Good Morning my Angel,
I am just getting to Pearl's, and she is still asleep so I have a chance to say hi. I just now saw your post and I love it. Yep, hopefully it will be a Trail Tuesday, and I say "hopefully" because we are still waiting on that doggone kitchen man to install the faucet and finish the job. It shouldn't take long, though, once he does get here (assuming he ever does, haha), and so I should have a chance to get out there to one park or another, even if it's a little later in the afternoon.
I sure am glad to hear from you. That makes it a wonderful day already! :)
I Love You So Much, and I will check in again when I know more about what's going on with the kitchen.
I wish you a wonderful day as well, my Baby.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:20pm : Okay, Sweet Baby, it will be a Trail Tuesday after all (and I just now saw your Ian Atkins trail picture, so that will be me in a few minutes). The kitchen guy finally called and he is coming late this afternoon, so it's perfect timing all around. Not sure where I am gonna go yet, but I guess I'll find out when I get there.
I also saw your Humans Of New York post, about the Congo, and because it's a different kind of post of you (although I know you agree with the sentiments in that man's message and I do, too), I think maybe you meant that post for me, and there are some bits and sentences of text that seem to stand out. I will look at it again when I get back, and write more later, perhaps this evening, but if anything is wrong, we will fix it.
I Love You, that's one thing I know for sure! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(off I go, back in a bit, 2:30ish or so)
5:50pm : Hey, my Baby, I am writing again from Pearl's. Tonight I am gonna be here a little bit later, because - get this - the kitchen guy is finally coming, but he's coming between 6 and 7pm. I don't think it'll take him too long to put the faucet in, once he gets here, but I might not be home until 8 or so. I'll check in when I get home. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
8:15 : Hi again. I am finally home, and..........the kitchen guy once again did not show up. Lol, I know. It is now an Official Fiasco. We are supposed to have a 90th birthday party for Pearl on Saturday, with 17 people, and at this rate we may or may not have a kitchen sink to use. Thank God for paper plates! :)
Well, my Darling, at any rate I am home and it was basically a good day. I had a very nice hike in East Canyon, which, as I said on FB (in a photo caption), is right down the road from Towsley Canyon, where I went a couple weeks ago. I didn't take a ton of photos today, cause my battery was low and also I was new to the place, but I got a couple good ones. I hope your day was good, too.
About the Humans Of New York post from this morning, when I look at it, I see that if you take out all the references to food, the rest of the text could easily have been meant as a message to me, from you. The only thing is that I don't know exactly what kind of message, so I don't wanna speculate too much. If you want to clarify it for me, that will help. I could make a few general guesses as to the meaning, but I don't want to go into any big analysis, considering all that I've written in recent weeks. Anyway, here are a few general guesses.....
The first sentence that draws my attention is "it is not good for people to see us like this". Does that mean the post was about your Mom or your folks? I have no idea, of course, but I have been hoping that you haven't gotten into any trouble over the whole hacking issue and everything that I wrote about it. I mean, I am sorry for even mentioning it again, but I don't know if your Mom ever read any of my blogs. If she did, I suppose she could have read everything I wrote about the hacking, and maybe you took a lot of flak for that, for being the one who pointed it out to me, even if it was inadvertent. I hope I am wrong about that, about you being in trouble with your Mom. All I wanna do is drop the whole issue, and I would hope that whoever hacked me would want to drop it as well. After all, it is not me who is in the wrong there. But just to drop that subject and move on, that is my only guess about that first sentence in the Humans Of New York post : "it is not good for people to see us like this". The thing is, there isn't much more we can do. I mean, we already avoid talking directly.
If anybody besides you reads this, all I would say is that I'm a good person, and to really find that out, the best way would be for anyone to e-mail or call me. My numbers are readily available and I would be happy to talk about anything anyone would care to talk about. I can understand a parent being upset about the age difference, and also that I'm "on the Internet". But as far as that aspect goes, I think I've been corresponding with you long enough now for you, and Mom or anyone else, to get a pretty good idea of who I am and what kind of person I am. In other words, at this point, no one has to worry that I'm just the proverbial "some guy on the Internet". As for the age difference, I've said a bunch of times that I can't help the year I was born. We're both adults, and you were an adult when I met you. But the bottom line is that I've always tried to be a gentleman, and would (and will) always be a gentleman as far as Elizabeth (you) are concerned. The last thing I am is a creep, and a parent could ask anyone who knows me. Ironically, I truly believe that if your Mom ever did talk to me, or meet me, she'd probably end up liking me. But because I understand the concern over the age difference, and the Internet thing (even though I've known you for two and a half years now), I would just say, to your Mom or anyone else who has read anything I've written : "All you have to do is write or email or call, and I'd be glad to talk to you, and also to listen to you".
So that's the end of story about that first sentence in the Humans Of New York post.
The second thing that draws my attention is a similar sentence: "It is not good for us to see ourselves like this", and one that follows : "It gives us no dignity".
If those sentences are meant for me, as part of a message, all I can say is I agree. I haven't really minded using this form of communication, at least up until recently, because I have realised that your folks may not approve of me and you, and you hinted as much back in early 2013. So I have always figured, "well, I wish we could talk directly, but because you are living at home we will continue to do it this way, with symbolism. I didn't want you to get in any trouble because of me. I also know it's not easy to have your own place to live in this day and age, with expenses and life the way it is. That's why I wrote several times over the past 18 months that I put no timetable on returning to direct communication. I figured the symbolic way was working, and that it was keeping the peace for you at home, and that you would decide when it was best for you to contact me directly again. But then came the issues of recent weeks, and things got thrown for a loop, as I've said.
So that's all I really wanna speculate on for now, unless you want to clarify any further what the problem is, if there is a problem.
For my part, I apologize to you about my recent diatribes and whining/complaining about Johan, and even my long blogs about the hacking, though in that case I have to defend myself and say that it was understandable that I was upset.
But about Johan, I apologize. It was a combination of simply not knowing what the deal was between the two of you, and also not being able to ask you directly about it. You are a very beautiful girl, and very popular, and that is not always a great combination, and here I am gonna sound just like your Mom, lol : it's not always a great combination because there are a lot of guys out there who are jerks, or worse, or who only have one-track minds. I have already written a lot about how the Johan situation seemed hidden or secretive to me, because his FB is privatized and I could not see what was going on. So naturally, it made me worried and jealous. I just ask you to please put yourself in my shoes for that, and theoretically reverse the situation. Wouldn't you have felt the same as I did?
Well, at any rate, I am not upset about Johan anymore, and I've already stated that too.
So it's all good from my perspective, but those are my two general guesses about the Humans Of New York post. Is it about some issue with your Mom? Or was it a statement about the troubles of late, and all my writing and complaining about it all? Those are the only two guesses I can make for the moment. And I agree that we should not have to hide this way. "It gives us no dignity" as the man said.
I mean, everybody knows about us anyway, right? I mean, your folks know. And at least a couple of your friends seem to know, Tina for one. Ideally, we can get all this stuff worked out and talked about and out in the open.
For now, just let me know if I got the Humans Of New York message wrong. Or if you want to clarify it, that's good too. Or even if you don't. I just want you to have nice, happy and positive days heading into your trip to Italy. So any way I can help to make that happen, just let me know. :)
I want you to have a wonderful experience, and I know you will.
I am getting a late start tonight, so I will finish up the day's mileage at 10pm or so. I already did about 3 miles on my hike, so only a couple more to go.
I Love You, Elizabeth. I will check in later at the usual time.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:45pm : Just to say goodnight and wish you Sweet Dreams. Something I know from experience is that things tend to work out for the best as long as you aren't adversarial toward people and. as long as you believe in yourself and what you want your life to be. It's funny because inside, I can feel the 17 year old me, the 21 year old me, the 29 year old me, etc., and they're all me, talking to me all the time. That's another thing you've gotta do, especially as an artist expressing yourself, is to listen to your various selves, from various times in your life. The idea of a number, as far as age goes, is kind of absurd from the standpoint of self. Oh, we use it to measure everyone, and it's all we've got as a reference point. To use the title of the new Mastodon album : "Once more around the Sun (we go)". We measure our so called age by how many times we've gone around the Sun while riding on the Earth. And that's okay, because it's all we've got to measure by, and we humans love to measure.
But to the self, the inner person in question, the idea that he or she is a certain age, and is therefore identified by that, is kind of ridiculous. Because as I say, the years go by, but you are still hearing your 7 year old self, your 35 year old self, your 19 year old self, and every moment of your self in between.
You are all of it, all of that time , and it is constantly adjusting itself. Your time frame of reference changes, according to moods and memories. And according to your inner voice. Always listen to it, and take note of your memories, your special moments and good things. Own those things.
They are your tools as an artist and a human being. Own your Inner Child as well.
Normally, I can't stand New Age terms, lol, but that is a good one.
That's all I know for tonight, Sweet Baby. I Love You and things are gonna be fine. I will see you in the morning.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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