am finishing a book which I already mentioned, called "The Most Dangerous Book In The World : 9/11 As Mass Ritual". I posted that book on FB last night, with a short comment by me. I might write a blog about it, or I might not, but I would never in a million years try to convince anyone that the information in that book is true, because my worldview and that of your average American are very different.
But the whole point I try to make is that my worldview is different because I had a unique experience.
I don't expect anyone to understand it, or believe it. But I have to talk about it, to write about it, at least sometimes. And I am inspired to write about it when I read books like "Most Dangerous Book" because that writer understands .
And so few people do. Dr. Farrell understands. And I understand.
The world, at least the behind-the-scenes part, is an exceedingly unusual and weird place. There is also a lot of unpleasant stuff that emanates from behind those curtains, corruption so vile that it would make people's heads spin. Watergate? That's nothing.
People should read the books I read last Summer, which detail how one President - LBJ - was clearly behind the assassination of another, John F. Kennedy.
It's clear, and yet you will never see it on "The News", so most folks would not believe it, because it doesn't have an "official stamp of approval". Most people, my Darling, need approval for their beliefs.
They worry what people will think if they venture forth an opinion or belief that will cause others (friends and neighbors, relatives) to look at them funny. So they stick to the conventional, even if they secretly believe that chemtrails are real. We all know that government lies to us, and we turn an ironic eye toward politicians and get on with our lives. But what would astound most people, if they were prepared to accept such truths and information, is the depth and depravity of goverment and elite deceptions.
In short, most folks have no idea what has gone on in this country, and in the world. They have no idea, because they have no interest in knowing. There is a limit to what folks will believe is real.
But my life is different, and I don't set limits. I just read information, books mostly, from intelligent and credible sources, on subjects that both interest me, and also figure into my life somehow.
It's all I can do.
It says right there on my FB "interests" : weird stuff. :)
And so there you have it, my Darling. I don't know if the subject matter caused the communication cut off, but it is what it is - a part of my life. You know I generally keep things fun, and you also know I am a happy and optimistic person by nature. It'd be the same with Stephen King, lol. He writes about the most gruesome stuff imaginable, but in real life you can bet he's just a normal, intelligent, funny guy.
Anyhow, that's enough 'splainin' for now. As for an improvement in our communication, all I can do is leave that up to you. I will never, ever say : "If you don't talk to me directly I'll stop writing". I will never do that, it's not my style, it's not a kind thing to say or do. What I will say, is that if you ever want things to move forward, even just enough so that we can have regular conversations about any and all kinds of topics, where we can really get in depth about stuff, then direct conversation is the way to go.
But until you are able to do that (or want to do that), I'm still here, as always. And as always, I'll write, and respond. It's just that I wanted to expand my writing a bit, just like I used to do on Myspace. That's really all it is. :)
I Love You and will be back in a few minutes. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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