Sweet Baby! ,
Tons of great photos! My goodness. They were just waiting around to be posted, I guess. :) I am still checking them out, and will continue in just a bit as I am just on a short break at the moment. Gotta run to the store real quick, and then I'll be back at Pearl's at 4:30. But I just wanted to check in to tell you how great those photographs look!
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Back in a little bit.
11pm : Hi my Darling, and Happy Late Night. I am actually writing from my house, as I am home tonight. I am off until Sunday morning, but it won't be an actual sleep-in because I will be back at Pearl's tomorrow morning for another trip to The Huntington Library. Pearl was given a one year membership pass for her birthday last year, hence the repeat trips. Plus, it's just plain an awesome place. Pearl's daughter is down for the weekend and was gonna take Pearl there for Mother's Day, and then she wanted to know if me and Vickie wanted to come along, too. Vickie wound up canceling at the last minute yesterday, but I am still gonna go along. We're gonna leave at about 10am and I should be home by about 4 or 5pm. This time I'll remember to bring my camera, too.
And speaking of which - the topic of the day has gotta be your pictures. Those are really great, Elizabeth. One thing I wanna know, though : in the picture of the airplane, were you taking a flying lesson? Or maybe it's a friend's plane and you were gonna fly it for a bit, once it was in the air? My friend Dennis used to do that with a pilot friend of his. The pilot would take the plane (a Cessna) up and land it, but while it was up there, he'd let Dennis fly it a little bit. I went up with them one time and it was a lot of fun. But did you do that, or did you fly it all the way, i.e. take off and land it, too?
Whatever the case, I bet it was an amazing experience! I am impressed and I think it's beyond cool! That is an interesting looking plane, too. Very small, almost like an experimental craft or a "kit" craft.
Totally cool, and now you can add pilot to your resume! :)
I just think the whole thing is great : your pictures, your art school experience, your extra trip to Germany, France, Austria, etc. I am glad you got to see Prague, too! And Ireland. And on top of that, you got to fly a plane, too. You had the trip of a lifetime, and you will always remember it, and your pictures will keep those memories alive always. They are all so good, and I'm glad you finally posted them!
Post some on your professional site, too, if you haven't already (I'll check to see if you have). :)
You now have quite a portfolio, and what a great period you are in right now. All you've gotta do is just keep doing what you're doing, as I always say. That, and be in the moment, so that you can enjoy all the details of each experience.
I hope your music video is coming along well, too.
I will post this now, just because I want to reiterate how good your pictures are. I will be up for a little while, til about 1am or so, so I will check back in after a little while just to wish you sweet dreams and add anything else I can think of.
Today is a good day. I Love You, Elizabeth! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
1am : I am about to head off into the land of Sweet Dreams, so I will wish you the same. See you in the morning, Artistic Lady. Sleep well. xoxoxoxoxo :):)
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