Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Hi, my Baby,

Happy Midnight! (not quite evening, but not Late Night, either). I saw your posts earlier, and it looks like you are happy to be back home. That's from the Nothing More post. It also mentions working on new ideas, so maybe you meant that, too. On your FB profile, I see a comment from your friend about a poem. I'd love to read it, too, if you ever wanna post it, unless it's personal.

Yeah, I wanna start working on stuff, too. It has been a bit of an adjustment with my new schedule, but if there's one thing I am good at, it's time management. I have gotta admit, I am really loving the singing in choir, and I want to get better and better at it. Anything that opens up a new creative avenue, I am all for. That's why I've tried a little bit of everything over the years, from painting, to writing, to photography and videography, to playing music, and now to singing in choir.

But, I've never wanted to be a Jack Of All Trades. I've only wanted to focus on one or two things at a time. With me, it's always been hard finding like-minded people, because of my ideas about things. This year, I want to do more photography, and also more writing. Anyhow, I will be interested to see what you are working on.

Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.

I Love You, Elizabeth.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)  

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