Hi, my Darling,
Happy Sunday evening. Wow, that is quite an image of the teddy bear. Poor guy! At least his sacrifice was in the name of art. :) You are probably working on the finished product right now, I imagine. I have always been interested in the formula and/or shortcuts one uses to synch the music to the video, for instance, in music videos there is almost always other imagery used besides band footage, thus cutaways are used. What is the easy way to keep the music synched when the next shot of the singer comes up?
There's gotta be a formula, right?
At any rate, keep up the good work. I can't wait to see it!
We had a good day in choir, good singing all around. Our practice was real short, though, because some group of people had rented the chapel for an event and we had to clear out. Aww, shucks : I like the practices.
Well, there's always my car......... :)
I am gonna hang out for a while, then do my walk later, maybe at 8:30 or so. Enjoy the rest of your evening. I will write more later tonight.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:20am : Happy Super Duper Late Night, my Baby. I am later than usual cause it took a while to get everybody situated. Hopefully all will now remain quiet on the Western Front. Not much to report from the evening, just my usual schedule of reading-listening and my walk. I am reading another 9/11 book by Webster Griffin Tarpley. It's a mindblower, of course.
Listening to the new album by Peter Hammill, weird and fantastic all in one. He is a guy who has maintained a high level of creativity well into his 60s, which is pretty amazing considering he began with Van Der Graaf Generator in 1969 and made so many amazing albums with them. He is one of my favorite singers and musicians in general.
You are probably asleep already, so you may already be dreaming Sweet Dreams, but if not, I wish them for you.
I Love You and will see you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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