Friday, August 29, 2014

Corriganville (Good Morning)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I just saw your post of Stephane's photo, which looks pretty cool wherever he is. Everybody is out and about! I am gonna be, too. In just a minute I am gonna head over to Corriganville, one of my very favorites, just because I haven't been there in a while. I did some Googling and a few people say there are some caves there and I've never been able to find them, so I will try again today.

I am thinking of you, hope you are having a great time, and will write more tonight, which will be tomorrow morning for you. Thinking about you always, and will be especially when I am at Corriganville, because it's a Special Place from a Special Time (Fall of last year).

See you in a bit, enjoy the evening! I Love You, Elizabeth.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:35pm : Good Morning, Sweet Baby! I trust you slept well and had sweet dreams. Are you still in Germany? Maybe part of the semester is at a school in Marburg? I guess that because they say it is a University town. So, part in Marburg and part in Florence.

It was super hot here today, 100+. I did go to Corriganville anyhow, cause for some reason I can thrive in the heat. Hiked all over the place, mainly looking for caves, but found nothing other than small holes in the sides of rock faces that I've seen before. Bird houses, perhaps. I had fun though, because it's an easy hike and I know the place. I didn't take any photos this time, but I will (of course, lol) as I discover new places and as the light changes as we head into Fall. I'm still kind of blowing my mind on what a Summer this has been.

That's all I know for the moment. Tomorrow I am gonna go visit my sister Sophie out in Glendale and take her shopping, but I will check in before I go......

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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