Good Evening, Sweet Baby,
While you are in Europe, I will refer to your time of day when I write. :) Are you still in Marburg? I hope you are having a nice time, and you may be out and about right now. Is Marburg in Bavaria? That's where Dad was a lot of the time when he was there. I will Google it.
Just a quick note for now, cause I am still at Pearl's and have to take her to the hair salon in a few minutes. I had a blast yesterday at the old refinery. It was creepy/scary on Tuesday, the first day I went, but yesterday it was creepy/fun! Just had to get used to the vibe, then I was good to go, lol. Now I've gotta find more stuff like it. Much Googling will be necessary; I'm running out of trails/open spaces/weird places. But there's gotta be more!
Well, that is all for now. Enjoy the German evening, and I will write more later on.
I Love You, Elizabeth! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:40pm : Good Morning, my Darling! Pretty cool, you get two days in one blog now, haha. I hope you are having fun and seeing many sights. Especially some castles! That's what I would love - all the medieval stuff.
We began our sixth year (omg) of the CSUN Cinematheque this evening, with a film by Powell & Pressburger called "Contraband". It was the kind of film that could only have been made in the 40s, very stylised and stylish - people are always dressed to the nines in films of that era. Great B & W cinematography, a Hitchcockian plot involving wartime espionage, and starring the great Conrad Veidt of "Casablanca" and "Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari" fame. This is the first retrospective where we don't have to read subtitles, though I am used to them, but it's nice to be able to focus on the whole screen instead of darting your eyes. And, I really love the Englishness of films from that era, so I am really looking forward to this series.
That's all the news for now. 'Twas super hot today, just a day to get regular stuff done. I stopped at Best Buy and got the new Opeth, which after a single listen sounds pretty fantastic.
Have an amazing day, my girl, and I will see you again in the late afternoon.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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