Good Morning, Elizabeth,
I just wanted to say that it's a good day and remind you and everyone that all is well. I hope it is for you guys, too. I was up late, so I am just getting started. I may head out to Santa Susana a little later on (2 or 3), but for now I'll be here. Still gotta do the oil change, too, but I may postpone that for another day.
That's all for the moment. Have an awesome day, we all deserve it! That goes for everybody.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back later but home for now)
3:20pm : Hi, my Baby. I saw the photo you posted, and it is beautiful - my kind of place! It's our kind of place, the kind of place we will visit to see a beautiful sunset.
I hope all is going well. Just hanging out for the time being. I Love You!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
P.S. I forgot to say that I saw your earlier post, too - Humans Of New York. I think I understand, but all is well. As long as things are good for you (and everyone else), I am happy. :)
Midnight : Good Evening, my Girl. Sorry I am writing so late, but I got caught up in reading "Mr. Mercedes". Always hard to put a Stephen King book down. Also, I've said before and it's so true - I am a night person who reverts to his natural wake-and-sleep cycle as soon as I get a few days off. Work hours are work hours, but if it was up to my body, I'd stay awake until about 2am and get up about 9:30 or 10. :)
Earlier this evening I watched a great Western from 1948, called "Yellow Sky". It starred Gregory Peck, Anne Baxter, Richard Widmark and a lot of great character actors from that era. It was shot in b&w, and the extraordinary cinematography was done by a guy named Joe MacDonald. I don't know if I already mentioned a location here in California called the Alabama Hills (located 200 miles north of the Valley), but I have seen a couple movies recently that were shot there. Incredible rock formations, which I love, lol. And, I love black and white. Not for everything, but in certain situations it distills the image, allows the mind to focus on the image rather than the color. Black & White is pure light and shadow. The "color" is the grey scale.
I didn't do much today, just kinda got my bearings back. We got thrown for a little bit of a loop there. I am going to have to sort of follow your lead in the immediate future because I don't know what's happening at your end. I speculated that your folks could have read Myspace at the beginning of all this, so maybe they have this Blogger link, too, I don't know. Reading the blog, if they (or anyone for that matter) had the link, would not be spying because I posted it at FB when Myspace went under.
Anyhow, all that stuff aside, I have always written from the heart, and openly. I started way back in 1999, on a site called Delphi (now defunct), and my attitude then was "Please Read"! I wanted everyone and anyone to read what I was writing because I wanted information about 1989. Then I went to Myspace in 2006 and wrote extensively about that situation. I wrote the material for a book, though it would have to be edited down.
There are things that happen in this world that people cannot fathom, if they either do not experience such things for themselves, or if they have no interest in such subjects and therefore do not study them.
Not alien abduction or anything that seems connected to a New Age crowd - joiners - people who are seeking something.
I wrote all those years about something specific. A specific event, or series of events that comprised one very big event.
Elizabeth, you are an intelligent woman, and so I tell you this : many people, most people, almost all people, do not understand what really goes on in the world, where the gears are located, who shifts those gears.
In America, we have a system of education, in which people are systematically educated. In this system, a person of intelligence and ability can rise to a high level in a chosen field, but even if that field is a rarified area of science, or business, or whatever the case may be, that person will be highly educated in that field, but they will still have no idea what is really going on in the world unless they make a lifetime study of what is really going on in the world.
Not what the news says is going on. That is a symptom, an "end result". For example, all the fighting in Israel, in Palestine - for decades now - is an "end result", of long term policies and secrets that only few know the truth of. And yet, the "news" presents it as "something that is now going on". "There is fighting".
Yes - but why? That is something we are not told, or if we are, we are given surface level information from the "news". Ditto our educational system.
What is really going on is hidden, to all except those who are willing, or feel the need to, make a study of it.
I have had no choice to make such a study myself, after what happened in 1989. It's why people think I'm weird, lol.
When we hear about Gaza, and Ukraine, and missing airplanes, and all the crazy stuff going on, we wonder, "doesn't anyone have the answers"? Of course there are people who do. They just don't want to disclose those answers, or the information about what caused the problem in the first place, to the public.
And that is because "the public", to them, is just "the public".
And the public mostly just goes with the flow and does not ask questions. Or if they do ask questions, they ask them from the perspective of the system : their education in that system, and the news system from which they receive their daily "information".
Blue collar people are too busy trying to make ends meet, and also they may not have the level of comprehension necessary to understand such affairs, even if they understand the general "gist" that the powerful are largely corrupted.
Then there are the "educated", those who have been through the system. They are the career people, and they work hard and help the country to prosper financially and structurally. But the mistake with the educated is that they are certain they know "what is happening".
They are up on all the politics, financial matters, social matters. They follow "what is going on".
But the only way they know to "follow what is going on" is through a system : the American system of education (which begins at kindergarten and extends through Phd.), that conditions them to follow that system for all of their informational needs, throughout their lifetime.
And so many people, educated or otherwise, depend on a system for reassurance.
They lose the ability to think for themselves, or more importantly, they lose the confidence to think for themselves.
And it doesn't matter if you are educated at the highest level, with a phd., or if you are a simple blue collar worker, or even if you are illiterate; once you give up your autonomy, and begin to rely on a system for your "life information", you have reduced yourself to part of an equilibrium, or an equivalency - a lowest common denominator.
That is because there is an elite in this world, and to them, it doesn't matter if you are Phd or blue collar illiterate. If you don't know what is going on, you are just part of the general public.
Now, that is fine, because as I have written, and as I believe, most people just want to live their lives. They want to be good at whatever they do, and they want to provide for their families, and they trust in this country to provide those opportunities for them. People are not generally caught up in class warfare or politics, or even news.
But then there are some people - just a few - who have little choice. That is because some of us have been given a glimpse - through no wish of our own - of what is really going on behind the scenes.
What is going on behind the scenes involves a true knowledge of history, which probably few know, and which the entire human race has a right to find out. It involves technology, and not just the "public consumption" technology of NASA and modern science.
True knowledge involves Things Hidden, because that is what has happened, things have been hidden from the general public, from Phd's and workers alike. Human beings lived mostly agriculturally until about 300 years ago. 150 years ago is when things really began to step up, and since that time, all kinds of discoveries have been made that have been hidden from the public. Phd's think they are "in the know" because they've been to university, and blue collars jab at conspiracy theories or just go with the flow, but meanwhile, the things that have been hidden remain hidden.
And that is because there has been, over the centuries, a very concerted effort to ensure that these secrets of world history, and archaeology, and science, remain hidden.
That way, only a few will have such knowledge, and therefore only a few will truly control things.
And that describes America, and the developed world, for much of the last three centuries, and especially the last 150 years.
The problem, in this "information age" we are currently living in, is that many people who have been through The System, and are therefore "highly educated", believe they know what is going on as a result of that. And they do know what is going on, at "ground level". At a level that allows them to live their lives.
But the problem with education through the system is that it causes people to form "opinions" about any given subject, though these opinions come from surface level knowledge, transferred through the American system.
The "opinions" everyone has nowdays are what is causing so many problems in this Age Of Too Much Information. Everyone is an expert on everything, and it has all caused an overload.
I have looked for alternatives - alternative sources of information - to help me understand the things that have happened in my life. I have also written bluntly and frankly about those experiences. I have learned a lot in my studies, though I would not expect that anyone would understand such things automatically, without an open mind at the very least, or a lengthy study at best.
What I believe would do the American public a service, however, is if everyone would stop relying on the system of "education" as a be-all and end-all of truth. What it actually is, is a system of facilitation.
It makes people adept at a task or knowledge of a specific area that is productive to daily society.
But it does not give them any knowledge of what is going on behind the system itself. In that way, everyone within the system is dictated to by the system.
The problem is that some believe the educational system has given them all the answers, and therefore, they feel they know best what is good for others, and for society as a whole. And when that happens, a sense of certainty results. Certainty about matters in the world, like politics, religious matters, etc. Arrogance can result from that.
And that is why we have such a divided world, and why so many people are fighting, and suspicious of one another. It's because of a system that gives us the ability to function in the world, from blue collar all the way up to phd, but never tells us what the world really is, or how it got to be this way.
Conventional history, and the news, pretend we are stumbling along for the answers, but in truth, there are some - an elite - who already have them. And they have a system to keep everyone else, the general public, from ever wondering what those answers are.
That's all I know for tonight.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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