Midnight : Hi again, Sweet Baby. I add this second post because the first one was too long already. I kind of said everything I wanted to say in that one, at least for tonight. It's funny, but writing takes a lot of energy, because thought takes a lot of energy. Conscious, intelligent, participatory thought, that is. By participatory, I mean actually being aware and involved in your own thought processes, and I know you are. But there are many distractions in life to knock people out of a conscious awareness of their own thoughts. Developing your thoughts and ideas, by working them through, will help you develop insight in life.
You already have a ton of insight as a highly intelligent young person. That is your raw material, and it is abundant. But continue to refine it, to develop it. Every day, never stop.
Always remember that a large part of life takes place in the psychic realm, in the place where thoughts run constantly, in an uninterrupted stream, and are evaluated by all sorts of rapid-fire emotional fluctuations. Thought and emotion. How do they influence each other? They constantly interact. Are they perhaps related to Spirit and Soul?
I believe those are two very real and yet very separate entities. My Spirit may be the "lighter" version of the physical me, perhaps my thought process, my conciousness. I don't know, of course, but it's just a guess. My Spirit may be the Experience part of me, the part that sometimes jumps or flies in my dreams (which are rarely clearly remembered, they are more like a subliminal residue, existing vaguely during the day).
But your Soul is the Big Thing. Your emotions are extensions of your Soul, and emotions are Feel.
Touch. Tangibility, sensitivity. Love, the greatest emotion, and certainly the greatest part of God.
Your Soul houses all of these things. So your Soul is like a garage in which you park your Spirit.
Your Spirit exists within your human body, it is perhaps the electric part of you, your thoughts, your movement, your perceptions. It is the part that sometimes leaves you, during dreamtime. When that happens, it is on a tether, and then it comes back into your body when you awaken. That's when you know you had a really neat dream.
But your Soul is something else altogether. I am not at all clear on what it is, except for your seat, your anchor in the Universe. Your Soul is, of course, the Immortal You, where your Heart - which is Love - dwells.
Love, and remembrance, perhaps of lives past.
That's why you have notions of things, what we've talked about as glimpses. Those are things that are stored in your Soul, from time beyond, that you half-remember. Your Soul is your Permanent House, existing on The Other Side, where Love comes from.
In this human life, your Spirit visits your Soul all the time. And you, or should I say You, experience all of these connections and meetings in your neverending psychic process of interacting thoughts and feelings.
So, work with your Spirit and your Soul, and always continue to refine your awareness of this interaction.
Stay psychic, in other words. Think, feel, analyse and repeat. :)
Sweet Dreams, my Darling. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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