Good Afternoon, Sweet Baby,
I am back from Pearl's, having taken a trip to Corriganville while she was at her Women's Club meeting. It was drizzling pretty steadily, so I didn't get to take a ton of photos, but I got a few flower shots. I love that place, and there was no one there but me. It was also fun because I had just watched the Robin Hood movie last weekend (did I mention that? The classic one from 1938 with Errol Flynn and Olivia deHavilland), and they shot some of the Sherwood Forest scenes there, so it was neat to imagine them making the movie so long ago. They also shot a Robin Hood tv series there in the 1950s, among many other things.
I hope you are having a nice day. I saw your Sweet Baby post this morning and I loved it! You are my Sweet Baby and I love you. :):)
I am gonna have something to eat and then get ready to head back to Pearl's in a bit, but I just wanted to say hi and wish you a nice evening. I will be back later, or course, and will be on usual schedule all day. No more movies at CSUN until Fall, so I'll be mostly at home, except for my walk.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Midnight : Happy Late Night, my Darling. I am sitting in Pearl's kitchen with the heater on again, listening to KUSC. Man, you'd think it was Winter if there wasn't a calendar on the wall. Blustery and cold today, drizzly too, and then tonight : whammo! Starting at about 7:30, the rain came down as hard as I can ever remember, accompanied by very loud thunder. It was almost a little spooky, just because it is one week from Memorial Day, and we only ever get weather like this in December - February, and even then rarely. But as I may have said yesterday (I can never remember what I've already said anymore, lol) I would bet a nickle that they (or should I say They) are messing with the weather, because of our drought. I've never in all my life seen weather like this in mid-May.
None of which is a complaint, especially to a Wisconsonite who deals with the ultimate in weather extremes. No, in my case, I am only describing the strangeness factor, and it was strange to hear both the torrential downpour and the apocalyptic thunder on a May evening in the Valley.
Corriganville was nice today, though. Very peaceful there. I've lately only been getting typical "flowery scenery" shots on my hikes, and I always debate whether I should post 'em, but I figure I've gotta post something. They aren't bad shots (I hope!), but last Summer, when I was getting all of my Sunshine Ghost pictures, I kind of set a style and I hoped to stay in that style..........but it's not always possible unless all the components are in place, and the main component for the more subliminal pictures is heat.
Heat, heat, heat. That seems to bring out the Sunshine Ghosts. And believe me, you can feel 'em when they're there. That type of photography is what I strive for, and I can pretty much feel if it's gonna be there or not, on any given day. Summer will be best for it, if indeed we get a true Summer this year. Fingers crossed!
Until then, a few flower photos can't hurt. :)
I hope you had a nice evening. It is late, so I will post and wish you Sweet Dreams, and then I will see you in the morn.
I Love You, Elizabeth. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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