Saturday, May 2, 2015

Out Of The Park (sweet dreams, hope your shoot went well)

Hi Elizabeth,

I just wanted to send you some good energy and all my best wishes for your video shoot this evening. It's already a foregone conclusion that you will knock it out of the park! I like the teddy bear in your photo. He looks like a good actor; he's got presence. :)

I will be looking forward to see the finished product, as always, and as I said before I am interested in the location you're gonna use as you say you've used it before. I can think of one thing, but I'm gonna keep it to myself just to see if I'm right.

You can probably guess which place I'm thinking of.  :)

Well, my sister didn't come over, and I've been hanging around most of the afternoon, so I am gonna go do some quick shopping now, before I head back to Pearl's. I will check back in this evening. If you get a chance, post later on to report on how the shoot went.

Go get 'em, Artist!

See you in a bit. I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight: I hope your shoot went well. I suppose it's even possible that you are still working on it, or just finishing up. One thing I know about shoots of any kind, once they are under way, a director and crew will put in many hours just to get as much as possible out of each session, especially if it is a one day thing.

I hope you got the desired results, though, and I'll bet you did!

That's all I know for tonight. Tomorrow is church and choir, and I am looking forward to singing in the morning. I will see you then.

I Love You, Elizabeth.

Sweet Dreams.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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