Good Evening, my Darling,
I am just getting home from Pearl's birthday party. It was a great success, with 17 people, tons of food, and lots of nice cards and presents for Pearl. Kobedoggie was all dressed up in a colorful ornamented collar that made him look like a Court Jester, which he kind of is anyway. A great time was had by all, and I brought home enough leftovers to keep me busy for a few days. :)
So, are you up in the air? Still at home til tomorrow? I don't think you could be in Italy yet, due to the flight time, any stopovers, etc. So it's either up in the air or still at home til tomorrow. Either way I know you are having a great day, and I've been thinking of you all day and I'm still amazed and so proud of all of your recent work.
I am a little bit beached, having eaten more than usual, so I'm gonna stay in and relax for a while. Later maybe I'll go over to the Redbox while on my walk, but for now it's Chillin' Time.
I Triple Love You!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Midnight : I am listening to one of Schumann's Lieder, which is a classical music version of a song, as opposed to longer format pieces. Lieder, at least the ones I've heard, consist of piano and a vocal, very often a soprano. I enjoy 'em, and especially the Mahler Lieder with Dame Janet Baker.
I had a nice evening. My friends Ono (Pat) and Dave F. came over, Ono with dog Boo, Freedy with his daughter, and we all went for a walk down to the Orange Grove and back. Tomorrow I get to sleep in, but I will be right back at it, as on a normal day.
Girl, you may be en route, or just about to arrive in Italy, or maybe just about to depart in a few hours, but just know that I am thinking of you now, and if by chance you are already there, I hope your dreams were sweet, as you may be 9 hours ahead of me, and therefore already awake, perhaps!
You are in the heart of the Renaissance.
I Love You. And, I will see you in the morning/evening!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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