Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Aliso Today (sweet dreams)

Hi, my Darling,

I am home from Pearl's, checking the pictures I took at Aliso Canyon this afternoon. I didn't get too many good ones, but a couple are okay. I discovered a new feature on my little cam, called "film grain". It works only on b&w, and it's supposed to make the pic look more like a film shot. I generally don't like gimmicks, but I thought I'd give it a try, just for fun. It does add grain, for sure, and maybe even a bit much, like what used to happen when you developed your own film and the chemicals were too hot. Then you'd get super grainy negatives. Sometimes, you could do it on purpose for a neat effect. Anyway, I posted a few pics on FB. I know the one of the bug is blurry, but it's kinda cool that way, I think. Makes the bug look extra creepy. :)

I had a nice hike, and of course Aliso is not strenuous, but I did do three miles so I get a break with a short walk tonight.

I hope you are having a nice day. I will check for any posts you've made. Hope your video is coming along well, too. I am gonna hang out for a while, til at least 8:30 (maybe more) and then finish up my mileage for the day. I will be back later at Pearl's, too.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight : Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby. All is quiet in the house except for KUSC on low volume here in the kitchen. They just played the famous waltz from "The Sleeping Beauty" by Tchaikovsky, one of the greatest melodies ever, I think. "Sleeping Beauty" is appropriate now, as well, so I will send the melody along with sweet dreams, to you. I hope you had a great day.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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