Sunday, August 31, 2014

Gonna Keep An Eye On The Mailbox (first day of school?)

Hi, my Darling,

I know it's late, but just in case you are awake, I wanted to tell you that I just now bought your record! Johan put up the Vaskula CDs for sale, which is what I wanted (just cause I'm old school, haha). Gotta have my music on a CD. But anyway, now you have been added to my collection. :)

I am figuring that you must be in the middle of travelling or maybe even have limited Internet access. I would have no idea how it works over there. Or maybe it's the same in Europe, too, I dunno.

I hope you are having a great weekend. All is normal and usual here, took Kobi to CSUN, etc. Super hot outside. Looking for new trails and weird places for Hundred Degree Hikes.......

That's all for now. I will write more later, at the usual time, tomorrow morning for you.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:40pm : Good Morning, my Baby! I am thinking that it must be a school day for you because Labor Day doesn't apply in Europe. In fact, maybe today is your first day of school. Are you still in Germany? I saw your Taya Iv post this afternoon, and since it was about photography, I am guessing you've been working on a project for school.

Not a lot to report here, but I look forward to finding something new to photograph in the next day or two.

Post when you get a chance. I Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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