Hi, my Darling,
I'm just getting home from picking Pearl up at her Women's Club meeting. Took Kobi to Reseda Park also. Just wanted to see how things are going, how you're doing. I'll be here til about 3:30, then I'm gonna leave a little early to stop at the store. Then back at all the usual times. :)
Thinking about you and sending warmth and love.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
10:35pm : Hey there, Nice Lady. I am guessing something is wrong, cause I haven't heard from you for two days. I thought maybe you didn't feel well, but then you'd probably still be on the computer, so all I can do is guess. Is it because of the subject matter? I haven't written about anything that weird. I mean, I've written weirder stuff in past blogs over the last couple years. All I've done here is to announce, in one blog, that I wanted to start incorporating weird stuff into my writing, and that was only because I wanted something to write about besides "I just walked the dog" and that kind of stuff every day. And the only other weird stuff I wrote was my beginning piece on missing time, from last night. Did your Mom read it or something? What's going on?
Puh-leeze tell me, Sweet Baby! I'm not a mind reader, y'know. And I'm only trying to make conversation, something that hasn't been easy to do. Well, anyway, I hope all is well. It's not easy for me, when I don't know what's going on or what the problem is, if there is a problem. Anyway, I'll be back in a little while, to write more. Always remember, you can tell me anything, even if you're sick of me, think I'm boring, etc. :)
As for me, I can only be myself; that's the only Me I know how to be.
I Love You and I'll be back in a bit. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:45pm : Still no Sweet Baby.........sigh. Whatever it is, I'm trying to communicate here on my end. 560+ blogs attest to that, writing almost every day for going on two years soon. It's not easy having no one to talk to, which is why I end up talking to myself.....
So, a bit more on the subject of Missing Time. Perhaps the most famous example, because it's been publicized as being the first case attributed to a UFO encounter, is that of Betty and Barney Hill. Briefly stated, they were driving home one night in the early 1960s, long distance across the New Hampshire countryside. Read the book "The Interrupted Journey" by John G. Fuller for the details. At any rate, it was a long trip of several hours, but one they had made before. They therefore knew how long it took, and when they got home and looked at the time, it was about two hours later than what it should have been. They remembered stopping in a diner and noting the time there, but there was not much else they could recall about their drive home, except that something felt off. Well, you'd have to read the book to get the full story, and it's mind-boggling. It requires an interest in this kind of stuff, which not everyone has.
The point is, in comparison with last night's tale of a simple case of missing time, re: the typical "lampshade wearer" on New Year's Eve, the story of Betty and Barney Hill is much more complex. Here is why.
They left the diner, and all was well. But at some point, along the New Hampshire highway, in the mountains, they had an encounter. And when they had that encounter, they were well aware of what was happening. They were still living in real time.
This is all revealed through Barney's regressive hypnosis, which takes place about a year or so later.
So they leave the diner, and they know what is happening during their encounter......
But by the time they get home, all they know is that they have arrived two hours later than they should have. That, and they remember leaving the diner, a couple hundred miles back. That is their last memory. But - and it's really weird how it works - they were living their encounter in real time. There was no "loss of time", and therefore memory, during the encounter. It was only afterward, when they got home and looked at the clock, that they knew for a fact something was wrong. They'd had a feeling, at some point after the encounter (which they experienced in real time), that something was unusual. They felt this unease as they drove along, after their encounter.
And when they got home, they confirmed their unease, because it was two hours later than it should have been. It wasn't until Barney broke out in a very unusual rash within a day or two, that they knew something very bad had happened. Also, there were strange marks in the paint on their car.
There were many things that you'd have to read the book to discover.
The point is, that this example of missing time - an extreme one to be sure - indicates that there can be fluctuations within the phenomenon.
What we perceive as Time, normally experienced in linear fashion, can be altered. That perception can be stretched, rebounded upon itself, confused, and then erased altogether. This is different from the more common experience of the New Year's Eve lampshade man. In his case, there has been no outside influence on his perception of time (and it is important to remember that time is a perception, however normally it usually runs). With lampshade man, he has caused his own blackout (his own missing time), and he has had no overlap of remembrance and erasure. He wakes up the next morning, feels terrible, knows he acted goofy, and a friend fills him in on the details. End of story, his "missing time" is restored.
But in the case of Betty and Barney Hill, they do have an overlap. Because they lived their encounter in real time, sober and hyper-aware, because of fear.
You would therefore think that when the encounter was over, that they would drive away fully aware of what had just happened, and perhaps go straight to a police station.
If you substitute Betty and Barney's encounter with, say, a robbery, that is exactly what they would have done. And, they would still have experienced the robbery in real time, just like the "encounter". They would have had a similar degree of awareness, alertness and fear. The difference is that, with a robbery, they would have not experienced any missing time.
In their case, they not only did experience missing time, but it seemed to fluctuate, to overlap, to fold back on itself.
In a robbery, there is generally no missing time. For the lampshade man, there is, but it is simple, and easily cleared up. But for Betty and Barney Hill, their experience of missing time was complex, because they could remember being at the diner........then they saw the clock as they got home.....and knew immediately that the unease they'd felt was justified because they were two hours late.
Their missing time had occured while they were awake, and sober. And, in the back of their minds, they knew what had just happened to them. They just were not able to access the memory of the event, even though it had happened only a couple of hours before.
In the case of the lampshade man, he cannot remember - though he knows something happened - however a friend clears it up for him.
With Betty and Barney, their drive home is "interrupted", and further down the highway, they are slightly aware that it has been interrupted. But only slightly. Their memory of leaving the diner, however, is crystal clear. And the sight of their clock at home confirms their suspicion that they just had a strange experience in real time.
But for the life of them, they don't know what it is. And yet, they do .
Such is the nature of a complex case of Missing Time. In Betty and Barney's case, they had no "sympathetic friend", as had the New Year's Eve lampshade man, to tell them what happened. They only had each other, but both were missing the same amount of time. In their case, it took Barney's regressive hypnosis to bring out the truth of their experience.
Such is the nature of what we perceive as time. Without tampering, either self-inflicted from substances, etc., or from a malevolent "outside source", time tends to run along smoothly in a "forward" line.
Still, every day, we take time backwards and forwards in our minds, through memory (of the past) and speculation (of the future). So, it is clear that time, for us, is most definitely a perception, and not something tangible.
And perception can be tampered with, and changed, as any magician knows.
I will write more about missing time, perhaps tomorrow. Don't "miss" it!
Sweet Baby, you know I love you. I hope you are there......
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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