Good Morning, my Beautiful Angel,
I am glad to see your posts this morning! I take it that all is well, then, except I also saw the Hannah post, and though it's probably none of my business, if she has lost her Dad then I am very sorry to hear that. I do remember that I made a comment, to you right here on Blogger, about a photo of her and her Dad that you posted a long time ago. In it, she was just a toddler (I think), but he was holding her and he had her all decked out in cool sunglasses, and the picture made an impression enough on me to remark on it. It was one of your posts representing a "my Baby" message, and it was really cool. Anyway, I am sorry to hear the news.
I guess all is well, more or less, at your house? I hope so. I may be going to a concert this evening. Back in May, I had bought a ticket for this date to see Hilary Hahn, who was gonna play the Hollywood Bowl tonight. But about two weeks ago, they sent out emails from the LA Philharmonic, saying that she would not be playing the concert, due to an injury. It seems she has an inflamed muscle, probably from playing all the time, so she is not playing any shows for six weeks, including tonight. The policy of the LA Philharmonic is that when you buy a ticket, you are buying for the concert itself, not simply for the guest performer. So, no refund. They have replaced her with a young lady I am not familiar with, and I'm sure it'll be a good concert anyway, so I will probably still go, I'm just not 100% sure yet. It's either that or just eat the ticket.
Also, Shakespeare By The Sea is performing again tonight, in another park located very close to Los Encinos where we went last night. Man, I'd love to go to that, "A Midsummernight's Dream".
Doggone it when two things happen at once. (Yeah, I know : "some problem, right Ad").
Well, anyway, for right now I am just gonna hang out, read my Stephen King book, and I may head back to Santa Susana in the early afternoon. I will decide all of it once I get going.
Elizabeth, if you look at the Sophie Miller photo you posted earlier this morning, there is a comment right under the beautiful picture of mountains, sky, and sunflowers. It's the first comment I can see, right under the picture.
I agree with that comment!
I sure do love you so, so much, my Darling. Thank you for loving me.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(I will write more before I go anywhere later on.....)
4:50pm : Okay, Sweet Baby, I decided to go to the concert. I paid for the ticket so I might as well use it. I also decided to skip Santa Susana today and try to get to Hollywood a little early instead, maybe to take a few pictures at the Hollywood and Highland area of town, just for fun and something a little different. That corner is where they have the Kodak Theater, or whatever it's called now, where they do the Academy Awards. That's right where the subway lets out. It's a major tourist intersection, and kinda fun. So, I am gonna leave here in a few minutes, at 5:30, and if I can get down there by 7pm, that'll give me about a half hour to walk around that area. Then, I'll walk up Highland about a half mile to the Bowl and go to the concert, which starts at 8.
I am guessing it'll run to about 10pm, then I'll walk back to the subway, get off at North Hollywood station in the Valley, and it's about a half hour drive back to Northridge from there. I should be home no later than Midnight. Late, I know, but I will write anyway.
I Love You, my Darling, and only wish you were coming with me. But I will do what I've been doing for the past two years at concerts : I will think of you and imagine you there.
I will see you when I get back, if by chance you are awake.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Midnight : Hi, my Darling, I'm back. I actually got home at 11:20, made great time on the trip back from North Hollywood after I got off the subway. You are probably asleep, but if you are still awake perchance, I posted a few photos on FB just now, just for fun. Many tourists down there in the Summer. The concert was really good, with a violinist named Alina Pogostkina who was quite good as well. The LA Phil also played an hour long Mahler symphony. It's a trip to watch a full orchestra play through so many musical themes, with all the dynamic changes, and do it seamlessly. All in all, a fun night down in Hollywood, and an easy trip there and back. I am gonna get situated here, eat something real quick, and then I will check back in one final time before I turn in for the night. Don't stay up, though, just on my account. Sleep if you are tired.
The important thing is that I am back home and I Love You!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
1:10pm : It is late for me, super late for you. I see your two posts from earlier this eve. The Discover Wisconsin photo is gorgeous. I would love to discover Wisconsin. When I look at the landscape up there, everything looks so..........what is the word I am looking for?
I am not sure how to describe it, but it would have to do with the lakes and the Ice Age from whence they came. Your landscape looks carved, scupted. Serene and cool. Deep, because of the water.
I would love to discover it! And we will discuss that possibility one day soon, when we are talking openly once again. :)
I also saw your "like" of Brian's password related post. I don't know if that has anything to do, or is a reference to, the situation that has taken place this week, but I am aware that there are computer programs that can figure out and steal just about anything.
I have heard about "computer gangs" in Eastern Europe and Russia who run all kinds of programs to try and steal stuff from people, credit card numbers, bank accounts, etc.
First of all : what a bunch of A-Holes.
Secondly : what a bunch of losers.
Can you imagine, sitting there all day, doing something like that? It's like being a bug and having the brain of a bug, buzzing away, hypercalculating, looking to steal some paltry sum, some useless information, because the banks protect all this stuff.
Can you imagine the life of a person who would sit there all day as their programs run, trying to scam somebody, or peep into their life?
It's a sorry way to be. I will say no more because I have already said a lot, but I just mention it because you posted Brian's post and I don't know if it has to do with me, and my passwords, and the possibility that my computer was hacked as we talked about earlier this week.
My point is this : if a person is determined to hack me, go ahead. There would be little I could do to stop such a person because I know nothing about computers, except how to use the Internet.
If a person wanted to steal my passwords, knock yourself out.
But isn't that pathetic? Aren't all these people who sit there and run their little programs on their computers kind of lame? I think so.
I mean, if you are gonna be in a robbery gang - be a dirty rotten criminal - do it big time, like the guys who did The Great Train Robbery. Don't sit behind a stupid laptop, running a silly little program to steal passwords in the hope of getting a few bucks, or spying on a person to see if they are The Devil or not.
Do something worthwhile.
With me, what people should know - must know if they are gonna waste their time - is that I couldn't care less. I don't live and die by the computer age. I don't have gadgets, I don't give a hoot about gadgets. I don't know how all of these things work, and I could not care less.
I'd rather do something that I find interesting, and I have a myriad of things that fit the bill.
Electronic gadgets, in this era of trickery-by-arrogance, is not something that interests me.
A lot of people seem not only interested in such stuff, but hooked. Gadgets are the new addiction. Electronic trickery is the new high.
I am glad, and blessed, that it's not a part of my life.
Anyway, my Baby, that's all I know for tonight. I don't know if that post had anything to do with me, but those are my thoughts. I basically have no power to keep a computer wizard at bay, but if anything like my bank account was ever intruded upon, I know the link to the FBI. I only mention it to be on the safe side.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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