Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday Evening Love

Hi my Darling,

I'm just getting home from Pearl's. Hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day Weekend. I figure you are probably with friends or relatives, or maybe even on a road trip. I know sometimes in the past you guys (you, bro & Mom) have gone on a short trip to the lake or to a park. Anyhow, that's why I didn't post until now, and I had nothing to report yesterday.

This afternoon, I did watch a great movie from 1937, "In Old Chicago", starring Tyrone Power (who may have been the handsomest man in Hollywood history, lol). It was the story of the O'Leary family and their lives in Chicago politics, in the years leading up to the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The special effects are pretty amazing for 1937, especially the fire, which looks like the real deal, and which was done two years before the burning of Atlanta in "Gone With The Wind". "In Old Chicago" is probably one of the first disaster films and was really well done, including the script which dealt with crooked politics of the era.

Other than that, just workin' as always. Still Winter in Los Angeles, haha. Stupid overcast, it just won't leave!

Have a blast, whatever you're doing for the weekend. I'll be on usual schedule, and back later tonight.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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