Friday, January 30, 2015

Connected! (Sweet Dreams)

Oh my goodness, Sweet Baby,

It was like pulling teeth, but I am finally back online at Pearl's. I was on the phone just now for a solid hour with ATT tech support, and the young lady ran though combination after combination of passwords and member IDs, she had me manually reconfigure the modem twice, and finally she had me reset the modem and keyed in - from her end - a temporary password to try to get me into the system. My brain, what's left of it, lol, is too fried to remember exactly what it was that worked - possibly the modem reset, but thank goodness something finally worked, and now I am connected once again.

The tech support girl said it was the most difficult one she's ever done.

I had a feeling there was gonna be some difficulty, when I tried every possible variation of the member ID/password combo that Helen gave me - and none of them worked. But, I had no idea it would be that tough.

Maybe I should do some Primal Scream therapy.......   :)

Had it still not worked, I probably would have, haha.

But it is working, and not only that, but she got me connected to wi-fi, too. There were some numbers on the side of the modem that I had to enter to do that. Anyhow, I am back online at Pearl's.

This afternoon I watched a particularly grim and gruesome WW2 film called "Fury", with Brad Pitt. It was really good, though extremely grim and gruesome (brutal, too), so I am in need of a bit of a breather after all the days events.  :)

I will go for my walk in a little while, or maybe just half of it. I hope your day has been good. Tonight I can check back in later on, so I will do that when I get back to Pearl's. Enjoy the rest of your evening. I'll be here til 9:45, minus half my walk.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

(back in a bit)

12:25am : Happy Super Late Night, my Darling. Pearl & Kobi were up late tonight, so it took longer for me to get situated. I was able to finish my book earlier this eve, the one I posted on FB a week or so ago : "The Hunt For Zero Point" by Nick Cook. It's considered a classic in the alternative science realm and it's really an amazing story that details the author's search for anti-gravity technology that may have entered the development phase back in WW2 with the Nazis. Hidden technology is a major fascination of mine ("no, really? You're kidding, right Ad"?)  :), and I have been interested in the UFO phenomenon since I was little. But the idea of Zero Point energy is a true mindblower - the theory that space is not a vacuum but is filled with frequencies - waves - that, if tapped into like a radio receiver, could power the Earth.

What makes the book such a heavyweight tome, besides the incredible story, is the fact that Cook is no lightweight, and no mere dillitante conspiracy theorist, but is a staff writer for Jane's magazine, the top publication of the British Aerospace industry.

I'm on a technology quest myself, and so I seek out such books, and by now, I've read a great many, and have gotten quite an education in the process, into what is called the Black World of the defense industry.

I am against national secret keeping, though I understand there are circumstances which require secrecy. But, if the American people knew - and comprehended (big difference from just knowing) - the extent to which Nazis were involved in all of the futuristic postwar technology, much of which we have come to take for granted, and if they understood the collusion that took place between the US and Nazi Germany at the end of the war, it would make people's heads spin. America has a lot of secrets.

But it's also the greatest country on Earth, because it has a lot of people who believe in freedom and truth, as well.

That's all I know for tonight, Sweet Baby. Sweet Dreams, if you are not already dreaming them.

I Love You and will see you in the morn.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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